Tara Chevrestt's Reviews > The Bride and the Buccaneer

The Bride and the Buccaneer by Darlene Marshall
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really liked it
bookshelves: kindle, historical-fiction, pirates

I enjoyed this and was thoroughly entertained. The heroine, Sophie is a very strong independent woman. She has had a hard knock life and has learned to take care of herself by any means necessary. She's been a gambler, a highway robber, and now, she is searching for long lost pirate's treasure.

"A woman who is financially dependent on others is at their mercy."

"I am especially enjoying traveling while not being at the beck and call of demanding male person who thinks he is in control of my life because he holds the purse strings."

Anyways.. to find this treasure, she must hook up with privateer Lucky Jack. They end up getting married... and though she plans to leave him after the treasure is found, she finds herself realizing that perhaps the treasure isn't really gold at all, but love... ?

From the ship to the overgrown vegatation of Florida, the story is action packed and fun and I got a kick out of the tumultous relationship between these two.

A favorite scene of mine is when Captain Jack pirates a slaver to steal its gold and notices that one of his "sailors" is not really a sailor.. "One of the sailors was very small, ver blonde, and wore a Florentine gold ring in one ear. She had a pistol clutched in her hand and was standing guard over some sailors seated morosely on the deck.."

Yep, that's Sophia.

I also like how this author wrote a steamy romance without making the heroine a virgin. Nice change!

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Reading Progress

January 14, 2011 – Started Reading
January 14, 2011 – Shelved
January 14, 2011 – Shelved as: kindle
January 14, 2011 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
January 14, 2011 – Shelved as: pirates
January 15, 2011 –
25.0% "Not bad. I'm entertained."
January 16, 2011 –
55.0% "I didn't see this coming..."
January 16, 2011 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by joy (new) - added it

joy *the clean-reader extraordinaire* what do you mean the overgrown vegetation of florida?! how dare you insult my yard!

alrighty... how about a cleanreads rating on this one?

Tara Chevrestt Um.. Lots of sex. Lol

message 3: by joy (new) - added it

joy *the clean-reader extraordinaire* well, scratch that one off the list. maybe i'll take a machete to my overgrown shrubbery instead.

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