Alice's Reviews > Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer

Voice of Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford
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bookshelves: 2016-reading-challenge, 3-25-stars

2016 Reading Challenge
3.25 stars

I am going to put this in my reading challenge under poetry. I could also use it as Famous Person but reading books about famous people is easy. Poetry can be tougher. This isn't a poetry book but it is written in poetry form. It doesn't rhyme but it has all the elements!

I like the information about Fannie Lou Hamer. It is important to learn about these amazing people-willing to stand up for what is right! Especially during MLK Month! Honoring our Black Brothers and sisters and their rights to be equal is so important. Racisim is taught it is NOT an inherent quality.

The writing has poor grammar but that is how Fannie would have talked so it works but I mentally want to correct the grammar!
**** Read on if you dare
I really liked this book, and the information but why I can't give it a 4 or higher? It is a little heavy handed with the white race card. As a white person, I don't know about sharecropping, or slavery, or discrimination but I am a Mormon and my people haven't had it so easy either. I hate mans inhumanity to man!

So, I don't appreciate the generalization that all white people have plenty to eat and all white people have indoor bathrooms for their dogs. The Marlow's were the bad people, not because they were white but accuse they were bad people that cared more about their dog than their sharecroppers. "Whites had food clothes, everything." That is a perception of a child, that is too bad that is they way it was perceived, but my people went without shoes and walked across a wilderness for religious freedom and went hungry a lot so, don't tell me because they are white they had food!

PS Mormons were anti Slavery and part of the reason OTHER white people hated us in Missouri etc...and drove us out of our homes!

When any race thinks it is better or worse than the other we have a problem. We are all God's Children regardless of the color of our skin. As I say with the gleam in my eye..."I hate all people equality" What I mean in my snide remark is I know some really worthless White People, I also know some really great white people. I know some really worthless black people, I also know some amazing fantastic Black people. So MLK says let us be judged by the "content of our character" and not the color of our skin...I say an AMEN!
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
January 6, 2016 – Shelved
January 6, 2016 – Shelved as: 2016-reading-challenge
January 6, 2016 – Shelved as: 3-25-stars
January 6, 2016 – Finished Reading

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