Maja (The Nocturnal Library)'s Reviews > Magic Gifts

Magic Gifts by Ilona Andrews
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4.5 stars, rounded up.
This was such an amazing Christmas gift!
You can download this very long Kate Daniels novella for free HERE
Happy reading. :)
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Reading Progress

December 25, 2011 – Started Reading
December 25, 2011 – Shelved
December 25, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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Maja (The Nocturnal Library) No problem at all.
i take it my card didn't get there in time? Stupid snails. :(

Limonessa Awwww, already downloaded. Thanks hon!

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Ohhh, it is you, my long lost friend. This custody agreement is a bitch sometimes.
This one was hilarious! You might switch sides and try to steal my Flat Curran.

Limonessa It's me, your long lost friend with a newly acquired huge belly. How MANY relatives do I have? They seem to multiply each passing year. I just took a painkiller for a splitting headache and I am off to bed (the headache comes from a weeping fake baby, a talking Buzz Lightyear, a singing Winnie The Pooh computer but most of all a roaring Cars racing track, played all together).
Also, among other things, someone gave me a salami today, as a present O_o

message 5: by Maja (The Nocturnal Library) (last edited Dec 25, 2011 10:45PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Damn! No one gave ME a salami! Doesn't anyone like me? It's hardly fair, I want a salami too. You must have been so honored.
I'm sorry you have a headache. :( Fingers crossed that it gets better by the morning.
I'm off to bed too, I'm spending the rest of my Christmas with some pretty decent urban fantasy. :P
Also, I totally have a food baby.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

I wish I would have gotten some magic gifts.

Limonessa Thanks Catie, to you too! Hope you had a wonderful day with your family!

Esther Diaz can you email to me =[ i new fan so i didn't get my chance to get this book my email is thank you

message 9: by Joanna (new)

Joanna Levesque Well you may never be or have a husband, you may never have or hold a child, you will learn to lose everything... We are temporary arrangements Send Gifts to Pakistan | Eid Gifts to Pakistan

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