Miranda Reads's Reviews > Four: A Divergent Story Collection
Four: A Divergent Story Collection (Divergent, #0.1-0.4)
Miranda Reads's review
bookshelves: audiobook, dumpster-fire, literally-painful-to-read
Apr 02, 2018
bookshelves: audiobook, dumpster-fire, literally-painful-to-read
Overwhelmingly underwhelming.
And that is as about as positive as I can get.
It felt more like the author was frantically filling in plot holes rather than writing something new.
The Transfer - Was this one reallllly necessary???
From the main books, we already know that Four picked Dauntless because he wanted to escape his abusive father.
And this short story....told exactly that. I suppose, it was just a really, really drawn out version... but still. Felt like a waste of page space.
The Initiate - This was a bit interesting.
We see some of the main players from Divergent (mainly Eric and the Dauntless-born initiates) as Four comes to terms with his new life.
But honestly, it feels like we already lived through this.
Divergent - A Stiff enters dauntless, gets ridiculed but manages to come out on top.
The Initiate - A Stiff enters dauntless BUT he's like, super nervous and stuff, gets ridiculed and manages to come out on top.
And we see how he gets his tat. That bit bugged the ever-living daylights out of me.
He goes on and on about how NO ONE CAN KNOW HE'S DIVERGENT. And what does he do? Literally gets the most divergent possible tattoo on his body ever. I mean, honestly. This kid.
The Son - Four trains for a leadership position.
He spends most of the time waffling on whether or not he wants to do it. Then decides not to "because reasons."
Four is all like, "oh no, I don't like that my faction is corrupted. Whine whine whine."
Then he abandons the leadership position thus allowing the corrupted guy to get the spot. NO WONDER YOUR FACTION FALLS APART.
The Traitor - honestly just filling in plot holes.
How does he get into the computer room?
How does he know about the abnegation attack?
Then, he meets Tris and falls in love with her because reasons. Blah blah blah.
Extra scenes from Four's perspective - talk about a waste of paper. No inner revelations, no big reveals.
Honestly, I think I preferred it when we weren't in his head. He seemed much more interesting that way.
The Finer Books Club 2018 Reading Challenge - a book with a number in the title
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And that is as about as positive as I can get.
It felt more like the author was frantically filling in plot holes rather than writing something new.
The Transfer - Was this one reallllly necessary???
From the main books, we already know that Four picked Dauntless because he wanted to escape his abusive father.
And this short story....told exactly that. I suppose, it was just a really, really drawn out version... but still. Felt like a waste of page space.
The Initiate - This was a bit interesting.
We see some of the main players from Divergent (mainly Eric and the Dauntless-born initiates) as Four comes to terms with his new life.
But honestly, it feels like we already lived through this.
Divergent - A Stiff enters dauntless, gets ridiculed but manages to come out on top.
The Initiate - A Stiff enters dauntless BUT he's like, super nervous and stuff, gets ridiculed and manages to come out on top.
And we see how he gets his tat. That bit bugged the ever-living daylights out of me.
He goes on and on about how NO ONE CAN KNOW HE'S DIVERGENT. And what does he do? Literally gets the most divergent possible tattoo on his body ever. I mean, honestly. This kid.
The Son - Four trains for a leadership position.
He spends most of the time waffling on whether or not he wants to do it. Then decides not to "because reasons."
Four is all like, "oh no, I don't like that my faction is corrupted. Whine whine whine."
Then he abandons the leadership position thus allowing the corrupted guy to get the spot. NO WONDER YOUR FACTION FALLS APART.
The Traitor - honestly just filling in plot holes.
How does he get into the computer room?
How does he know about the abnegation attack?
Then, he meets Tris and falls in love with her because reasons. Blah blah blah.
Extra scenes from Four's perspective - talk about a waste of paper. No inner revelations, no big reveals.
Honestly, I think I preferred it when we weren't in his head. He seemed much more interesting that way.
The Finer Books Club 2018 Reading Challenge - a book with a number in the title
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message 1:
Apr 10, 2018 02:44AM
hahaha, thank you!!
Lol. Yes. Sometimes, we need that mystery in order to like a character :p
Agreed. Sometimes less is more :p
Hated the books so much that i refuse to watch the movies - maybe i should give the movies a shot though...
Lol...i edited a typo and accidentally hit the stars. It should be 2 stars cause there were elements that i didn't outwardly hate :p
Ohhh yeah. It is SO rare that the novella actually enhances the book. Most times it feels like a money-grab :(
As someone who didn't enjoy the other books... this is in a similar vein. A bit of a dip in quality but not much different from the rest
Mmmm...i highly doubt that that's true... and unsurprisingly, i wasn't a huge fab of the original series...