Carlos's Reviews > Hamlet

Hamlet by William Shakespeare
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The first time I read this book I was in highschool. It was an 80-page book. The story was so short and simple, so I wondered "Why so many people say this is such a complex play/book?". A couple of years later, I bought a special edition of 592 pages: Too much? No! Why not? Because the play was written in Shakespearean English, and every single word that was not in standard English was explained at the bottom of the page, it explained the context, the uses you can have from that word.
Ok, so I read that version and it was a pain in the ass. Not because it was a bad story at all, but now I truly understand people who say that Shakespeare was such a special writer, and I agree!
Well, about the story... Fascinating! I loved how Shakespeare made of Hamlet such a special character. It was very difficult for Hamlet to take action, it was like "almost, almost!"
I feel Shakespeare wanted to express himself on Hamlet. His multiple personalities during the play reminded me of Shakespeare's life a bit.
On the other hand, I really LOVED how this play ends... What a bloody and violent ending, Terrific!
Recommended? Absolutely, but a simple version, because the original might be too difficult and slow to read.
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Reading Progress

January 2, 2012 – Started Reading
January 6, 2012 – Finished Reading
May 14, 2015 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Charlotte You must have learnt a lot about Hamlet with this version. I read Hamlet twice, both in two simple versions, and I loved it too. But I have to admit I'm happy you don't recommand to read it with all the complex explanations!
Thanks for the review!

Carlos Charlotte wrote: "You must have learnt a lot about Hamlet with this version. I read Hamlet twice, both in two simple versions, and I loved it too. But I have to admit I'm happy you don't recommand to read it with al..."

Thanks to you for reading it :)

message 3: by Blaine (new)

Blaine DeSantis Great to read a review on Shakespeare

message 4: by MJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

MJ oh i need that edition sounds marvelous

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