*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time's Reviews > The Weight of It All

The Weight of It All by N.R. Walker
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3.75 Stars!

This is probably one of my more likable NR Walker reads. Travis and Charlie still remain my favorite couple, but this was a good read.

I liked the humor. A lot.

But Henry was almost too much. Almost. His lack of self-esteem and constant negative thoughts and comments hovered right there on the edge of being annoying. But I get it. I get why he was like that.

Reed was a great character. Almost too great. He was pretty perfect. I would have liked his POV at times.

I loved Henry and Reed's interactions together though. And I loved seeing Henry gain more confidence.

And then of course there was the lack of steam. While the build up and chemistry was good I would have liked more of Henry and Reed together as a couple.

Still, highly recommend this one.
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Reading Progress

September 13, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
September 13, 2016 – Shelved
September 13, 2016 – Shelved as: male-action
September 16, 2016 – Started Reading
September 17, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog) Wonderful review, J! ❤

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Great review, friend! I wish NR did more steam too. I've been flip flopping on reading this one, but I don't think I'll be in any rush.

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog) wrote: "Wonderful review, J! ❤"

Thanks Angela!

✦❋Arianna✦❋ Great review, J! ;)

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Mirjana ***Let's Sound It Out - - - Mary-On-A*** wrote: "Great review, friend! I wish NR did more steam too. I've been flip flopping on reading this one, but I don't think I'll be in any rush."

It was actually one of her better reads. But yeah, not sure why she's teetered off on the steam. I mean Red Dirt had some great steam. And several of her older ones. :) Thanks friend! Are you loving Ian and Miro as much as I am????

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Arianna wrote: "Great review, J! ;)"

Thanks friend!

message 7: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Kyle Fab review J-Babe !! :D

message 8: by Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** (last edited Sep 19, 2016 07:37PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** J *deep in the heart of Texas* wrote: "Mirjana ***Let's Sound It Out - - - Mary-On-A*** wrote: "Great review, friend! I wish NR did more steam too. I've been flip flopping on reading this one, but I don't think I'll be in any rush."


Sometimes the steam isn't just for gratification (although it does satisfy the smut slut in me), but sometimes it really helps grow and show the connection between the MC's more, ya know?

Yes, I'm so loving Ian and Miro!! I'm about 60% in. How far are you? If I didn't have to actually be an adult yesterday, I don't think I would have put the book down.

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Jennifer wrote: "Fab review J-Babe !! :D"

Thanks Jenn-babe!

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Mirjana ***Let's Sound It Out - - - Mary-On-A*** wrote: "J *deep in the heart of Texas* wrote: "Mirjana ***Let's Sound It Out - - - Mary-On-A*** wrote: "Great review, friend! I wish NR did more steam too. I've been flip flopping on reading this one, but ..."

About the same - 67%. Hoping to finish it up tonight! I definitely haven't wanted to put it down either!

message 11: by Jan (new)

Jan Terrific review, J! x

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Jan wrote: "Terrific review, J! x"

Thanks Jan!

message 13: by Aisling Zena (new)

Aisling Zena Great review J! :)

message 14: by *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time (last edited Sep 20, 2016 03:20PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Aisling Zena wrote: "Great review J! :)"

Thanks friend!

message 15: by Mo (new)

Mo Nice review, JAnne.

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Mo wrote: "Nice review, JAnne."

Thanks Mo!

Jln Great review, J! I feel bad, but Henry was too much for me. His whining reminded me of my hubs when he has a cold. haha. Hard to top Travis and Charlie! :)

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Jeanne wrote: "Great review, J! I feel bad, but Henry was too much for me. His whining reminded me of my hubs when he has a cold. haha. Hard to top Travis and Charlie! :)"

Yeah he almost got there for me. But not quite! :) Definitely hard to beat Travis and Charlie....sorry it wasn't better for you friend!

message 19: by Moon (new) - rated it 3 stars

Moon I know I'm late to the party, but wonderful review!

And then of course there was the lack of steam. While the build up and chemistry was good I would have liked more of Henry and Reed together as a couple.

Agreed. For the majority of the book, I felt like Henry and Reed were just good friends. It would have been nice to have more show and less tell with this one, but hey, that's just me.

*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time Thanks Moon! I agree with you!

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