Carvanz's Reviews > The Five

The Five by Lily  White
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Holy heck! How do you even begin to review a book like this? I’ve read a lot of books and many of them have been dark and disturbing, but his one…just, holy heck! Every book I’ve read by this author surprises me and I swore I wasn’t going to let her twist me up this time around. Uh, I’m the fool. She got me. Again.


First, let me say to try to avoid any reviews that go into a lot of detail about this story. The way it slowly opens up and reveals itself is part of the overall experience that you won’t want to miss. It’s written from two different points of view. Justin, the victim advocate who has been assigned to determine if the woman who he’s interviewing is capable of the crimes the police are investigating, and Rainey who is the sole survivor of a “rampage style murder” where four people were bludgeoned to death.

While the weight of this book rests on Rainey’s past, she was broken long before her story actually begins here. You may find yourself empathizing with her. You may cry. You may sneer. You may judge. However, through it all…you will feel.


This is a dark story on the lighter side but with many disturbing scenes and actions. It is not a safe read. It has triggers galore. And if you can handle that, you’re in for the ride of your life.

Dual POV
Safe (view spoiler)
Triggers(view spoiler)
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March 8, 2019 – Started Reading
March 8, 2019 – Shelved
March 8, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Awesome review Carvanz!💖😉

Carvanz Thank you Kat! This book was all kinds of twisty goodness!

Wendys Wycked Words Great review Carvanz ;) xoxo

message 4: by Hanne (new)

Hanne Fab review

Carvanz Wendy wrote: "Great review Carvanz ;) xoxo"

Thank you Wendy! This author always has some wild twists and surprises.

Carvanz Hanne wrote: "Fab review"

Thanks Hanne! This author writes stories unlike the normal standard. But oh so good!

Meredith {semi-hiatus} I loved this one Carvanz! Your pic of Rainey perfectly fits the story.

Carvanz Meredith wrote: "I loved this one Carvanz! Your pic of Rainey perfectly fits the story."

Thanks Meredith! I was lot in a black hole looking for pics! Lol!

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