Santino Hassell's Reviews > Trust the Focus

Trust the Focus by Megan Erickson
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This is one of the sweetest books I have read since How To Repair A Mechanical Heart by JC Lillis. Sweet and refreshing in a way that is often rare in M/M Romance.

I loved the affectionate nature of the friendship between Justin and Landry. I loved the brutal honesty between them, the love they both had for Justin's father, their history, and the bumpy ride they had on the way to finding common ground and a shared future.

This is a road trip book that gave me the itch to explore this beautiful country i live in, and a book about friends becoming lovers that reminded me why that trope will always be my favorite.
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March 22, 2015 – Shelved

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Kristie Okay, now I really want to read this.

Santino Hassell Kristie wrote: "Okay, now I really want to read this."

I hope you do :) It really made me happy. It's different than anything I've read in a while and the writing is great.

message 3: by Moni (new) - added it

Moni sounds like a reader

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