MissBecka Gee's Reviews > Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy: A Modern Graphic Retelling of Little Women

Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy by Rey Terciero
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I liked how they made everything so modern, I'm just not sure the story worked as a graphic.
Everything felt glossed over and less dramatic.
Maybe I've just romanticized my memories of Little Women?
I think a re-read has just been added to my 2019 to confirm.
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Reading Progress

February 25, 2019 – Shelved
February 25, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
February 25, 2019 – Shelved as: comics-graphics-and-manga
March 23, 2019 – Started Reading
March 23, 2019 – Shelved as: z-2019-books-i-read
March 23, 2019 – Shelved as: completed-library-rentals
March 23, 2019 – Shelved as: lgbtqia
March 23, 2019 – Finished Reading
November 15, 2019 – Shelved as: classics

Comments Showing 1-50 of 50 (50 new)

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message 1: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol -- can I pretend you're me? My mom keeps bugging me to re-read the original 'cause it's one of her faves (but not one of mine). Ha! Maybe I'd actually like this one more...

MissBecka Gee Lolz. The only reason I read the book to start with is because I liked the movie. That made me try the book out and I remember it being quite good, but it's been ages since I've read it. Graphic novels are certainly the best way to absorb classics...I find anyway ;)

message 3: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol. I think I'm just completely turned off on the whole story because I was forced to read/watch. I think if I look at it with fresh eyes I might actually enjoy it ;)

MissBecka Gee Fresh eyes and with pictures lol.
I get it, that's kind of how I feel about Agatha Christie. Since I read so much of her work as a kid, I really have no interest to read any now.

message 5: by Jane (new)

Jane Yes! I have a few authors I read to death as a teen, and now I struggle to want to pick up any of their books. I'd probably still really like them, especially since it's been so long. But ugh.

MissBecka Gee Exactly. Just over done and now feels like a chore.
Though I have dipped my toes back into Stephen King, so maybe there's hope for the others?

message 7: by Jane (new)

Jane Heh. He's one of mine, too ;) Jonathan Kellerman is another. And I got fairly far into the Kinsey Millhone books until I got sick of waiting for the next one to come out. I thought about starting them again, but I'm not sure how I feel about the missing Z book.

MissBecka Gee I read the 'X' book since I needed a book that's title was 'x' for an alphabet challenge on here and I didn't know it was a series lol.
Now I will eventually have to start from the beginning on those.
I'll have to look up Jonathan Kellerman since I'm not familiar.

message 9: by Jane (new)

Jane Lmao! Well, it's only 24 more books!

Be very careful before you look too deeply at his books -- there are 33 in his main series ;)

MissBecka Gee Oh for pete's sake. Dammit why does this always happen to me ?

message 11: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol -- at least you haven't read any of his! (I hope!)

MissBecka Gee No nothing by Jonathan Kellerman, but I think you just deterred me from ever doing so lol.

message 13: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol! It's not a bad series, but like any they get repetitive. Sort of like Law & Order. Eventually they start repeating story lines. It's a good author to have in your back pocket if you run out of things to read. But if you don't, well...

MissBecka Gee Yes, because I frequently run out of things to read :P

message 15: by Jane (new)

Jane *snort*

MissBecka Gee Sometimes I wish I ran out of books, then I would have time to wander in the library and look for new stuff.
Not that I don't already add to the pile like that...but would be nice if I had time ;)

message 17: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol! My trips to the library have one of two outcomes:

1. I end up with a stack that I can't possibly read before they're all due, but take them all home anyway.

2. I get so overwhelmed trying to narrow down the stack to the limit that I end up putting them all back and leave with nothing.

(2.5. Sometimes when #2 happens, I end up buying a book at the little store on the way out)

MissBecka Gee Lolz. Mine almost always ends in #1

Usually mine is I have been waiting months for several books I ordered and all of a sudden ALL of them come in at once.
Damn library being efficient.

message 19: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol.

MissBecka Gee Well the library was very efficient again yesterday lol.
Just when I thought I was making headway the pile has grown again :(

message 21: by Jane (new)

Jane Ha! How many? Anything good?

MissBecka Gee I am most excited about The Wicked King being in my possession. I will be waiting till Friday when I'm off, so I can absorb the whole thing in one go! Like 5 other less exciting books lol.

message 23: by Jane (new)

Jane For some reason I'm always sure that I have The Cruel Prince somewhere in my personal library, but then when I go to look for it I clearly don't. There must be another book with a similar cover or something that I *do* have. Imma wait for this one to be all the way done before starting I think.

MissBecka Gee I was unaware that it was a series start when I read the first book. Luckily it was good, so I'm excited to read this new one :)

message 25: by Jane (new)

Jane The last few I've started mid-series have been so frustrating to wait for! Some stories are easy to pick up a year later, but others are too hard to remember all the necessary details!

MissBecka Gee I have been more and more of the mind to wait for the series to finish before reading any. This one is soooo good though, I cannot wait!!!

message 27: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol! You're like me with GOT eps ;)

MissBecka Gee Are you all caught up and ready to go for the new season?

message 29: by Jane (new)

Jane No. I'm doling them out more carefully now. I think I have 9 eps left and 14 days to go!

MissBecka Gee That should work out perfectly! Likely torturing you to wait though?

message 31: by Jane (new)

Jane A little :) But I have a lot of other shows to catch up on ;)

MissBecka Gee Should be able to keep yourself occupied till the new season starts then :)

message 33: by Jane (new)

Jane Yes, I should. Haven't watched any for 2 days, though. Starting to feel withdrawals. Not sure how I'll manage when I have to wait a week between!

MissBecka Gee Lolz. I suppose you could use those 6 days between to catch up on other shows to help with the withdrawal. :P

message 35: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol -- doesn't mean I'll like it! I'm still wondering if I would have been better to just cut myself off from the entire world and binge it all ;)

MissBecka Gee Nah, you already watched some and you know some douchebag would have spoiled it before you got a chance to watch it.
It may suck waiting, but there will be no FOMO or spoilers ;)
The lesser of two evils I suppose.

message 37: by Jane (new)

Jane Oh yeah -- I'm in it now! There's no going back now.

And you're right -- someone would wreck it 'cause people are jerks.

MissBecka Gee True story, people are dinks. This is the last season starting right?

message 39: by Jane (new)

Jane It is! And it's meant to be magnificent!

MissBecka Gee Magnificent? Wow I look forward to hearing all about it from you and Daniel lol.

message 41: by Jane (new)

Jane Lol -- are you gonna make him rewatch once it's all said and done?

MissBecka Gee I might. Once the whole thing is over I will probably borrow the seasons from someone and watch the whole thing in one go.
No waiting.

message 43: by Jane (new)

Jane That's the way to do it!

MissBecka Gee Yeah by then people will have stopped talking about the early season spoilers, should be fine lol.

message 45: by Jane (new)

Jane LOL! Just remember that you can't google ANYTHING!

MissBecka Gee Lolz, oh I know. Daniel made the mistake of looking something up on Wikipedia early on and ruined like half a season for himself.

message 47: by Dave (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dave Schaafsma agreed...

MissBecka Gee Thanks David! I'm off to check out your review...

Michelle Veilleux I agree- if I hadn’t read the book in the past I would have been lost- too much jumping around and skipping stuff to be a good adaptation.

MissBecka Gee YASSS! Thanks Michelle. It's always nice to hear I am not alone in my opinion 😊

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