BP34's Reviews > Melting His Alaskan Heart

Melting His Alaskan Heart by Rebecca Thomas
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's review

it was amazing

A well written story that will engage your attention at the beginning and keep you page turning from then one. Even though I had not read the first two books in this series, I was able to follow along. But this book was so good I want to go back and read the first two books. The story of a newbie reporter who manages to get an interview with a reclusive hockey star which she thinks will jumpstart her career. They meet at a masked ball and she has no idea that he is impersonating his sick brother. Their chemistry is instant and they spend the night together. The truth comes out and no spoilers here. This was a great book that you will love. I received an arc of this book and voluntarily chose to review it.

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Reading Progress

May 3, 2017 – Started Reading
May 3, 2017 – Finished Reading
May 5, 2017 – Shelved

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