Robin's Reviews > The Vision, Vol. 1: Little Worse Than a Man

The Vision, Vol. 1 by Tom King
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bookshelves: 2017, comicbook, library

Wow. Not at all what I expected.

I hate it when my star rating reflects more about me than the book. I'm pretty sure this book is quite good! But there's a lot going on that touches a lot of my particular exposed nerves, so I can't say that I exactly enjoyed reading it.

I like the narrative framing, and the math and literature references. I'm a little annoyed that there's some very specific events foreshadowed (is it foreshadowing when they tell you what's going to happen eventually?) that must come in a later volume, as it makes this volume feel foreshortened. That's due to the nature/pace/schedule/business of trade paperbacks I'm sure, but holding a bound volume that doesn't have a complete arc isn't my super favorite thing.

Anyway, highly recommended for those of a philosophical bent and who don't need to be cheered up.

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Reading Progress

September 25, 2017 – Started Reading
September 25, 2017 – Shelved
September 25, 2017 – Shelved as: 2017
September 25, 2017 – Shelved as: comicbook
September 25, 2017 – Shelved as: library
September 25, 2017 – Finished Reading

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