Sarah's Reviews > Crossover

Crossover by Joel Shepherd
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's review

it was amazing

I almost feel like this book needs a movie style lead - HIGH OCTANE THRILL RIDE!!! Why hasn't this been made into a movie? It would be fantastic!

Cassandra Kresnov is an Artificial Person who was created by the League to be a virtually indestructible soldier. But in Cassandra's case they actually made her sentient and human enough that she had a crisis of conscience and went AWOL. After a year spent on another planet she heads to Tanusha to find the perfect job and perfect life. Unfortunately some bad things happen and she doesn't get the peace and quite she deserves.

I, for one, am thankful for that fact. It would be infinitely more boring to read that book. The really great thing about this book is that it combines some epic action scenes with a really excellent story. I very highly recommend this book. I've ordered the next two, which appear to have been lost by the post office, and I will be reading them as soon as the post office finds them and gets them to me. This is not to be missed.

Edit: It's been over a month since I read this and I keep going back to it as pretty much the perfect book. Upping to 5 stars.
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Reading Progress

December 29, 2016 – Started Reading
December 29, 2016 – Shelved
December 30, 2016 –
page 146
31.95% "This is really good."
January 13, 2017 –
page 377
January 14, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Allison (new)

Allison Hurd Whoa what happened!

Sarah An attempted presidential assassination complete with explosions and gunfights! I actually really like the MC.

message 3: by Allison (new)

Allison Hurd Is this a "definitely giving it at least a star" star?

message 4: by Amanda (new)

Amanda That went downhill quick! :(

Sarah I'm actually loving it. Everyone is suspicious of her because she's an artificial person but now that she's saved the president they're having to work with her and learn to trust her.

Even though she could kill like 20 people in .29 seconds.

I already ordered the next two books :)

message 6: by Nathan (new)

Nathan Did you mean to one star this? Based on the comments, I'm confused.

Sarah How the hell did it get rated?! I was wondering what Alison was talking about!

message 8: by Allison (new)

Allison Hurd Haha! I was confused, too! I thought maybe you had some sort of rubric and you rated as you went, which seemed complicated, but I was willing to see how it worked. XD

Sarah I still have no idea how that happened! I did the status update from my phone and it doesn't offer the rating option from there.

That would be kind of funny to start everything at 2 or 3 stars and then add and delete stars for certain events. Time consuming, though.

message 10: by Allison (new)

Allison Hurd Added, now that I know that you didn't go from love to DNF in 150 pages.

Sarah That would have to be even worse than the books I want to torch when I finish! I wonder if anything could actually get me to do that? I've gone from a tentative 3 stars to DNF in one sentence (Altered Carbon - the dog rape thing I mentioned in the controversial thread). But that was after enduring 91% of hearing about what his penis was doing every time he saw a beautiful woman, so it was a very tentative 3 stars.

Bruce Awesome! I'm glad you liked it.

Sarah It was fantastic! I keep looking back at it as one of the best books I've read so far this year. I decided it needed to be bumped from 4 to 5 stars. I'm really glad you nominated this.

message 14: by Justine (new) - added it

Justine Oh this is one of the ones Lindsay recommended to me for my list bingo square. Maybe I should try it:)

Sarah It's really really fun! It was action packed and had characters that I got really attached to.

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