megs_bookrack's Reviews > Little Secrets

Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: arcs-read

Marin Machado is a boss. A successful business woman, who owns upscale hair salons catering to the stars.

She is confident and happy.

Her equally successful husband, Derek, is also an entrepreneur. In addition to their thriving careers, the couple have one child, a little boy, Sebastian. He makes their lives complete.

Marin has it all.

That is until Sebastian is kidnapped from a busy shopping center just prior to the Christmas holiday.

In the blink of an eye, the couple's world shatters. Devastated by their son's disappearance, they both retreat into themselves to deal with their pain.

When the police investigation goes nowhere, Marin hires a PI to continue the search.

Over a year later, the Private Investigator actually uncovers something, but it isn't about Sebastian. It's about her husband.

As further secrets are revealed, the lines between love and hate begin to blur. A woman spurned is a serious force to be reckoned with and Marin has nothing left to lose.

Her best friend, Sal, and a grief support group she is a part of, are Marin's only real connections anymore. She feels so distant from Derek.

But who can she trust?

I had so much fun reading this book. It was captivating from the very first chapter.

I loved Marin's character. All of her flaws and grief. I found her to be complex, yet relatable.

While I did guess one of the reveals earlier than I expect the Reader is supposed to, it didn't diminish my enjoyment level at all.

I thought going along with Marin on her journey, as she learns the truth of her husband's betrayal and what happened to her son, was so satisfying.

Hillier really impressed me with this one. My favorite Thriller of the year so far.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Minotaur Books, for providing me with a copy of this to read and review. I cannot wait to see what Jennifer Hillier dreams up next!
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Reading Progress

June 26, 2019 – Shelved
June 26, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
April 21, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
April 24, 2020 – Started Reading
April 26, 2020 –
12.0% "I always knew Santa couldn't be trusted 😬🎅"
May 1, 2020 –
28.0% "Oh baby!!!"
May 1, 2020 –
May 2, 2020 –
May 4, 2020 – Shelved as: arcs-read
May 4, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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message 1: by TMR (new) - added it

TMR I want a copy.

megs_bookrack The Masked Reader wrote: "I want a copy."Maybe you'll get one! Santa could read this!

message 3: by Heather (new)

Heather I need to get my hands on a copy.

megs_bookrack Heather wrote: "I need to get my hands on a copy."I can't believe I haven't started it yet! I am a terrible person! Today, that's my goal, start it today! xo

message 5: by Meagan (new)

Meagan I tried to two of her previous books and ended up DNFing both. Good luck!

megs_bookrack MeaganCM wrote: "I tried to two of her previous books and ended up DNFing both. Good luck!"
Oh, really!? Which ones? I have only read Jar of Hearts . I thought it was pretty good. A little far-fetched, but fun!

message 7: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle She is one of my faves!!!! I loved jar of hearts, creep and freak!

message 8: by Meagan (new)

Meagan I read some of Creep and The Butcher (I think that's what it was called). And I couldnt get into either.

megs_bookrack Michelle wrote: "She is one of my faves!!!! I loved jar of hearts, creep and freak!"I haven't read any of her other stuff besides JoH. I may check out some of the earlier stuff on audio!

megs_bookrack MeaganCM wrote: "I read some of Creep and The Butcher (I think that's what it was called). And I couldnt get into either."Interesting. I will definitely keep that in mind when selecting from her other works. I feel like we usually have pretty similar tastes...

message 11: by Meagan (new)

Meagan I think so. BUT I am also overly hard on mysteries and thrillers and it is the genre I read least. However, with that said I still found her writing dry and boring in general.

message 12: by Erin (new) - added it

Erin Clemence I love Hillier, and this one as no exception :) Congrats on the ARC.

message 13: by Heather (new)

Heather megs_bookrack wrote: "Heather wrote: "I need to get my hands on a copy."I can't believe I haven't started it yet! I am a terrible person! Today, that's my goal, start it today! xo"

*Virtual motivation sent your way* Happy reading!

megs_bookrack MeaganCM wrote: "I think so. BUT I am also overly hard on mysteries and thrillers and it is the genre I read least. However, with that said I still found her writing dry and boring in general." I feel you! I definitely have authors whose writing style doesn't work for me either! xo

megs_bookrack Heather wrote: "megs_bookrack wrote: "Heather wrote: "I need to get my hands on a copy."I can't believe I haven't started it yet! I am a terrible person! Today, that's my goal, start it today! xo"

*Virtual motiva..."
Thank you, still haven't started... hahahaa

megs_bookrack Erin wrote: "I love Hillier, and this one as no exception :) Congrats on the ARC." Glad to hear you enjoyed it, Erin! Thank you! xo

Luvtoread (Trying to catch up) Great review, megs! I thought this was a wonderful thriller as well. Love it!!😅

megs_bookrack Luvtoread wrote: "Great review, megs! I thought this was a wonderful thriller as well. Love it!!😅" Yayee! Thank you! Glad to hear you loved it as well -- xo

message 19: by Angie (new) - added it

Angie Miles Your review makes me want to read this!!! Def adding it to my list

megs_bookrack Angie wrote: "Your review makes me want to read this!!! Def adding it to my list"
This makes me so happy, Angie! I hope you read it and I hope you love it! xo

message 21: by Aisling Zena (new)

Aisling Zena Brilliant review Megs! I don't think I can read kid kidnappings anymore, just too much for me. x

megs_bookrack Aisling Zena wrote: "Brilliant review Megs! I don't think I can read kid kidnappings anymore, just too much for me. x" I can definitely understand that. This one is tough too because I feel like Hillier wrote the emotions of the Mom so well. That aspect was stressful! ((and if you are a Mom, Happy Mother's Day))

message 23: by Aisling Zena (new)

Aisling Zena megs_bookrack wrote: "Aisling Zena wrote: "Brilliant review Megs! I don't think I can read kid kidnappings anymore, just too much for me. x" I can definitely understand that. This one is tough too because I feel like Hi..."

I am! Thank you hun! :D Since I've had her, books like this just become too upsetting. Strange how things change with motherhood lol

megs_bookrack Aisling Zena wrote: "megs_bookrack wrote: "Aisling Zena wrote: "Brilliant review Megs! I don't think I can read kid kidnappings anymore, just too much for me. x" I can definitely understand that. This one is tough too ..."
I totally get that. Enjoy your day! xo

Sherri Thacker I agree!!!!

megs_bookrack Sherri wrote: "I agree!!!!"
I'm glad you enjoyed it too, Sherri! :)

message 27: by Nevin (new) - added it

Nevin Thanks for the review. It’s sitting on my bookshelf. I will definitely read it.

megs_bookrack Nevin wrote: "Thanks for the review. It’s sitting on my bookshelf. I will definitely read it."Ohhhh, yesss, Nevin! You should bump it up your list. It's a fun one!! Her writing is just so addictive. I would like to get into some of her backlist. Wonderland sounds really intriguing to me!

Luvtoread (Trying to catch up) Ah, yes! This was another favorite of mine. Glad you got the chance to read this book and another terrific review, megs!!👏🔰💗

megs_bookrack Luvtoread wrote: "Ah, yes! This was another favorite of mine. Glad you got the chance to read this book and another terrific review, megs!!👏🔰💗"Thank you so much!! This one was so fun. Completely engaging start to finish! xx

message 31: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Thanks for review. It popped up at my library for AAPI month and looked interesting!

megs_bookrack Lisa wrote: "Thanks for review. It popped up at my library for AAPI month and looked interesting!"Thank you, Lisa! It's super intriguing. I hope you love it if you end up picking it up!! xx

message 33: by Nevin (new) - added it

Nevin I loved loved this book! Thanks for a great review

megs_bookrack Nevin wrote: "I loved loved this book! Thanks for a great review"Thank you so much, Nevin. I'm glad you enjoyed it as well!

message 35: by Tara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tara I love this book! Excellent review, as always, Meg! 🤩💛

megs_bookrack Tara (on semi hiatus husband had Knee R.S and is recovering in the hospital) wrote: "I love this book! Excellent review, as always, Meg! 🤩💛"Thank you so much, Tara!! xx

message 37: by Joey (new) - rated it 4 stars

Joey R. I loved this one too. Great review. PS — congratulations on your fictionalized review appearing in Richard Chizmar’s “Becoming the Boogeyman”. You are officially famous.

megs_bookrack Joey wrote: "I loved this one too. Great review. PS — congratulations on your fictionalized review appearing in Richard Chizmar’s “Becoming the Boogeyman”. You are officially famous."
Thank you, Joey! And I have no clue what you're talking about Chizmar's book? I haven't read that one yet...

megs_bookrack Joey wrote: "I loved this one too. Great review. PS — congratulations on your fictionalized review appearing in Richard Chizmar’s “Becoming the Boogeyman”. You are officially famous."...and P.S. I just ordered a copy because there's no way I'm not going to see what you're talking about! LOL

message 40: by Joey (new) - rated it 4 stars

Joey R. megs_bookrack wrote: "Joey wrote: "I loved this one too. Great review. PS — congratulations on your fictionalized review appearing in Richard Chizmar’s “Becoming the Boogeyman”. You are officially famous."
Thank you, Jo..."

It is great . You might want to order book 1 in the series and read it first “Chasing the Boogeyman”. They are both very good …. Fictionalized you appears in book 2. Congratulations.

megs_bookrack Joey wrote: "megs_bookrack wrote: "Joey wrote: "I loved this one too. Great review. PS — congratulations on your fictionalized review appearing in Richard Chizmar’s “Becoming the Boogeyman”. You are officially ..."Thanks so much! I own Book 1 and this is a great reminder that I actually need to read it! Thank you, Joey!!

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