Allena's Reviews > Switch of Fate 1

Switch of Fate 1 by Lisa Ladew
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's review

it was amazing

Switch of Fate 1 was fantastic. A wonderful way to start a series and set up everything for future books that I cannot wait to read. H/h worked well, engaging secondary characters, intriguing storyline and premise that makes this a five star PNR read.

Jameson is a shifter that has a job to do, a job he can't do because he doesn't know how. He has to protect humans from Vampires but can't kill them, he needs a switch for that. The glaring problem is all switches died long ago.

Cora is a normal woman hoping to gain tenure at the college she teaches at. Her life spirals out of control when she snaps and tries to kill a local politician. Hoping to find a reasonable explanation she attends a meeting and meets the local shifters.

How do you explain the paranormal world to a human?
How does a shifter turn away from the woman he knows is his but cannot have?
How does a human reconcile everything she is being told?


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Reading Progress

September 7, 2017 – Started Reading
September 7, 2017 – Shelved
September 8, 2017 – Finished Reading

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