Malene's Reviews > Throne of Truth

Throne of Truth by Pepper Winters
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: dnf, dark

DNF @ 62%

I'm throwing in the towel. I can't continue any more which is making me sad because I never DNF. I somewhat enjoyed the first book. Yes, I struggled with Crown of Lies but the story picked up. With Throne of Truth it just keeps dragging on and on. Whenever something is about to happen it gets derailed constantly with stupid excuses just to further the story. I was bored and I also early on figured out who Nameless was. Now I only needed to know Penn's backstory and then it was too late. I wasn't committed to the story or its characters. I know it's fiction but certain things like the criminal law justice and how a chief police captain can cheat the system was too far fetched and ridiculous.
I've enjoyed other books by Pepper Winters. I love the Indebted and Monsters in The Dark series and this little hiccup won't stop me from reading her books.
Don't let my review keep you from the duet. Throne of Truths just wasn't my cuppa.
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Reading Progress

January 20, 2017 – Shelved
January 20, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
March 5, 2017 – Started Reading
March 5, 2017 –
11.0% "I already have my own guesses as to who Nameless is. It's pretty obvious but I love a good surprise;)"
March 5, 2017 –
34.0% "Okay. I'm laughing because this is so predictable. I hope it picks up because I'm bored"
March 5, 2017 – Shelved as: dnf
March 5, 2017 – Finished Reading
July 10, 2019 – Shelved as: dark
April 25, 2023 – Shelved as: dnf

Comments Showing 1-30 of 30 (30 new)

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Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Aww!!
Sorry this didn't work for you!
I hope your next read is much better!

Malene Patty Belongs To Kellan~Jesse~Lautner~Miller~Garrett~Dean~Rafe~Liam~Prince Nicholas~Gianluca & Archer wrote: "Aww!!
Sorry this didn't work for you!
I hope your next read is much better!

Thanks, hon. I hope so too. They can't all be winners:)

TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover Sorry this didn't work out love!

Malene TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover wrote: "Sorry this didn't work out love!"

Thanks babe. It was just too much of everything. On to the next one:)

message 5: by KAS (new)

KAS Aw, sorry about that, Malene :(

Malene KAS wrote: "Aw, sorry about that, Malene :("

Thanks KAS:)

message 7: by TereseDK (new)

TereseDK Awww shoot!! Sorry it didn't live up to expectations. Better luck with your next read ;-))

Malene TheresaDK wrote: "Awww shoot!! Sorry it didn't live up to expectations. Better luck with your next read ;-))"

Thanks Theresa. I've been so lucky lately with my books so this sucks. Thankfully there's plenty of books on my tbr:)

message 9: by CC (new) - rated it 4 stars

CC Sorry this one didn't work for you. I completely understand your impressions too. Better luck on your next Pepper read. ;)

Malene CC wrote: "Sorry this one didn't work for you. I completely understand your impressions too. Better luck on your next Pepper read. ;)"

Thanks my friend:)

message 11: by A. (new)

 A. Sorry you didn't like it, sweetie! Great honest review. xx

✦❋Arianna✦❋ Sorry you didn't like it, babe! :(

Malene Arianna✦❋SteamyReadsBlog❋✦ wrote: "Sorry you didn't like it, babe! :("

Anna's Ramblings ☘ ͏͏ wrote: "Sorry you didn't like it, sweetie! Great honest review. xx"

Thanks ladies:)

JewelsyGoolsy Sorry it was a bust mate! I'm seeing heaps of mixed reviews for this sequel. Think I might put this duet on hold for a while. Fab review xxx

Malene JewelsyGoolsy wrote: "Sorry it was a bust mate! I'm seeing heaps of mixed reviews for this sequel. Think I might put this duet on hold for a while. Fab review xxx"

Thanks Jewelsy. Yeah, you either love it or hate it. There was just too many things I couldn't overlook.

message 16: by Alp (new)

Alp Sorry it didn't work for you, Malene. :/

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

How bad you didn't like it!!! I was planning to read it shortly, now I'm not sure. Great honest review Malene xoxo

Kelly Great review. I'm feeling the same with this series. Barely liking it and bored. :(

Malene Alp wrote: "Sorry it didn't work for you, Malene. :/"

Thanks Alp:)

Malene Lua wrote: "How bad you didn't like it!!! I was planning to read it shortly, now I'm not sure. Great honest review Malene xoxo"

Thanks Lua. I've seen so many positive reviews on GR so you should definitely read it.

Malene Kelly wrote: "Great review. I'm feeling the same with this series. Barely liking it and bored. :("

Thanks Kelly. I just couldn't care about the story or its characters. I enjoy this author but this was just meh:(

message 22: by Danielle (new)

Danielle Bummer. I hope your next is better, Malene!

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

Malene_D *Bad&DirtyBooks* wrote: "Lua wrote: "How bad you didn't like it!!! I was planning to read it shortly, now I'm not sure. Great honest review Malene xoxo"

Thanks Lua. I've seen so many positive reviews on GR so you should d..."

Maybe later on. Honestly I'm struggling to finish the first book :)

Malene Danielle wrote: "Bummer. I hope your next is better, Malene!"

Thanks Danielle:)xoxo

Malene Lua wrote: "Malene_D *Bad&DirtyBooks* wrote: "Lua wrote: "How bad you didn't like it!!! I was planning to read it shortly, now I'm not sure. Great honest review Malene xoxo"

Thanks Lua. I've seen so many posi..."

I was also struggling with the first book. It just couldn't hold my interest until around 65-70% and that's almost too late.

✵Damjana✵ Great review, I agree with everything you wrote! I will finished it, but I am strugling :)

Malene Damjanas wrote: "Great review, I agree with everything you wrote! I will finished it, but I am strugling :)"

Thanks Damjanas:) This was just a disappointment. I hope you finish it:)

Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth Ouch. Sorry it was a dud, hon!

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

Oh sorry it was a miss for you...Hope you enjoy your next read huni!

Malene Ammie *Ammie's Book Obsession* wrote: "Oh sorry it was a miss for you...Hope you enjoy your next read huni!"

Astrid - ☆Vanilla & Spice Books☆ wrote: "Ouch. Sorry it was a dud, hon!"

Thanks ladies:) ❤

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