Buggy's Reviews > Defiant

Defiant by Pamela Clare
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really liked it
bookshelves: hist-rom, lickworthy-cover, shelf-12, tattooed-hero, scars-r-sexy, colonial-frontier, freedom-in-kilts

Opening Line: "I didna kill anyone." Connor Mackinnon glared at his two brothers, heavy fetters biting into has wrists and ankles, the iron cold and hard."

Guess who was waiting for me in my mailbox tonight when I got home??? CONNOR!! (I wish it was him literally but) damn he is looking good.
Can't wait to dive in...

Dove in, swam the river, traipsed through the forest, braved the bad guys, -hello forced marriage, shudder, I wish! High anxiety (how are they going to get out of this?) Cried a bit, fell in love a lot, Joseph sigh, Connor big sigh, 1000 lashes, are you freakin kidding me!? -and I thought Iain had it bad! And then surprisingly in the end Wentworth grows worthy of a sigh too and all's well at the Mackinnon farm.
Big contented smile :) Buggy is happy.

~Real review to follow~
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Reading Progress

November 20, 2011 – Shelved
February 4, 2012 – Shelved as: hist-rom
June 12, 2012 – Shelved as: lickworthy-cover
July 13, 2012 – Started Reading
July 23, 2012 –
page 364
July 23, 2012 – Shelved as: shelf-12
July 23, 2012 – Shelved as: tattooed-hero
July 23, 2012 – Shelved as: scars-r-sexy
July 23, 2012 – Finished Reading
July 23, 2012 – Shelved as: colonial-frontier
July 23, 2012 – Shelved as: freedom-in-kilts

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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Buggy Great news, I can't wait

Jennifer Lane Did I mention I won a signed copy of this book from Karla's blog? *evil grin*

Buggy Wah!! You are evil, lucky girl though.

Jennifer Lane Sorry, that was rather bitchy to gloat! hee hee

Buggy no, not at all. I would gloat too.

JM ♔ Pipsqueak I just started with mine today :)

Buggy Yay JM, enjoy. I started a couple of days ago

JM ♔ Pipsqueak I loved it buggy!

Buggy Wow JM, you read way faster then me, lucky girl. I'm a little sad now actually because it's over. The Mackinnon boys are all married up and I can't find anything else to read ):

JM ♔ Pipsqueak I feel you, gonna miss those lovely Mackinnon boys. I finished fast because I couldn't put it down. :p

Jennifer Lane Yay for a happy Buggy! :)

Buggy Happy happy Buggy!

Get reading Jennifer... your SIGNED copy that is! :)

Jennifer Lane Yes ma'am!

Jennifer Lane The 1000 lashes punishment was over the top! Did you read the afterword--Pamela said she read about that actually happening. Egads.

message 15: by Buggy (last edited Jan 09, 2013 08:36AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Buggy No I missed the afterward it must have been in the Ebook edition with the additional stuff. I read some ole used PB LOL.

That scene was brutal, I'm not surprised Pamela used real facts, she's good that way but jeez, how horrible! How would you live through that?

Glad you finally read/are reading(?) the series another good one

Jennifer Lane Yep, I have read this series now. Love! Looks like I need to start Sweet Release next! I noticed you're starting the I-Team series. :-)

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