Rod Brown's Reviews > Last Things: A Graphic Memoir of Loss and Love

Last Things by Marissa Moss
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I was very moved by this powerful memoir of a family and marriage foundering under the weight of a terminal illness. The anger at the situation and each new development from both the ALS sufferer and his wife struck a chord with me; I could see myself reacting similarly if I were either of them. Moss very effectively depicts stress brought on not only by the diagnosis but the maddening pressure of the unrelenting series of decisions that have to be made thereafter and the second-guessing and recriminations that can follow each and every one. Popular culture too often shows us sainted terminal patients murmuring platitudes to their constantly loving and supportive families. I'm very grateful to Moss for sharing this warts and all account of the end of life.

Once I started reading, I could not stop until I finished the whole book, and the ending brought me to tears.
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June 21, 2017 – Shelved
June 21, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
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September 15, 2017 – Finished Reading

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Caroline This sounds excellent.

"Popular culture too often shows us sainted terminal patients murmuring platitudes to their constantly loving and supportive families. I'm very grateful to Moss for sharing this warts and all account of the end of life."

Yes. We need this!

message 2: by Rod (new) - rated it 4 stars

Rod Brown Caroline wrote: "Yes. We need this!"


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