Mg ♥ The Bookishmedialite's Reviews > Vein Of Love

Vein Of Love by R. Scarlett
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I have been binge-reading Paranormal Romance Books this month and I'm in awe of the authors I have met through this genre. Each one of the stories I have had the pleasure to read have been unique and special in its on way and I can't wait to read more from them.

Vein of Love was not different from them. R. Scarlett brings to life a world where demons are the devil beings we have heard about. Creatures that are not allowed to have a heart even though some of them secretly want it. A place where the consequences of falling in love are lethal.

Ages ago, The Darlings had a daughter with unnatural abilities. To protect the family from mass murder by witch hunters, they made a pact with demons for protection, the girl becoming the payment. However, she was captured and burned before the demons could collect her, leaving the Darlings with a big debt.

Demons don't forget about debts and the moment to pay has arrived. Molly Darling has been promised to the Knight Family since she was born. All of it because she possessed the "eyes". Making her an important asset to the demons, especially to Tensley Knight.

"Tensley Knight, her demon fiancé, existed. And he'd most certainly arrived."

From the moment the cover from this book was revealed, I got excited. Just look at it. It's fucking gorgeous. I had no idea what kind of mess I was getting myself into with this book but I'm glad I jumped into it, because the experience was totally worth it.

I have to admit that I struggled with the first chapters. They were slow-paced and I also got a little lost with all the demon-things. But then Molly went to bed with a knife LOL, and everything got more exciting and I just couldn't put it down.

At the age of 19 years old, Molly Darling has known how it feels like to be an outcast. With a unique pair of eyes, Molly has to wear sunglasses even at night, that's if she doesn't want to scare people. She also has to be careful with how she handle herself, she doesn't want to break some people bones when her inhuman strength hit her.

Some readers would think Molly is a little childish, but not me. I think she is a young brave girl, trying to do whatever she could to protect her family, friends and herself. Did she make stupid decisions? YAS, and I hated her for that. But at the end of the day, I understand why she did it.

Tensley Knight has that mysterious-sexy vibe on him. And I found myself hopelessly drawn to him like a moth to a flame. But that didn't stop me to want to balls punched him at some point. He was so fucking stubborn with all the Evelyn-I have no heart-thing. But then when he showed his vulnerability *swoon* I just wanted to cuddle with him. Love him. Kiss him. And other things...

"Love was a disease, a demon's greatest weakness and fault."

Together, Molly & Tensley were like a tick bomb about to explode. The small touches, the glances, the fights and THE HEALING part!!!. I was about to make a cut on my lip hoping Tensley would come to heal me!! That bad!

Here's to hoping they get to free the sexual tension in the next book. Because I'm not sure if I could handle more of it.

I have to mention that there were amazing support characters in the story. September being my favorite. She was a loyal friend and I lover her for that. I could talk about Illya, Stella, FALLEN, BEAU, fucking Cree but I would rather you read it. So you know why I hate Cree "The Prick".

For a debut novel, R. Scarlet did a great job delivering a unique, action-packed tale with deadly threats, an enthralling set up and a delicious slow burn romance that will have you screaming "MARK HER, JUST FUCKING MARK HER". Or maybe that was just me.

*It ends with a cliffy, not a bad one, but a cliffy anyway. You have been warned* And sorry for the long review but I got excited.

*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review*
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Reading Progress

June 26, 2016 – Shelved
June 26, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
August 13, 2016 – Started Reading
August 13, 2016 –
22.0% "Oh well, this is getting better."
August 13, 2016 –
50.0% "Tensley, your dad is an asstard."
August 14, 2016 –
72.0% "ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid stupid stupid."
August 14, 2016 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by R. (new) - rated it 5 stars

R. Scarlett AHHHHH! :)

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