Beth F's Reviews > Lover Eternal

Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: 2008, pnr, vampires, urban-fantasy, dragons, i-reviewed-this-bad-boy

Crack. Crack laced with rat poison. That’s what this series represents.

I’ve now read the first two books in this series and feel that both have been pleasantly distracting, entertaining and I intend to finish the series post haste. However, I’m definitely camping out with everyone who’s ever read these and gone, “huh?!? How could I possibly be enjoying this?”

The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a group of warrior vampires who are fighting to protect weaker civilian vampires from evil, soulless, albino vampire slayers who smell like baby powder. If that’s not compelling enough to get someone to pick this series up, I don’t know what is. (HA!!!!) Each book focuses on the romance of one brother and the female of his destiny.

In this particular book, the brother in question is Rhage. Rhage is an oversexed vampire with a dragon curse (oooh, dragons outside of a medieval mystery or epic fantasy!) Whenever he loses his temper, he turns into a dragon and kills everything in sight. Sex helps him control the dragon. Sex and fighting. Duly noted and kind of hot, so I was intrigued.

Rhage’s lady friend is a human woman named Mary who volunteers for a suicide hotline and also happens to be dying of leukemia. Obviously she’s being set up for some kind of immortality deal. Sort of boring when you’re dealing with a vampire story, in my opinion, however, I should note that in Ward’s world, vampire bites do not turn humans into vampires. Vampires are born, not made. So I was also intrigued how Mary’s inevitable death due to cancer could be worked into immortality if the restrictions of the world prevent her from becoming a vampire herself.

***spoilers past this point***

In addition to containing spoilers, this is the part of the review where I will complain about the things I did not like about this book and then try to pinpoint the exact reason this series has me panting for more (that shipment from can’t get to my mailbox fast enough)!

For starters, let’s start with the overarching complaints that have impacted the first two books in the series and will likely extend to the rest (based on the series research I’ve conducted thus far):

--The heroes names are insane. And not in the good way. Wrath? Rhage? Phury? Zsadist? And in this particular installment, an adolescent vampire who dreams of the name Tehrror is introduced to the mix as well. Give me a flipping break!

--“Shitkickers” annoy the bejeebus out of me. Apparently to be a fully-fledged member of the brotherhood, one cannot wear boots, one must wear “shitkickers.”

--The tough guy dialect shared by the brothers makes me cringe and I feel embarrassed for them whenever they talk to each other. Actually, come to think of it, the affected vernacular (it has to be affected because literally NO ONE ELSE in their world talks that way except the brothers) reminds me of people I’ve met in real life who are emotionally weak and/or were picked on *horribly* as children and have adopted a tough image to overcompensate. Maybe that’s not too unheard of given the fact that pre-warrior vampires are born as weak, pencil-necked geeks. But even if that’s the case, the way they talk to each other annoys me.

--The rap music. Um, no. Just no. The references were over-the-top and ridiculous. And they made me laugh, which I don’t think was the point.

The reason I did not particularly like this book was because I felt it fell apart in the middle. It started strong. It was intriguing. And then something happened that turned me off so badly that I realized I’d reached the point of no return with this couple and regardless of how they worked the problem out amongst themselves, I was done with them.

Despite the fact that sex supposedly calmed Rhage’s dragon beast, being with Mary had the opposite effect. As he kisses her and tries to be intimate with her, he can feel the beast coming closer and closer to the surface and is reluctant to have sex with her for that reason. She doesn’t know about his curse so he’s scared of frightening her or hurting her and tries to prevent this from happening by backing away from her when it becomes too much to handle. At one point, he decides to go to a bar to meet a strange woman and have anonymous sex with her, which will then allow him to “be” with Mary without losing control. Mary doesn’t know his reasons, but she knows he leaves her in his room to go out and have sex with a stranger.

I think most romance readers would be annoyed by his decision to do something like this. However, knowing there was a fairly legitimate reason for doing this bought him a small bit of leeway from me. I didn’t like it, but it wasn’t completely out of character. However, immediately after he returns from the bar where he admittedly has just had sex with some strange woman, she jumps his bones and they have sex for the first time.


That pissed me off BIG time. OK ladies, if your man leaves you alone in his bedroom and you know he’s just gone out to have meaningless sex with an anonymous stranger, the first thing you do NOT do is share your holy of holies with him the second he returns, mmkay?

After that happened, I didn’t really care less about what happened to either of them. I had a hard time taking either of them seriously after that point and the fact that the last portion of the book spent more energy in setting up the next installment in the series rather than in resolving the plots within its own pages also irked me to no end. The book just sort of ended. It wasn’t even on a cliffhanger.

Mary’s civilian vampire friend, Bella, was abducted by the evil slayers. Bella is being slated to be the destined female for Zsadist in the third installment of the series and it peeves me to no end that she was abducted in the second book and not even mentioned in the last chapter. The last chapter of Lover Eternal was a happy, sappy ending between Rhage and Mary and had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that her friend had been abducted a few chapters earlier and never rescued. Lame.
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Reading Progress

July 31, 2008 – Shelved
Started Reading
August 2, 2008 – Finished Reading
August 6, 2008 – Shelved as: 2008
August 6, 2008 – Shelved as: pnr
August 6, 2008 – Shelved as: vampires
August 6, 2008 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy
September 19, 2008 – Shelved as: dragons
June 24, 2010 – Shelved as: i-reviewed-this-bad-boy

Comments Showing 1-50 of 65 (65 new)

Marrionette lol, I totally agree with you on all the annoying parts you mentioned. Also, Mary was such a booorring character for me to read about, I was actually happy to learn that she was terminally ill. I'm hoping she dies off in one of the books so I never have to read about her again.
I think the only good thing about this book is that you get to learn about John. He's the best character so far for me lol.

message 2: by new_user (last edited Jul 27, 2009 11:15PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

new_user LOL! She doesn't die off, but you don't hear much about her later. And John is even more interesting in the next books. ;)

But yes, I agree about the names and the slang. It's easy to overlook, fortunately, LOL.

Marrionette well she should die off, it will make her more interesting. I'm sad that she doesn't weeyu weeyu lol.

message 4: by new_user (last edited Jul 28, 2009 10:28AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

new_user LOL. Just awful! xD

message 5: by Janene (new)

Janene Love this review.

CaliGirlRae Lol me too. Especially this part "OK ladies, if your man leaves you alone in his bedroom and you know he’s just gone out to have meaningless sex with an anonymous stranger, the first thing you do NOT do is share your holy of holies with him the second he returns, mmkay?"

Haha, yeah I squicked out at that.

But your review was so awesome, I'm actually interested in reading this. If only for the "seriously?" factor.

new_user LOL, I know, it's hard to believe, I wasn't sure she could pull it off, but I thought she did. :)

Beth F Craaaaaack....

message 9: by Georgina (last edited Jan 26, 2010 10:27PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Georgina Yep, Beth.

That is the one scenerio that irritated me beyond belief!

For reasons we know but Mary doesn't, Rhage goes out to have sex with a stranger. She knows he's going out to have sex with a stranger. She's understandably broken-hearted and really pissed off with him...But when he returns, her only retaliation is to bite him on the lip and have 'angryish' sex with him (under the premise of 'using him' to get back at him?)...LAME and an insult to woman-kind!.

Okay, so Ward's given us the whole reasoning behind Rhage's actions, but frankly, I don't care what species he is...if he's being intimate with you, and insisting that you stay with him in his room, and sleep in his bed, that crap shouldn't fly with any woman - she should have kneed him where it hurts, or at least stormed out of the room!

I honestly couldn't believe what I was reading!

Beth F I'm glad I'm not the only one who was weirded out by that!!!

Sandra I'm with you in not believing I actually like reading these books. But, sigh, I do.

Nicole This review sums up my feelings about this series PERFECTLY!
I love to hate it.

message 13: by Jen (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jen Ifer's Inklings I thought I was the only one not totally in love with this series but also strangely fascinated. Your review put my feelings into words perfectly. The only thing I would add is that I already have the mystery of john figured out. I know exactly who he is...

message 14: by Jane (new) - rated it 1 star

Jane I just love your review!!............I decided to read the set because so many people rave about it, I thought book one was ok..........but not so good that I HAD to read 2/3/4 etc, but I figured I'd carry on just to see what all the hype was about..........OMG this book has driven me mad so far and I'm only up to page 154, from reading your review I guess it isn't gonna get any better!!!

For some reason I just can't take Rhage seriously, nothing about the way he acts is exciting or's all just really annoying - I keep wishing he'd turn into a dragon and set himself on fire!........oh well I suppose I should just carry on reading

Beth F Totally agree, Jane!

This one kind of sucked balls. But I really and truly loved the next in the series. <3 Zsadist...

Actually, one of the main reasons I continue to read this series is because of how much I loved the third book. I don't want to hype it up too much but for me, the suckiness of book 2 enhanced book 3. :)

message 16: by Jane (new) - rated it 1 star

Jane :) Beth.......I will stick at it (even tho' tbh this is becoming a chore rather than an enjoyment!).......because looking at reviews Zsadist does seem to be a favourite and I don't want to miss out on meeting him properly lol

message 17: by Jane (new) - rated it 1 star

Jane OMG just finished Zsadists can one book be so :( and the next be so :) when written by the same person???? beats me but lover awakened gets 5 stars lol

chucklesthescot I really didn't enjoy the first book and only read this one as I was told the series got better. Well, not for me it didn't! Hated Mary, the plot, the writing, pretty much everything and won't be wasting any more time on the series. Great review!

message 19: by Jane (new) - rated it 1 star

Jane chucklesthescot wrote: "I really didn't enjoy the first book and only read this one as I was told the series got better. Well, not for me it didn't! Hated Mary, the plot, the writing, pretty much everything and won't be w..."

I agree with you,I started the next book but couldn't finish it, I really cant understand the hype..........Zadists story was the only one I really enjoyed!

Andra Alright, I totally agree with the comments about the abundant use of "shitcickers" and your other dislikes. The RAP music references however, as unwelcome as I find them(simply because of personal aversion to RAP) I must say are a somewhat welcome reprieve from the normal relation between warrior heroes and the music they listen to. In pretty much all the series I've gotten myself into, the heroes listen only to rock or heavy metal. I guess I'll reluctantly give points to Ward for originality in that instance.

The rest of your peeves about this book, I empathize with.

message 21: by Shay (new) - rated it 1 star

Shay Yeah they lost me in the first sex scene too. I agree with all your complaints. Plus Mary felt bad about "using" Rhage? WTF? He just had sex with some random woman and you don't know why he did it. He still hasn't explained shit to this girl. I am not finished reading this book and I am already done with it. Ugh.

message 22: by JD (new) - rated it 1 star

JD Switz OH MY GOD, YOU'RE MY HERO! You said exactly how I felt. The second half of the book fell apart for me, too! So much so that I don't think I can return to read the rest. That was over 8 months ago and I still can't go back to it!

message 23: by Feminista (new) - added it

Feminista I agree with you on the cheating part. Wtf. Now I am glad I haven't read this book. I hate books that address and romanticize adultery or cheating. No self respecting woman would 'jump his bones' right after he comes back from another.

Beth F Seriously. :/

micki LOL! I love to hate this series, too! I hate the references to rap music, the repetitive "shitkickers" references and the painfully awkward use of slang. "Yo my brother". Really?!? Ward actually has a pretty cool mythology worked out, but sometimes the guys seem strangely formal and old-fashioned and at other times we get that other nonsense. It is REALLY difficult to write using slang/street/hip-hop vernacular without it seeming forced, even if it's something you actually use in your own speech. I'm not saying it can't be done, but Ward fails. Her books would be SO much better if she left that stuff out. As it is I try to ignore it because I like the stories so much. But really, they ALL only listen to HARDCORE rap? very stepford of them. I'm a hip-hop baby, but I also love hard rock, easy listening, alternative, pop, country, big band and classical music. It's like Ward read a "what makes a badass character" tutorial or something. 1.Mention all the hardcore rap music he listens to. 2.Have him say "yo" and use a lot of improper grammar. 3. Call his boots "shitkickers" EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you mention them. (Which is waayy too many times.)

All that said, I can't stop reading. I'm just starting book 5. I guess I'm a sucker for a vampire. Combine that with romance and a new take on the mythology, and I'm hooked! Sad, I know. :-)

Beth F You're definitely not alone in that sentiment. ;)

message 27: by Cara (new) - rated it 2 stars

Cara Omg I was getting ready to read this one but really want to skip it now!! Ack!! I can't believe I'm going farther with this series! The first book was hard to read! This one sounds worse!!

message 28: by Jane (new) - rated it 1 star

Jane Cara wrote: "Omg I was getting ready to read this one but really want to skip it now!! Ack!! I can't believe I'm going farther with this series! The first book was hard to read! This one sounds worse!!"

If I was you I'd skip this book, but read the next one ......I have to admit so far I haven't gone further than that but I may do one day!!

message 29: by JD (new) - rated it 1 star

JD Switz You'll only like this book halfway through. After that, it all falls apart.

Melaysia I really don't mind the slang or the rap. It gives the dialogue more individuality and a little extra from reality. I mean rap is perfect for a bunch of overly large ass kickers, but I do agree with some of your other complaints. Gotta take the bad with the good. I've read A LOT worse than this lol.

Emilia I love this review! haha
Seriously, so many good points! Their names will never cease to annoy me and Mary did somehow annoy me, and the fact that she survived was really predictable - tbh, if she had died I think the story would have been much more interesting.
Ugh, and don't get me started on the shitkickers and the stupid slang. But, like the rest of you, I just can't stop reading the series.

Everlaine I'm so happy to have found you like-minded people. The slang and the yoyo wannabe gangster stuff drives me insane. Not to mention the clothes! Why do all vampire have an obsession about leather trench-coats?!? And the turtlenecks, argh there are more attractive pieces of clothing you know miss Ward.
And I agree with you Emilia the story would have been alot more interesting and touching.

message 33: by Cocopretty (new) - added it

Cocopretty im black i dont mind the shitkickers that much but jeez how much can i here my brother my brother my brother it got the hell on my nerves brother

Tracy Licameli Loved this review . Sad but more entertaining than the book.

message 35: by Sarah (new) - rated it 1 star

Sarah Totally agree... Couldn't even finish the book.

message 36: by Rae (new) - rated it 2 stars

Rae I couldn't connect with Mary at all; she's extremely dull and ignorant. Plus Rhage says "She's like a warrior" when really she's not. Nothing about her screams "warrior" or "tough". Everyone likes the third book, so hopefully the heroine isn't a whiney dense person.

message 37: by Rae (new) - rated it 2 stars

Rae Lemme explain myself a little more: Rhage tells her he loves her like 27 times, and when she wants to go home because she's sick he's like "Let me take care of you!" and she responds with "Why would you want to do that?" ... I just wanted to hit her on the head with a baseball bat. Has she not been listening? He's done everything within his power to tell him her feelings. Like, I don't know, getting beat up by his own BROTHERS for her? But no. She doesn't see how much he loves her and wants to take care of her. She's in her own little head. She's a too stupid to live character. I stopped reading when Rhage said "fuck you" and walked out. I would do the same freaking thing.

message 38: by Impy (new) - rated it 2 stars

Impy Perfect review is perfect. EXACTLY what I thought of the book. Ick.

message 39: by Bree (new) - added it

Bree exactly to a tee what I thought of this book. excellent review

Michelle I couldn't help calling Mary "stupid bitch". Great review! This one was a challenge to get through, especially the sex and grub with the random woman and coming home to Mary. That didn't go over well for me.

message 41: by Jaime (new)

Jaime Jeffrey I. Was. HOWLIN! at your review. My kids r wonderin just what n the hell is wrong w/ mommy now!

message 42: by London (new) - added it

London Wait WHAT!? He does WHAT? Oh man, why didn't I read this review before I bought the damn book. I'm so pissed right now. Wth is wrong with the author? That's not romantic at all and now I'm going to have to return the damn book.

message 43: by Michael (new) - added it

Michael Sullivan so true, my feelings for this series is spot on

Leeann Wow! I feel like I could have wrote this review! This is exactly what I thought, especially about losing interest after Rhage’s night out with the "females" and then back home with that meaningless 'I'm using you sex' which was completely unromantic. After that the only thing that kept me reading was Bella's story.

message 45: by K (new) - rated it 1 star

K 2 questions, first it sounds like U didn't like the book, yet U gave it 2 stars-which means "it was ok" -Which is it? .Also why are you reading MORE of the series!? I didn't like the book for many, MANY reasons, but I'm not going to torture myself by reading any-more!

Beth F 1 – I reserve the 1 star rating for books that elicit visceral emotions like disgust, loathing, and revulsion. And while there were many unlikable elements to this book, none of them escalated into a full-on emotional response. It sounds like this one may have tripped your trigger though. *grin*

Did I love it?
Did I hate it?
Did I like it?
Whoa boy, let’s not go overboard here…2 stars it is.

2 – And of course I read more from the series beyond this book. I enjoy romance, which may give some sort of indication of where my standards lie on the readability scale, but as such, I’ve found that it rarely makes sense to be a “one strike and you’re out” kind of reader when genre fiction is involved. Authors change certain elements from book to book in an attempt to refresh the romance formulas, so an all-out ban on an author or series based on one dud is unjustified.

Case in point, I had enjoyed the first book in this series (4 stars) and loved the third book (5 stars), so the low rating here was the outlier.

message 47: by Jean (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jean Hello,

You wrote:

"At one point, he decides to go to a bar to meet a strange woman and have anonymous sex with her, which will then allow him to “be” with Mary without losing control.

However, immediately after he returns from the bar where he admittedly has just had sex with some strange woman, she jumps his bones and they have sex for the first time.

That pissed me off BIG time.

After that happened, I didn’t really care less about what happened to either of them."

I agree 100%, thank you for writing that!

message 48: by Susan (new) - rated it 1 star

Susan I agree with you 100%! The dialogue between the brothers is soooo bad!!

message 49: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca Your breakdown was more entertaining than some books I've read :) haha I love a good romance so I'll definitely read 1 & 3 of this series. Thanks for your candid review!

Sandra Correct me if I'm wrong cause I read it a long time ago and don't really remember everything:
1. I don't think he had a legitimate reason to have sex with someone else. So having sex calms him except when he's with Mary, cause he likes her and that makes him lose control. It was something like that, right? So right after he has sex with a random woman, he decides he only wants to have sex with Mary? Really? He's not afraid anymore of losing control? Come on...
2. Wasn't she locked up in his room while he was out having sex? God, that really annoyed. I think it was because it was dangerous for her to get out, right? Well, I don't care. She's an adult. She should be able to go out if she wants to. I think it's horrible to be locked up in your lover's room while he's having sex with another woman.
3. And it really really made me angry they way this problem was easily resolved (to be honest, in real life I wouldn't have forgiven him).
4. She feels bad because she "raped" him? Yeah, cause he was so against it... She felt bad??!!! Can she be more stupid? She should be making him beg, for God's sake!!
I read it a long time ago but remembering it makes me feel angry again :O XDDDD

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