GimmeAllTheWerdssss's Reviews > Lucas

Lucas by Jay McLean
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Overall I found the book to be ok. Both characters were likable I just wish they could have gotten their crap together sooner and that Laney would have opened up quicker. Granted, I understand her reasons and I can't say that I would do much different in her situation.

It was nice to finally read about a Hero who was celibate since being with the heroine even though they weren't together. I also don't blame Laney for moving on with Cooper. She waiting a long time for Lucas and just when she thought they could be together for real he made a mistake. Yes, it was only a mistake but I do understand how it made Laney feel and as they are in high school her actions were understandable. I wish they would have talked it out instead of letting it build BUT Lucas did hurt her.

Their immaturity played a roll in the events through out the book but when it was time to step up to the plate they both did. Lucas proved himself to Laney and I do think that they have an HEA.
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Finished Reading
October 30, 2016 – Shelved
October 30, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
November 1, 2016 – Shelved as: just-ok

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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 Leo (Queen of the Rants and Spoilers) Great review!! Can you tell the mistake that he made? Please.

message 2: by GimmeAllTheWerdssss (last edited Nov 01, 2016 08:15PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

GimmeAllTheWerdssss (view spoiler)

 Leo (Queen of the Rants and Spoilers) I would feel the same way the heroine felt. Yeah this one is definitely not for me. Thank you.

GimmeAllTheWerdssss Lucas was young so it's kinda understandable but I def side with Laney. She moved on and it was good to see the heroine do that for once. The good thing is that Lucas recognized his mistake. He had other opportunities to mess up afterwards but managed to keep his head on strait. Had he screwed up would have ruined the book and his character for me.

message 5: by Rejane (new) - added it

Rejane She moved on with om, but it was a big part of the book? Like, we see her dating this om for many pages? What's is the om role exactly? I don't like to read a book where one of mcs has op.

GimmeAllTheWerdssss @Rejane then I would recommend you avoid this book. Lucas is with OW constantly while spouting how much he loves Laney. It was a detriment to his character. Basically whiles he's out screwing around and dating OW she's celibate and waiting for him then when she's finally had enough he pulls his head from his ass and she moves on to OM.

GimmeAllTheWerdssss I'm pretty sure I would mark this as "Never Ginna Read" if I were to look at this now...back when I read this I accepted a lot more from my Heros. Now I'm a picky bitch who would have throat punched the Hero in a minute!

message 8: by Rejane (new) - added it

Rejane Thank you Reading. I dug a little and found out about the mcs' op. This isn't romance imo. And I also found out she dated this om for big part of the story and that he even "abused" her. I already shelved it as BO WAY JOSE. LOL. But ty for replying. I really dislike when mcs only get together in the end. This isn't romance. It should be categorized as something else.

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