✨ jami ✨'s Reviews > The Unhoneymooners

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: romance, 2019-reads, adult, audiobook

man idk if I just don't like romances in general or if I just find straight horny people to be incredibly boring or what it is but these hyped up romance novels keep letting me down

The first half wasn't bad - it follows Olive, who's twin sister Ami is getting married. When everyone falls sick after the wedding from eating shellfish, everyone except Olive and Ethan, Ami's new husband's brother. Olive and Ethan don't like each other but in the interest of getting free shit they decide to pretend to be married to go on Ami and Dane's honeymoon. The premise was fun and even if it was slightly ridiculous, I enjoyed it.

The first 50% is essentially just Olive and Ethan getting to know eachother better, sorting out some misunderstandings between them and pretending to be married. Some truly ridiculous shit happens (Ethan's ex AND Olive's new boss both happen to be there) and while it was unrealistic, I can't say I didn't enjoy it.

I guess where this book falls apart is I didn't get the CHEMISTRY. these two people are way too horny for their own good, and all they really do is make horny jokes and their entire relationship is based off of Ethan thinking Olive has good titties and Olive thinking Ethan has good abs. And it's not that I can't necessarily get behind that, but I did find it boring here. I felt I was reading it like 'yep, that sure is another paragraph about how he's hot' but there was no spark or real connection that made me feel anything about it. I also found a lot of their banter cringey and their characterisation was so predictable (she's an awkward klutz who says silly things before thinking, he's a stoic brooding type with a heart of gold ect)

That said, the majority of the first half was fun and silly and I liked the progression of their relationship and the things they had to do to avoid getting caught out as not being married. And the massage scene did kind of slap.

The second half, however .... this is where my rating dropped from a "it's not great but it's a three star because I'm liking it" to a "god, I liked it at first but can it end already" two stars. It's hard to talk about the second half without spoiling everything but lets just say it was non-stop nonsense, misunderstandings, and people Doing Bad Things that shouldn't have been forgiven as easily as they were.

There was also some frankly questionable choices made regarding representation, like the plus-sized rep really only there when it was convenient for the plot, and the queer rep ..... well the stereotypical gay side character and the discussion about lesbians ....... yikes. It was unnecessary and made me wince. The final grand gesture scene was also so cringe-worth I had that visceral second-hand embarrassment reaction and I DON'T enjoy feeling that way.

“The problem with lying about relationships is that humans are fickle, fickle creatures.”

special mention to the part where the MC makes a harry potter joke and the LI replies with a harry potter joke and the MC is like "omg ... I knew he liked reading but he likes THE SAME BOOKS AS ME ........... the perfection of this man" like first of all calm down everyone knows harry potter Ethan isn't indie he isn't special .. you're living in america everyone understands harry potter references. second of all since when is 'harry potter' a type of book like skfksk. this shit made me roll my eyes so hard.

So there we go: I didn't really love reading this super hyped romance book and its like a 2.5 star for me purely because I Did genuinely have fun with the beginning to the middle even if it was ridiculous.

Do I dislike romance in general, is this a bad book, are horny straight people annoying, or am I just so tired of hetero people writing books about hetero nonsense? chime off in the comments
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Reading Progress

July 7, 2019 – Shelved
July 7, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
July 24, 2019 – Shelved as: romance
December 16, 2019 – Started Reading
December 18, 2019 –
page 72
December 19, 2019 –
39.0% "why do these characters make so many baffling decisions"
December 20, 2019 –
December 21, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019-reads
December 21, 2019 – Shelved as: adult
December 21, 2019 – Shelved as: audiobook
December 21, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by Natalia (new)

Natalia I feel like most hetero romance books are all the same nowadays. It used to be good back in the 1800's when Jane Austen used to write them, but now everything is just waaaaay too boring. I'm not a huge fan of romances of any kind, anyway, but I can tell you, for sure, that I was already done with this whole hetero romancr bullcrap a looong time ago... mehhh, but that's just my (bitter-person) opinion

✨    jami   ✨ Natalia wrote: "I feel like most hetero romance books are all the same nowadays. It used to be good back in the 1800's when Jane Austen used to write them, but now everything is just waaaaay too boring. I'm not a ..."

HA very true I love Jane Austen and some other period romances, like North and South. I think maybe I just don't enjoy consuming romance specifically that much in media, I'm not a huge romcom person either unless I get in a very specific mood for one. But lgbt+ romances are always good! There's a bit of extra spice

message 3: by Bruno (new)

Bruno Kulić Nah, you're just being heterophobic, like I was about The Hating Game, but, don't worry, it's what they deserve!

message 4: by wao (new)

wao yikessss i never read it bc its too straight for me but i didnt know it was THAT bad... i swear ppl hype up the most tropey het books ive ever seen way tooo much...
also to the comment above me ^ theres no such thing as heterophobia LMAO

✨    jami   ✨ Bruno wrote: "Nah, you're just being heterophobic, like I was about The Hating Game, but, don't worry, it's what they deserve!"

i will never forgive the amount of romance books that could have been good if it wasn't for all the straighties. hets ruin everything

✨    jami   ✨ farah wrote: "yikessss i never read it bc its too straight for me but i didnt know it was THAT bad... i swear ppl hype up the most tropey het books ive ever seen way tooo much...
also to the comment above me ^ t..."

I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD BE THIS BAD AND YET?? Like if it had just stuck with it's premise and been a ridiculous but fun story about two people acting fake married it would have been ok, but it was way too horny for it's own damn good. Like, sex in books is fun but this was literally the exact same boring ass 'omg his abs, omg her tiddies' scene throughout the whole book... get some goddamn new material

ALSO LMAO its ok I think Bruno is joking skfks

Jadey (the Bookish) I was thinking about picking this up so I'm so glad I've read your review because I cannot STAND the hets being that incredibly het hahaha. I think it's time I exclusively take my romance book recs from queer people bcos I don't understand cringey straight culture at all hahah. (and the Harry Potter thing?? You'd think an author would be able to make literally any other book reference lmao)

✨    jami   ✨ .✭・. Jadey .・✭. wrote: "I was thinking about picking this up so I'm so glad I've read your review because I cannot STAND the hets being that incredibly het hahaha. I think it's time I exclusively take my romance book recs..."

thats ACTUALLY where I'm at right now like I no longer trust hetero romance reviewers and I don't get straight romance culture skksgs. the het books have no flavour. Though that said some of my queer friends did like it so ..... maybe you might like it.

And yeah, like tbh I don't care if it's a HP reference, makes sense for people to make one, but framing the LI getting it like it was some huge thing and not like .... everyone understands HP because it's a global phenomenon thats immensely popular... idk it was whack

Dilek VT Great review, I hated this book fiercely....

chan ☆ you're not wrong... trad published romance is typically straight white horny nonsense

crispylicious juicylicious Welllll you’re on to something

cyborgcinderella I didn’t get their chemistry either. Also people kept saying how funny this book was and I was like “did we read the same book or...?” Because I did not laugh at a single thing in this story.

✨    jami   ✨ cyborgcinderella wrote: "I didn’t get their chemistry either. Also people kept saying how funny this book was and I was like “did we read the same book or...?” Because I did not laugh at a single thing in this story."

I think one bit made me laugh but I also can't remember what the joke was now so it must not have been That funny to me skfks. But yeah I feel this wasn't my humour, like the 'joke' about them always using the wrong names and stuff? Maybe if it was more my humour it would have worked better

message 14: by Shannon (new)

Shannon I didn't even read this book because of all the hetero-ness sexy times. Coming from a straight ace, it's a NO from me. All the Christina Lauren books are blurring together because I feel like they're all the same.

✨    jami   ✨ Shannon wrote: "I didn't even read this book because of all the hetero-ness sexy times. Coming from a straight ace, it's a NO from me. All the Christina Lauren books are blurring together because I feel like they'..."

This is the only one I read and tbh the only one that ever interested me just because of the premise but it .. didn't inspire me to read more

message 16: by claire (new)

claire "just so tired of hetero people writing books about hetero nonsense" honestly, big mood

I avoid cishet romance books like the plague, I just don't have the strength and patience for that. I can't deny it's a wild and mildly amusing ride sometimes, with at least a dozen moments and plot points where you catch yourself wondering, "Are straight™ people okay?", but like, I don't have time for that. I don't even read other genres and books that actually seem okay, because I can barely catch up with all the LGBTQ+ reads.

message 17: by jacky (new) - added it

jacky god thank you so much, im currently reading this and i had to stop because i just can’t understand the hype behind it. i came on here to see if im just picky and was about to label myself as annoying until i saw this. so glad im not the only one that doesn’t find this as good as everyone says it is.

message 18: by . (new) - rated it 3 stars

. OMGG thank u i thought i was weird for not liking this book as much as everyone else!

message 19: by El (new) - rated it 2 stars

El :) like HOW can two authors thing “i wish i was born a lesbian” is an appropriate line for a romcom??? it made me so upset

message 20: by naye (last edited Aug 02, 2021 08:18PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

naye morusa man idk if I just don't like romances in general or if I just find straight horny people to be incredibly boring or what it is but these hyped up romance novels keep letting me down"

MY EXACT THOUGHTS!!! THANK YOU!!! where is the pining the yearning the really getting to know each other and falling for who they are and not because they are hot.

message 21: by naye (new) - rated it 2 stars

naye morusa Shannon wrote: "I didn't even read this book because of all the hetero-ness sexy times. Coming from a straight ace, it's a NO from me. All the Christina Lauren books are blurring together because I feel like they'..."

big same my friend. i still tried to remove my ace-glasses but still didn't understand the hype about this romance.

Camryn🦋 I have under 40 pages left and it’s so hard to get through so boringgggg im really sad I don’t enjoy this one like everyone else

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