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Meags's Reviews > Dark & Dazzling

Dark & Dazzling by Elizabeth Varlet
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really liked it
bookshelves: mm, buddy-read-with-r, hurt-comfort, law-enforcers, mm-faves, panties-just-went-poof, romance, lgbt

4.5 Stars

I found this to be a grittier and more emotionally draining story than its predecessor Fierce & Fabulous. I felt more, which is always a good thing in my books.

Azariah (Z) is a character who pulled me into his proud and determined headspace from the beginning, and kept a tight grip on me even when he faltered and became scared, hopeless and heartbroken. I felt so much for this guy. Sorrow, anger, disbelief, heartache, respect – he demanded (and deserved) it all. To say that Z made some not-so-good choices along the way would be an understatement, but due to the great writing and overall impressive character development, I was able to not only accept his behaviour and attitude, but I was also able to understand and support his choices. His pride stopped him from seeking help when he most needed it, but like Connelly said to him in a moment of incredible support and acceptance, “no one has the right to judge you for how you choose to survive.”

Connelly was your typical white-knight character, coming in and (trying to) save the day for the damsel in distress – Don’t tell Z I referred to him as a damsel in distress, he’d probably bitch slap me. I liked Connelly. Although he interfered and wasn’t completely upfront about some things with Z, he did everything with the best intentions. He showed himself to be a truly great man, by continually offering his emotional support to Z – sometimes even past the point that Z was worthy of it.

At every turn Z fought and struggled with his feelings for Connelly, but I ultimately liked the way this story didn’t quite present as your typical M/M romance. For me, this was more about Z and his personal journey, and then the romance/love/sex aspect was just delicious icing on the cake. It may have been more angst ridden than Ansel’s story, and there may have been many a trigger moment throughout the story, but it had to be this way in order to tell Z’s story right. But never fear, he and Connelly get a sweet HEA in the end (or a HFN, at the very least) that makes it all worth it.

“I’m not sure I know what love is, but if I do, it’s because of you. I always thought that I was above it. That love was a weakness for people who needed to depend on others for their happiness. I was wrong. Love isn’t about dependence or independence. It’s about support. It’s about wanting to see someone else smile more than you want to breathe. I’d die to see your smile.”

I'm very much looking forward to reading more about these Sassy Boyz!!

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Reading Progress

July 26, 2016 – Shelved
July 26, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
July 26, 2016 – Shelved as: mm
November 8, 2016 – Started Reading
November 10, 2016 – Shelved as: buddy-read-with-r
November 10, 2016 – Shelved as: law-enforcers
November 10, 2016 – Shelved as: hurt-comfort
November 10, 2016 – Shelved as: mm-faves
November 10, 2016 – Shelved as: panties-just-went-poof
November 10, 2016 – Finished Reading
October 16, 2017 – Shelved as: romance
February 28, 2019 – Shelved as: lgbt

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Susan Not too dark? I'm scared to start this one...

Jaime It's not THAT dark, it's just not Ansel - different stories totally different moods

Susan Alright. I will just jump in and see then. :)

Jaime Enjoy! My review is up too if your curious to read another viewpoint ... but Meags and I usually read the same stuff

Meags It definitely won't be for everyone. I can't predict what you'll think, Susan. There are some moments within that people won't be able to get past. I loved it anyway.

Jennifer☠Pher☠ I decided not to read this based on Dani's thoughts. I just don't know. It makes me sad because I did enjoy the first one.

Susan Jennifer☠Pher☠ wrote: "I decided not to read this based on Dani's thoughts. I just don't know. It makes me sad because I did enjoy the first one."

That was my plan at first too, but I've decided to give it a go anyway.

Jennifer☠Pher☠ Susan wrote: "Jennifer☠Pher☠ wrote: "I decided not to read this based on Dani's thoughts. I just don't know. It makes me sad because I did enjoy the first one."

That was my plan at first too, but I've decided t..."

Keep me posted!

Meags Jennifer☠Pher☠ wrote: "I decided not to read this based on Dani's thoughts. I just don't know. It makes me sad because I did enjoy the first one."

I think you're overthinking it! If you enjoyed the first one, I doubt you'll hate this! It's grittier, sure, but it's nothing you can't handle, Jen! I'm the biggest wuss in the world and I survived just fine. :)

message 10: by Diana (new)

Diana Terrific review, Meags. I love your quotes!! xx

Meags Thanks, Diana. It's rare that I use quotes in my reviews so you just know it affected me! :)

* A Reader Obsessed * Yes great review with great quotes!!

Jennifer☠Pher☠ Meags wrote: "Jennifer☠Pher☠ wrote: "I decided not to read this based on Dani's thoughts. I just don't know. It makes me sad because I did enjoy the first one."

I think you're overthinking it! If you enjoyed th..."

Oh boy!!! Now I need to rethink this.

Meags R * A Reader Obsessed * wrote: "Yes great review with great quotes!!"

Thanks, R! I'm eager to see what you have to say in your own review! :)

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