Matthew's Reviews > The Silent Corner

The Silent Corner by Dean Koontz
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2017, arc, own, dean-koontz, action-thriller, political-thrillers

Thanks to Bantam Books/Random house for this ARC. Also thanks to Dustin Crazy little brown owl - moderator of Koontzland - the definitive Koontz Goodreads group - for hosting the giveaway where I won this book.

Right away in the intro to the ARC, Koontz says this is not like his normal writing. I have not read all of his books yet, but of what I have read, this it a very true statement. This is not horror. This is not supernatural. There are no oddly named demons or maniacal serial killers. But, he does mention Golden Retrievers a couple of times!

I am going with 4.5 stars on this one rounding up to 5 (since GR doesn’t do the half stars). I was quite impressed with this book - it kept me interested and on the edge of my seat throughout. Also, it did a good job of both telling a whole story while also introducing what will be a new ongoing series (ARC has the into for the next book already).

I like this type of book anyway, so it was great to see this style from an author I like to read - and see it done well!

If you like espionage, government corruption, technological terrorism, and edge of your seat action sequences where you aren't sure how our heroine is going to succeed - this is the book for you. Even if you aren't a Koontz fan, I think you will like this.

Only two shades of Koontz stuck out to me. The first was the occasional (and, in my opinion, unnecessary) use of large vocabulary words to describe simple things - words that probably the most academic person wouldn't even use in conversation. He does this all the time in his books! The second is, of course, the aforementioned Golden Retrievers.
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Reading Progress

March 7, 2017 – Shelved
March 7, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
April 23, 2017 – Started Reading
April 23, 2017 – Shelved as: 2017
April 23, 2017 – Shelved as: arc
April 23, 2017 – Shelved as: own
April 23, 2017 – Shelved as: dean-koontz
April 23, 2017 –
page 16
3.69% ""If you let the news spoil your appetite, there wouldn't be a day you could eat.""
April 25, 2017 –
page 63
14.52% "German Shepherds? I thought it was supposed to be Golden Retrievers!?"
April 26, 2017 –
page 90
20.74% "Off the grid"
April 27, 2017 –
page 115
26.5% "Shin splints"
April 28, 2017 –
page 170
39.17% ""The release from action and suffering, release from the inner and outer compulsion""
April 30, 2017 –
page 200
46.08% "Well, I did not see the online, top secret, high $ brothel coming . . ."
May 1, 2017 –
page 256
58.99% "" . . . even evil men cried out to God or their mothers and wept like children when hollow-point rounds gouged away chunks of them""
May 2, 2017 –
page 300
69.12% "Thinning the herd"
May 3, 2017 –
page 346
79.72% "Don't judge a book by its cover"
May 4, 2017 –
page 389
89.63% "NANOBOTS!"
May 6, 2017 – Shelved as: action-thriller
May 6, 2017 – Shelved as: political-thrillers
May 6, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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message 1: by Sarah (new)

Sarah I can't wait to read your review Matthew. You are the Dean Koontz authority. Seriously. I value your opinion on books I have read. Dark Matter comes to mind. =)

Matthew Sarah wrote: "I can't wait to read your review Matthew. You are the Dean Koontz authority. Seriously. I value your opinion on books I have read. Dark Matter comes to mind. =)"

Wow, thanks! Dean Koontz authority? That's a pretty strong statement . . . but, I do what I can!

message 3: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Matthew wrote: "Sarah wrote: "I can't wait to read your review Matthew. You are the Dean Koontz authority. Seriously. I value your opinion on books I have read. Dark Matter comes to mind. =)"

Wow, thanks! Dean Ko..."

You're welcome Matthew
Well, I remember reading that you wanted to read every Dean Koontz book. See, I read you're comments. Relic was another one you recommended to me. Plus your review on East of Eden couldn't have been better.

message 4: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Matthew, this sounds like it's right up my alley. Love the review.

Matthew Sarah wrote: "Matthew, this sounds like it's right up my alley. Love the review."

Thanks! It was a good surprise - I figured I would like it, but I liked it more than expected!

message 7: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Thanks! It was a good surprise - I figured I would like it, but I liked it more than expected!"

That's good, I added it to my list. I like all the things you mentioned in the review.

message 8: by Ginger (last edited May 06, 2017 02:54PM) (new)

Ginger Great review Matthew! Yeah, Koontz has to have a golden retriever or some sort of furry beast in his books. I think this might be book #10?! ;) hahaha

Matthew Dustin Crazy little brown owl wrote: "Thanks Matthew! :-)"

No, thank you! :)

Matthew Sarah wrote: "Thanks! It was a good surprise - I figured I would like it, but I liked it more than expected!"

That's good, I added it to my list. I like all the things you mentioned in the review."

Another way to describe it, is if techno-thriller era Michael Crichton wrote The Fugitive

Matthew Ginger wrote: "Great review Matthew! Yeah, Koontz has to have a golden retriever or some sort of furry beast in his books. I think this might be book #10?! ;) hahaha"

Thanks, Ginger! In this case it is just a passing reference, but he made sure it was there.

message 12: by Ginger (new)

Ginger Matthew wrote: "Thanks, Ginger! In this case it is just a passing reference, but he made sure it was there.

Oh, I'm sure he did! hahaha Too funny. :D

message 13: by DeB (new)

DeB I had a Dean Koontz phase when I was younger, but it kind of faded away... I enjoyed him but I guess other genres beckoned. This one sounds tempting though - kind of Clive Cussler? I had a short phase with him too, lol! Never was much for Stephen King..,guess I'm not a horror fancier. Love this review, Matthew and I might give it a shot!

Matthew DeB wrote: "I had a Dean Koontz phase when I was younger, but it kind of faded away... I enjoyed him but I guess other genres beckoned. This one sounds tempting though - kind of Clive Cussler? I had a short ph..."

Thanks! You should give this a shot, it is nothing like anything of his I have read before!

message 15: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike Great review, Matthew. I enjoyed Koontz's earlier books so it will be interesting to see how this one is different stylistically

Matthew Mike wrote: "Great review, Matthew. I enjoyed Koontz's earlier books so it will be interesting to see how this one is different stylistically"

Definitely don't think I would have pegged it as Koontz if I didn't know who it was ahead of time.

message 17: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Joint Fantastic review! I'm looking forward to reading this one even more now.

Matthew Sarah wrote: "Fantastic review! I'm looking forward to reading this one even more now."

Thanks! I hope you enjoy!

message 19: by Craig (new) - added it

Craig Maxwell Great review, this is one on my list for summer I think!

Matthew Craig wrote: "Great review, this is one on my list for summer I think!"

Thanks, Craig! Enjoy!

Corey Great review, I can't wait to buy this one!

message 22: by Matthew (last edited Jun 25, 2017 04:02PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Matthew Corey wrote: "Great review, I can't wait to buy this one!"

Thanks! It's worth it!

message 23: by Linda (new) - added it

Linda Wells Great review!

Matthew Linda wrote: "Great review!"

Thanks, Linda!

message 25: by Linda (new) - added it

Linda Wells Matthew wrote: "Linda wrote: "Great review!"

Thanks, Linda!"

You're very welcome! : )

Holly  B (slower pace!) Great Review Craig... I think this book is going to be a TV series! Should be awesome!

message 27: by Sean (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sean Batson I'm about halfway through and enjoying it! If you haven't read Strangers, you should. Mu all time favorite by Koontz!

Matthew Sean wrote: "I'm about halfway through and enjoying it! If you haven't read Strangers, you should. Mu all time favorite by Koontz!"

Thanks for the rec. I haven't got to that one yet. My favorite is Lightning.

message 29: by Sean (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sean Batson Another great read!

message 30: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Sounds like an interesting direction for Koontz. I've liked some of his past stuff

Allison "The first was the occasional (and, in my opinion, unnecessary) use of large vocabulary words to describe simple things - words that probably the most academic person wouldn't even use in conversation."

I am not an academic person but I do this. Maybe it is Dean Koontz's fault!

message 32: by John (new) - added it

John Matsui I was a fanatical Dean Koontz fan but his recent works failed to grab me. Glad to see so many of his fans aren't silent in their praise of this book.

Matthew Allison wrote: "I am not an academic person but I do this. Maybe it is Dean Koontz's fault! ..."

Not gonna lie, I do it sometimes, too! Trying to sound impressive in work emails.

Matthew Matthew wrote: "Allison wrote: "I am not an academic person but I do this. Maybe it is Dean Koontz's fault! ..."

Not gonna lie, I do it sometimes, too! Trying to sound impressive in work emails."

Elizabeth wrote: "Sounds like an interesting direction for Koontz. I've liked some of his past stuff"

Sean wrote: "Another great read!"

Yes, it seems like this new direction for Koontz is getting a lot of praise. Noticed it is currently coming in at over 4 stars.

Allison Matthew wrote: "Allison wrote: "I am not an academic person but I do this. Maybe it is Dean Koontz's fault! ..."

Not gonna lie, I do it sometimes, too! Trying to sound impressive in work emails."

I do it by accident in conversation! My SO (he is quite the academic and an avid reader) laughs at me all the time like "What does that even mean?"

Dustin the wind Crazy little brown owl John wrote: "I was a fanatical Dean Koontz fan but his recent works failed to grab me. Glad to see so many of his fans aren't silent in their praise of this book."

The Silent Corner is by far Dean's best work in recent years. I did like Ashley Bell, but The Silent Corner is even better I think.

Natalie Schroeder I totally agree on the overwriting and the big words. They annoyed me continuously,

Matthew Natalie wrote: "I totally agree on the overwriting and the big words. They annoyed me continuously,"

I am working on the second one now and I am not noticing it quite as much.

 Marla Jane's moral justification disturbed me. (See me using the big words...) I liked this but parts of it made me squirm. I plan to listen to the next book in the series.

Thanks for the great review!

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