*CJ*'s Reviews > The Markonos Bride

The Markonos Bride by Michelle Reid
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"The Markonos Bride" is the story of Louisa and Andreas.

Many years ago, I had read "The Ultimate Betrayal" by Ms Reid, and realized that it was only her impeccable writing that would make someone like me read, and appreciate a book which dealt with the MC cheating. Now, I've just read another of her gem, and am still in awe of her work.

In this book, we meet the estranged couple: Andreas and Louisa. Five years ago, they lost their son in a tragic accident, after which their marriage broke. Andreas drowned himself in work and alcohol, Louisa fled the island of Aristos.

Now, on their son's fifth death anniversary, Andreas is being forced by his family to get closure on his marriage, but he vehemently refuses. He is ashamed of how he behaved in the aftermath of the incident, and decides to go to the sea and later binge drink.. that is until he spots Louisa getting off the ferry with a young man!

Louisa has been visiting Aristos to see her son's grave every year, with the help of her MIL who helps coordinate her arrival with her son's absence. This time, bringing her brother Jamie, she is astonished to see her husband Andreas off the coast, and soon realizes that their chemistry has not diminished even a tiny bit!

As they come together like moths to flame, many secrets are revealed, jealousies are unveiled, and promises are made. Can their love conquer this time around?

Honestly, FABULOUS read.
H and h that were separated by shitty families and misunderstandings, reunite due to their love for each other and pain for what they lost. There is enough passion in them to last a lifetime- legit throughout the book they just jump onto each other and give into their carnal demands. Their heartbreak for their past is palpable, and it's refreshing to see a couple that did not give up on each other during their separation.
The angst was excellent, lovemaking scorching, and the HEA was SO sweet.

Loved it.
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Reading Progress

January 10, 2018 – Shelved
January 10, 2018 – Shelved as: moodgasm
February 12, 2019 – Started Reading
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: wicked-banter
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: v-card
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: tearjerker
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: seduced-by-the-sex
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: safety-first
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: heartbreaking
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: crazy-jealousy
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: drama-llama
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: favorites
February 13, 2019 – Shelved as: epilogues-to-die-for
February 13, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Esther Great review I have reread this one. It's excellent.

*CJ* Esther wrote: "Great review I have reread this one. It's excellent."

Thank you Esther! I agree, it was an amazing read and definitely tugged at my heartstrings :)

Jasbell76 One of my favorites 🌟🤩💕💗🥰

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