Bradley's Reviews > Binti

Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
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bookshelves: sci-fi, 2016-shelf

I enjoyed the novella's grounding in cultural differences and the twist of a strong math "Harmonizer" tech, and while I also appreciate the fundamental message of acceptance, I had a really hard time with the message's the execution here.

Don't get me wrong, the writing was good and I loved the firm opening leading to a great horror tale set in a well-imagined SF universe, complete with a reverse fish-out-of-water twist.

It's what happened afterward that I take umbrage.

I like tales of acceptance. It is a core trope of SF, for heaven's sake.

What I don't like is a completely insane turnaround in a plot firmly rooted in terrorism and attempted mass-murder of (view spoiler)

Where is the consequence of these horrible actions? (view spoiler)


Sorry, this might have been pulled off better had it been a much longer format with a lot more than a hate-and-prejudice exhortation of death in place of a meet-cute. Perhaps an adventure a-la Enemy Mine where they have to learn, slowly, to tolerate each other. And THEN end with (view spoiler)

And don't get me started on Why Mud Cures All Ails. (view spoiler)

Other than these fairly huge issues, though, I thought the novella was charming and well-written and it might have been something quite glorious with a bit more meat and plot. I'm glad I read it. :)
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Reading Progress

September 22, 2015 – Shelved
September 22, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
March 6, 2016 – Started Reading
March 7, 2016 – Shelved as: sci-fi
March 7, 2016 – Finished Reading
December 31, 2016 – Shelved as: 2016-shelf

Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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message 1: by Trish (new)

Trish a reverse fish-out-of-water twist.

If you like that, then read I Am Legend.

Bradley I have! :) Truly classic. Matheson was a true monster of a writer. :)

message 3: by Trish (new)

Trish Yup. True dat.

carol. "other than these fairly huge issues.."
haha. you make me laugh. ;)

Bradley :)

Well, to be perfectly fair, both Binti's culture and the galactic culture was very promising and interesting in the juxtaposition, and the sudden devolvement into horror was a real treat. The captivity and the reinforcement of "You will DIE, evil SCUM," my emphasis, didn't *quite* meet the "Meet-Cute" standard, though. :)

Althea Ann It's true though. It IS charming, well-written and enjoyable. And it has huge issues. :-)

message 8: by Tom (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tom This is basically why I didn't really like this story. I don't know what kind of hippy dippy culture they have at that university, but its moral outlook runs completely contrary to everything we as westerners believe.

Shellee The idea of clay with healing powers didn't seem to outlandish to me. We've seen this concept with Superman/Kryptonite etc. How something basic on one planet or with one group can be completely alien and powerful somewhere else.

Bradley Putting aside how nuts the whole Kryptonite idea is, of course. :)

message 11: by Tom (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tom It's not *that* ridiculous, given we're talking about a near-human alien able to metabolize sunlight as an energy source. Kryptonite's radioactivity just affects his body in an adverse way compared to most other forms. When you get into all the random variations of Kryptonite is when it gets silly.

Bradley Sure, and the fact that a man can get a much tighter molecular arrangement because he bathes in yellow light. Hmmm. :)

message 13: by Tim (new)

Tim What a lovely review. :) I can see your enthusiasm dripping off the screen, if you understand what I'm trying to say/write. ;-)

Bradley I do indeed. :)

Lurath This review echos my thoughts on the book as well!

message 17: by Kat (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kat Heatherington spot on. if this had been a full-length novel with really solid character development of (for starters) Mokwu and the other nonhumans, and a good solid dive into the culture of the University, and detailed exploration of every important theme that each of the 3 novellas lightly skim over, THEN they would be genuinely brilliant. instead they are merely fast, interesting-enough-but-problematic reads that basically target a YA audience.

Bradley ; ; yep. ; ;

Rebecca I had the exact issue about the sudden turnaround from "You terrorists all killed my friends," to "Let's be buddies." If you are willing to stick with it, the subsequent volumes add more complexity to the situation (SPOILER: I just finished #2, and Binti develops PTSD).

Bradley Right? And I think that's why I kinda stopped after #2. I may revisit, but it's kinda low priority now. ; ;

Jaime Fv This review sums up my thoughts exactly, every pro and con :)

Gerhard Perceptive review. I have read the next instalment, and many of your points are addressed. Looking forward to #3.

Dennis Not enough plot for me. And that first two spoiler tags? That was a huge issue for me as well. Your review is spot on.

Bradley Sometimes I don't like to be right tho. ; ; I had some high hopes for this.

Gabriel A I'm happy to see someone else voicing this. I haven't made up my mind how I feel about it but yes-- these aliens slaughter at least 100 people and theres nothing to be said about that. Binti goes on to be "family" with one of them without ever saying "that sucks how you murdered everyone on a ship and drenched me in their blood." Maybe the author sees this as having been addressed in the back and forth between binti and the aliens when she was locked in her room.

I dont think that's enough though

message 27: by Bradley (last edited May 23, 2019 12:58PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Bradley I really don't, either. ; ;

Gabriel A I like the author, and I've followed her to her black panther comics, but I'm surprised this won as many awards as it did

message 29: by Lori (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lori I think this should have been marketed as YA. Besides's the MC's age (16) and the school theme, it's way too ham-fisted and idealistic for most adult fiction.

Bradley You're probably right, but the later tales are more adult.

Alexander Peterhans I didn't like the book, either. I'm not even sure it's written that well.. beyond the living ship and the terrorist aliens, not a lot of time is spent describing anything. It became especially glaring when they arrived at the university, where it basically became "oh and there are a lot of other aliens lol".

Regarding the stinger issue, there is an interesting point there - what if, because of cultural differences, we cannot comprehend how insanely awful it is to steal that stinger. The problem is, how do you convey that convincingly? Okorafor certainly doesn't. She whiffs it big time.

Bradley I'm just afraid the priorities are... elsewhere. Away from consistency, away from deeper significance. And I agree. It should have been *better* more than *timely*. But a lot of writing is that way. ; ;

Eileen I had exactly the same issues. I wish it had been much longer, with more character and plot development. Then, perhaps, I could have felt more satisfied after reading it. As it is, I have many complaints.

Jules Pelarski This is one of the funniest things I've ever read. Thank you for writing it.

Bradley lool

Meekilovesbooks I absolutely loved the story, it was exciting as well as entertaining.

message 37: by Savannah (new) - added it

Savannah I liked the mud bit made sci-fi; the mud is an fundamental aspect to the real Himba culture

Tyler Ingram I’m glad I’m not crazy. All I could think was “what about all the students and teachers they just slaughtered?” Perhaps it was a small sacrifice for peace, however I think there are some families of the newly deceased that will disagree. Good themes and cool cultural references other than that. I was waiting for a twist at the end where the university says psych, and kills all the meduse. Alas, a happy ending. Curious to see if the sequel covers some of these issues, but not going to dive right in just yet.

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