jessica's Reviews > Obsidian

Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
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really liked it

N E V E R, in my 27 years on this planet, have i experienced so much secondhand angst. holy crap. the amount of pent-up energy between katy and daemon could fuel a rocketship to pluto. the tension is so intense in some parts, i was literally sweating. SWEATING! goodness me, i need a cold shower after reading this.

4 stars
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March 16, 2019 – Shelved
March 16, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
March 16, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Nafisa the sexual tension between these two is unreal

message 2: by ✨ Helena ✨ (new)

✨ Helena ✨ I really enjoyed Half-Blood by the same author, which is about mythology. :)

jessica nafisa - right?! i couldnt help but feel it, it was that wild.

parvani - yes! the banter between the two of them was sooo entertaining. really happy you enjoyed this, as well! :)

helena - oh, i have that on my long-listed TBR! im a big fan of armentrout, so im slowly working my way through all of her books. but i will definitely prioritise 'half-blood' now!

message 4: by Shannon (new)

Shannon You bring back all of my feelings when I read this book a few years ago and it makes me want to reread Obsidian!

message 5: by Prashasti (new)

Prashasti Hahah you review makes me wanna read this book xD

Readwithsav Legit same!

jessica shannon - yesss! do it!! i have no idea why i waited so long to read this for a first time!

prashasti - i mean, its sooo much more than just teenage angst, but its also really good!!

savannah - its too much to handle! lol.

Bookish My ine and only fantasy serie i've ever reads and i really enjoy it

Archives of Jina That’s what drew me into this book so hard. The angst!!! The angst is so real. I have the last two books still left to read! 😱

jessica naîma - so happy to hear that!! :)

jean - the angst and tension is sooo heavy. like, i couldnt control myself. lol. i really want to binge read the next four books. 🙈

Paige Oh this makes me want to do a reread!! Love this series

jessica aw. yay! i have no idea why i never read this, but im really enjoying it so far!!

message 13: by kat (new) - rated it 4 stars

kat Haha I'm so glad you love the book! The Lux series is one of my fav series ever...Welcome to the world of Lux lovely 😝

jessica awww. thank you!! your enthusiasm is making me so excited to continue the series!! :D

message 15: by Rukky (new)

Rukky Haha, I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!

jessica thank you!!

jessica thats honestly why i started this series - i want to read the darkest star but thought i should read these books first! really happy to hear how much you love this series! :)

jessica thanks so much!! :)

Iliana Matute I love this 2 they are something supernatural 😂

jessica hahaha. omg yessss!!!

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