Josh's Reviews > Quarry's Climax
Quarry's Climax (Quarry #14)
Despite being published in 2017 by Hard Case Crime, the latest installment in the long running hit-man series by Max Allan Collins reads as a perfectly placed period pulp. That is to say, it reads like it should've been published in the 70's which is fitting, given Quarry's Climax takes readers back to one of Quarry's earlier jobs circa 1975.
Unlike the usual hit man for hire, Quarry is instead hired to take out another hit man team; one targeting the head of a popular men's magazine and gentleman's club, Max Climer. The link Broker has with this figure head is a bit of a mystery but the money is on the table and Quarry takes it - accompanied by Boyd, the passive member of the team, the duo set out for Memphis and quickly establish themselves as part of Max Climer's security team.
The mystery surrounds not only identifying who the contract killers are but also who hired them. It doesn't take too long before a shortlist of suspects forms and from there it's a gradual process of elimination. I gotta say, I didn't pick the person gunning for Max despite it being obvious as the story played out.
As with any Quarry novel, there's loads of hot dames and hotter sex along with bodies, bullets, and Quarry's cool demeanor and easy acquiesce of violence as a solution front and center.
Quarry's Climax is another great addition to the expanding catalog of Quarry novels that will sit well with both new readers (those only familiar with the character from the TV series) and longtime readers alike.
My rating: 5/5, this Quarry is reminiscent of the character we see in the TV series but a tad more battle hardened (i.e. a more experienced hit man). Boyd also seems to have more page time which added a little something extra to the novel; I really enjoyed the chemistry he and Quarry had in this one.
Unlike the usual hit man for hire, Quarry is instead hired to take out another hit man team; one targeting the head of a popular men's magazine and gentleman's club, Max Climer. The link Broker has with this figure head is a bit of a mystery but the money is on the table and Quarry takes it - accompanied by Boyd, the passive member of the team, the duo set out for Memphis and quickly establish themselves as part of Max Climer's security team.
The mystery surrounds not only identifying who the contract killers are but also who hired them. It doesn't take too long before a shortlist of suspects forms and from there it's a gradual process of elimination. I gotta say, I didn't pick the person gunning for Max despite it being obvious as the story played out.
As with any Quarry novel, there's loads of hot dames and hotter sex along with bodies, bullets, and Quarry's cool demeanor and easy acquiesce of violence as a solution front and center.
Quarry's Climax is another great addition to the expanding catalog of Quarry novels that will sit well with both new readers (those only familiar with the character from the TV series) and longtime readers alike.
My rating: 5/5, this Quarry is reminiscent of the character we see in the TV series but a tad more battle hardened (i.e. a more experienced hit man). Boyd also seems to have more page time which added a little something extra to the novel; I really enjoyed the chemistry he and Quarry had in this one.
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Dec 10, 2017 11:09PM