Megan's Reviews > Dime Store Magic

Dime Store Magic by Kelley Armstrong
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bookshelves: audio-book, not-mine-library, urban-fantasy

The thing about Kelley Armstrong is that while I didn't love the main characters or even the story line here, her writing is completely addictive and her world building amazing. I'm enthralled by her Otherwold and in awe of her ability to tell the reader so much about it without ever presenting it in an info dump or mind-numbingly confusing way.

That said, Paige is naive, boring and slightly TSTL. Savannah is interesting. And as for Lucas Cortez... see the description for Paige. The issue I have with Paige is that while she seems like a fantastic person to know in real life, for an urban fantasy heroine… she just doesn’t cut it. And the entire way the villains and mystery played out seemed like an episode of Scooby Doo gone awry. Even with unlikable uninteresting characters, Armstrong had me hooked the entire novel. Perhaps it's the ex-Catholic schoolgirl in me, but I loved all the witchy rituals and candle burning and whatnot.

I am in love with Armstrong’s story telling ability. In fact, Dime Store Magic would have gotten four stars from me if it weren’t for (view spoiler)

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Reading Progress

September 20, 2011 – Started Reading
September 20, 2011 – Shelved
September 27, 2011 –
0% ""What he lacked in technique, he made up for with his zeal" Ok, this may not be an exact quote since I heard this line on the audio version while driving to work yesterday, but my point is simply... so NOT sexy! That scene totally made me LOL for real :)"
September 27, 2011 –
September 27, 2011 – Finished Reading
October 11, 2011 – Shelved as: audio-book
October 11, 2011 – Shelved as: not-mine-library
October 11, 2011 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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message 1: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Hm, what was so awkward in regards to your spoiler...?

message 2: by Megan (last edited Oct 12, 2011 03:06AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Megan The scene started with (view spoiler)

message 3: by Wendy Darling (new)

Wendy Darling Hah hah, that is a little awkward!

Tatiana Megan wrote: "The scene started with them making out and Paige thinking, "What he lacked in technique, he made up for with his zeal" Gave me a flashback to just about every high school boyfriend, lol!

But the..."

No, no, you are not a perv:) I remember thinking the romance part was tacked on and even in further books and short stories there is nothing hot about their "encounters." And do I remember it right, she did some fireball thing on him?

Megan Tatiana wrote: "...and even in further books and short stories there is nothing hot about their "encounters." And do I remember it right, she did some fireball thing on him?"

Well, at least their characters are consistent :) There was one bit about them being on the basement floor, but lucky them they were cushioned by a pile of clean laundry, lol Some very meticulous clean freak woman probably appreciates that little detail!

I don't remember Paige using fireball (I think Savannah was obsessed with that spell) But she did use some flaming finger tip, or warm hand spell and proceed to... ya know!

message 6: by Tatiana (last edited Oct 12, 2011 03:26AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tatiana Oh, that must be it. I do vaguely remember something about fire or warming sensations:) Her other trick in later books and stories is (view spoiler). So, here is something to look forward to!

message 7: by Megan (last edited Oct 12, 2011 03:29AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Megan Or not, lol! So that is her specialty? *shakes head* I'm hoping for a return to Clay at some point :)

Tatiana Clay and Elena have some hot stuff going on in Frostbitten, less hot in Broken.

Megan Woohoo! Can't wait for Frostbitten :)

Brandy OMG!!! The whole sex scene caught me by surprise because Paige never even remotely seemed interested!!!! I kept thinking "okay, they're kissing, but they'll stop and AT LEAST move to a nicer location".... And then the fireball thing..... HAHAHAHA!!!! Wow.... I felt awkward just reading it and I'm not usually embarassed by such things.... It kept making me LOL!!!! Loved the description of the lemon scented laundry soap "engulfing" them.... So romantic! ;)

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