Quinn Fforde's Reviews > Melting His Alaskan Heart

Melting His Alaskan Heart by Rebecca Thomas
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's review

it was amazing

I enjoyed this story very much. I liked how straightforward Carly was. Things get a little tricky as they try to decide whether they are dating or not, but Carly never hides that she is a reporter (It is a pet peeve of mine to see other stories do that.) Her straightforwardness also means that we don't get any of that "misunderstanding because we never had an actual conversation" stuff. And she can play hockey, too -- that scene was so funny.
Ethan has the broody thing going on, but I didn't think he was very rude about it. He was abrupt and closed off, but he wasn't mean. He totally made me cry at the end.
I love the Alaskan setting of these stories. We get little glimpses of what Alaska is really like, such as defferent names for things and scheduling things differently.
If you care, this story is not completely clean, but it is sweet. There is some mild swearing and some foreplay, but the love scenes are closed-door.
I voluntarily read and reviewed this story with my honest opinion. I would recommend it to anyone who wanted something fun but with heart behind it.

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Reading Progress

December 15, 2017 – Started Reading
December 15, 2017 – Shelved
December 16, 2017 – Finished Reading

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