Teodora 's Reviews > A Court of Mist and Fury

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
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it was amazing
bookshelves: on-app, fantasy, ya, owned, adult-new-adult, favorites
Read 2 times. Last read October 9, 2020 to November 13, 2020.

Let's pretend this is Starfall and I have more than 5 ⭐ to give

This book’s song mood match – Nocturnal by Elle Vee

Full review on my Blog: The Dacian She-Wolf 🐺

“To the stars who listen – and the dreams that are answered.”

How dares Sarah J. Maas??
How dare you, lady?? How dare you destroy me like that and then drink cups full of my salty tears like they are fine wine?? What kind of fucked up sadistic witchy ritual is this for you?

You annihilate me with your cruel imagination. And because I’m a masochist, I love it. Keep going queen, I love this kind of pain.

So, I couldn’t have picked a better time to read this but the quarantine time; all I did all day was reading this; I was being transported to this amazing world that I want to be part of right now – the Night Court is my eternal home from now on.

“Stay here for however long you want. Stay here forever, if you feel like it.”

It helped my mental health so much I am at a lack of words to express my gratitude.

When I was younger, I used to read a lot of mythological stories and even though the Greek mythology confused the hell out of me, I had this fascination for some badass ladies. Amongst them were Persephone and her story. Yes, my cheesy heart loved that, okay?

Persephone was the Bride of Spring, but she was stolen by the God of the Underworld – the terrible Hades – because he was head-over-heels in love with her. But she hated him with all her being until…she didn’t anymore. She learned to love his weird-ass too until he became her husband.


If this isn’t the literary world’s foundation for their enemies-to-lovers theme, then I don’t know what this is, I give up.

Well, this is the exact thing that happens in A Court of Mist and Fury . Rhys gets to be Hades (duh, obvy!) and Feyre is our darling Persephone. My brain started producing serotonin once again because of that tiny little fact so me now happy beyond compare.

This book is a love statement. Falling in love – slowly, truly, deeply, madly in love. And hard. But heart-crying beautiful. And it is not only about two beautiful creatures learning how to love each other and all the states they get through to find that love.

This book teaches of how to fall in love with beautiful people, beautiful faces, beautiful minds and beautiful souls. And most importantly, how to fall in love with yourself. How to cherish everything you get to have in order to know how to soothe your life and spirit.

“But then she snapped your neck.”
Tears rolled down his face.
“And I felt you die”, he whispered.
Tears were sliding down my own cheeks.“And this beautiful, wonderful thing that had come into my life, this gift from the Cauldron…It was gone.”

Don’t get confused though. This is still a Maas work of art and thus it is still very, very extremely hot. I can’t manage to launch into an explanation of how hot this book is because it is on fire, okay? And with this, SJM makes out of this book a full emotional experience (an emotional roller coaster better said but oh well).

All of my favourite characters from this series make an appearance in this book. If you thought you loved the characters you encountered in the first book, then wait to be blown away by the apparition of the Inner Circle. They’re precious, deadly soft babies that I would want nothing more in life for them but to be fed, warm, cuddled and loved.


- Cassian is the ruffian of my heart, he’s big and loud and gives off this feeling that he’ll keep you happy and safe no matter what; just love him so much;
- Azriel is the baby-bat-guardian-angel of my soul whom I love so much and all I want to do in life is hug him and feed him and protect him from everything and everyone;
- Amren is a scary old bitch whom I love for the simple fact that she doesn’t seem to give a fuck about anyone but she’ll be ready to defend her friends if it comes to it;
- Mor is my girl-crush of this series and sometimes I think she’ll be my ultimate wine-drinking bestie; I love her to death; “A queen – a queen who bowed to no one, a queen who had faced them all down and triumphed. A queen who owned her body, her life, her destiny and never apologized for it.”

All those weirdos are like a big, fat present for me, wrapped up in colourful paper and with a bow tied on top. I don’t know how I managed to go on with my life before I learned about their existence.


Now, moving on to more serious, adult-like topics, I want to confess one thing: this book is extremely sensual. It really goes places and I went with it like in trance. The level of sexiness explored here is so intense that it could be made a masterpiece of sensually falling in love. And this is mainly because of Rhys.

In this book, I honestly cared more about Rhys than I cared about all of the characters in A Court of Thorns and Roses . He is the sexiest thing I’ve ever encountered in my life and with this, I have discovered, he’s my type of man, no questions asked.

“I have known many High Lords. Cruel ones, cunning ones, weak ones, powerful ones. But never one that dreamed. Not as he does.”

It feels like he’s having his own personalised gravitational system and we simply happen to fly around like the băgători-de-seamă that we are, if I’m allowed to express myself as Romanian as possible.

Rhysand and Feyre's falling in love journey is one of the most beautiful love stories this world could read about. It is so warm, but also so crushing. I love it. It’s like a most beautifully painted love dream.


By the end of this – *vaguely gesturing towards everything ACOMAF is*– I felt tired, hurt and blurry-sighted. And truth be said, a bit sobby (a bit more). I’ve been hurt to my core.

But I loved this book so much, honestly. And I’m thankful for the fact that it exists for me to read it.

“We were a song that had been sung from the very first ember of light in the world.”

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Reading Progress

March 14, 2019 – Shelved
March 14, 2019 – Shelved as: on-app
March 14, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
March 21, 2019 – Shelved as: fantasy
March 21, 2019 – Shelved as: ya
November 16, 2019 – Shelved as: books-i-own-but-did-not-read
November 16, 2019 – Shelved as: owned
March 8, 2020 – Shelved as: adult-new-adult
March 14, 2020 – Shelved as: soon-tbr
March 18, 2020 – Started Reading
March 18, 2020 –
page 14
March 20, 2020 –
page 140
22.44% "I frowned at the eye in my palm. "What— literally shout at the tattoo?"
"You could try rubbing it on certain body parts and I might come faster."

I. AM. DED."
March 20, 2020 –
page 258
41.35% "I frowned at the eye in my palm. "What— literally shout at the tattoo?"
"You could try rubbing it on certain body parts and I might come faster."

I. AM. DED."
March 20, 2020 –
page 294
March 21, 2020 –
page 367
58.81% "Rhysand where the fuck have you been all along you scoundrel of my life??"
March 21, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites
March 21, 2020 –
page 412
66.03% "Chapter 42 mood
March 21, 2020 –
page 433
69.39% "That was the most beautiful chapter in the world 😭😭"
March 22, 2020 –
page 479
76.76% "I can feel my chest tightening with each passing chapter"
March 22, 2020 –
page 517
82.85% "description"
March 22, 2020 –
page 531
85.1% "I confess: I am sweating, what the fuck?"
March 22, 2020 –
page 600
96.15% "I just need a moment because ALL THESE FEELS
March 23, 2020 – Finished Reading
October 9, 2020 – Started Reading
October 9, 2020 –
page 14
October 10, 2020 –
page 47
7.53% "Rhys: "Hello, Feyre darling"
October 11, 2020 –
page 110
17.63% "Ah, this is going to be a long babbling session of me loving the shit out of every single one of Rhys's breaths..."
October 13, 2020 –
page 140
22.44% "I am *SO* excited to meet all of my *very precious babies* once again that I might cry of happiness 🥺"
October 17, 2020 –
page 188
30.13% "Re-read, and I'm still in love with the dinner scene 😍"
October 18, 2020 –
page 218
34.94% "“Did you enjoy the sight of me kneeling before you?”

October 19, 2020 –
page 274
43.91% "Rhys @ Azriel: He's wild and cruel and so cold and impossible to thaw

me @ Azriel:
October 20, 2020 –
page 332
53.21% "Cassian: I don't understand why I'm not allowed there anymore it was just one (1) building and it only happened once!
everyone else: *rolls eyes* seriously?
me: they are unfair bby it was just an accident I'll go talk to them you just wait here ok?
me: *rolls sleeves* yo Tarquin!"
October 22, 2020 –
page 392
62.82% "Chapter 42 incoming...
November 13, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-42 of 42 (42 new)

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message 1: by jaehyuk ❀ (new)

jaehyuk ❀ i would try out this series if there wasn't so much "bad-touch" stuff in it 😔✊

 Teodora @Remington I don't know what to tell you, I am enjoying this quite a lot!

lucia meets books YEEES!! 😂💕

 Teodora Luupi wrote: "YEEES!! 😂💕"

RIGHT?? I'm in love with this

Book Barbarian  (Tammy Smith) Best series ever but where can we get more! lol! So glad you love it!

 Teodora Book Barbarian wrote: "Best series ever but where can we get more! lol! So glad you love it!"

I am honestly obsessed with this series!!

Shifty Reads Welcome to the club!

 Teodora Romee Darling wrote: "Welcome to the club!"

Best club!

message 9: by Debra (new)

Debra Fantastic review, Teodora!

 Teodora Debra wrote: "Fantastic review, Teodora!"

Thank you! :D

✨Kayla of The Court Of Dreams✨ *Hand claps and tears* Bravo!!!! Perfect review, manage to lay out everything I feel for this book:)

 Teodora Kaylanii of The Court of Dreams wrote: "*Hand claps and tears* Bravo!!!! Perfect review, manage to lay out everything I feel for this book:)"


☾ shai ♡ "He is the sexist thing I’ve ever encountered in my life and with this, I have discovered, he’s my type of man, no questions asked."

Don't we all :')

 Teodora Shairah wrote: ""He is the sexist thing I’ve ever encountered in my life and with this, I have discovered, he’s my type of man, no questions asked."

Don't we all :')"

He all need to have a Rhys in our lives like I'm not even joking now 😂

 Teodora Vaneeza wrote: ""To the stars who listen- and the dreams that are answered." That quote is phenomenal! And it's torture to wait for a Nesta and Cassian book right now."

I really love that quote! ❤
And YES! Can you imagine all the tense Nessian action? It is going to be amazing

Giulia This pretty much sums it up :)

 Teodora Giulia wrote: "This pretty much sums it up :)"

I hoped so :P

 Teodora Love that so much 😍

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Teodora wrote: "Love that so much 😍"

Same! It's a Wallpaper on My Laptop :D

 Teodora It's so beautiful!

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

Teodora wrote: "It's so beautiful!"

Indeed! :)

✨Kayla of The Court Of Dreams✨ Ugh love that photo of them ❤️😍🙌🏼

 Teodora Me too! And that Starfall scene is pure art 😍

thereadernthebeast This is my favorite book.... this is how I became a sucker for SJM❤ Rhys is my all times biggest crush.

Hailstorm great review but i must disagree this did not help my mental health. One of my friends blocked me for talking about this series so much. 🤣

 Teodora @Lauren Lujo Everything about this book was perfect 🙌

 Teodora @Hailstrom Well, I'm still obsessed with this so I was clearly ironic, my mental health was already shaky before reading this, just imagine how it is now 😂

message 29: by Luella (new) - added it

Luella Teodora, I couldn't have said it better if I'd tried. I've just finished the book and I'm hysterically sobbing 😭
What will I do without Rhys in my life. It's the most true, passionate love story I've ever read.
I love your review. Thank you for letting me live in this world for a bit longer while I make the transition 🤧
On to the next book but I'm scared that it won't live up to the ridiculously high expectation that SJM has set for these books ❤

 Teodora Aww thank you so much! 💖 this is definitely one of my all-time favourite books and it's been so emotional and beautiful! And the next books is also ridiculously good!

message 31: by Luella (new) - added it

Luella Thank you so much for saying that the next book is ridiculously good Teodora, I've been scared to pick it up all day incase it let's me down after A Court Of Mist and Fury. I will start it tomorrow ☺
I hope you are enjoying your current read. Take care x

 Teodora It's not as emotionally heart-felt as ACOMAF, but it is still really good and it still made me cry so have fun with it and good luck!
And thank you, you too! 😊

message 33: by Luella (new) - added it

Luella Thanks Teodora! I started it in the night, I couldn't resist ha 🌙

 Teodora Sarah wrote: "Thanks Teodora! I started it in the night, I couldn't resist ha 🌙"

Enjoy 🙌

Sonia Bamba The way the second book ended makes me so made. It will take a while till i will start reading the 3rd 😰

 Teodora @Sonia I get that! I wasn't entirely ready to start the next book either at that point but it's a good one!

Sonia Bamba I need few days to recover. I am curios in a way and on the other hand i am annoyed

 Teodora @Sonia Don't worry, take your time! ACOWAR it's going to be there and it is worth reading trust me :D

kayleemads hi I just bought the book but I was wondering if I should read the trilogy in order. I don't know much about the series so I don't know if reading the 2nd book first will throw me off. I'm sorry if this is a ridiculous question 😁

 Teodora @Kaylee Madison It's not a ridiculous question! I do recommend reading the books in order though, the second book is more like the consequence of the first book so you definitely need the story background first

message 41: by Pam (new) - rated it 5 stars

Pam Vasquez Every time this book shows up on my feed, I want to pick it up and read it again 🤌🏽🫶🏽

Purtan  Loredana Pacat ca citești seria in romaneste, mi se pare ca se pierde mult la traducere. In engleza mi se pare superba seria❤️

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