Vicky Again's Reviews > Don't Date Rosa Santos

Don't Date Rosa Santos by Nina Moreno
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really liked it

please note that my reading experience wasn't perfect because all of the first pages of each chapter were missing so I kept getting jerked out of the story when it could have been smoother

BUT this was really good!!
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Reading Progress

June 19, 2018 – Shelved
June 19, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
May 1, 2019 – Started Reading
May 9, 2019 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by mel (new)

mel That's so weird, why were pages missing?

Vicky Again Mel wrote: "That's so weird, why were pages missing?"

I think it's because there might have been decorations on the chapter headers, which means my phone struggled to load them and just would not let those pages of the PDF through (they came up as blank, but I could tap past)

pretty bummed about the pages because I feel (based on what I read ahaha) this could have been a favorite, but i'm just not 100% sure

message 3: by mel (new)

mel Vicky Who Reads wrote: "Mel wrote: "That's so weird, why were pages missing?"

I think it's because there might have been decorations on the chapter headers, which means my phone struggled to load them and just would not ..."

Oh damn that sucks :( I'm honestly impressed you managed to read the whole book, I probably would've given up because I would be so lost after a while haha

Vicky Again Mel wrote: "Vicky Who Reads wrote: "Mel wrote: "That's so weird, why were pages missing?"

I think it's because there might have been decorations on the chapter headers, which means my phone struggled to load ..."

yeah I mean I just kind of picked up on the page but I did feel a bit....left behind sometimes ahahah

Vicky Again Natalie ⭐ wrote: "i just realized that i forgot to send you the pics of each opening page 🙃 if you want i can still send them!!"

oh lol it's okay! i'd rather reread the finished when possible <333

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