Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube)'s Reviews > The Devil and the Dark Water

The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
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bookshelves: 2020-releases, arc

A murder on the high seas. A detective duo. A demon who may or may not exist.

(4.25?) After reading The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, I couldn’t wait to read anything else by the author. I wasn’t disappointed!

I loved how once again, the murder-mystery was happening in a contained environment (the boat!) with lots of possible suspects. They all had interesting background and possible motives and the possibly of supernatural kept me guessing.

I do think that once again the ending was the weakest point of the book but I think if you’ve enjoyed his first book, you’ll enjoy this one too!

PS. Calling one of your main characters "Arent" is cruel to all your non-native English speaking readers... XD
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July 28, 2019 – Shelved
September 29, 2020 – Started Reading
October 7, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-37 of 37 (37 new)

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Natasha Yasssss!

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling If only!!!
I cannot wait to see what he does next, that first book was such a ride!

message 3: by Kristy (new) - added it

Kristy I honestly don't even care what it's about, I need it! Already my most anticipated book of next year.

Becky I cannot wait for this to come out!

message 5: by Gisela (new) - added it

Gisela It is! Haha

message 6: by Amanda (new)

Amanda In fact, it is

John Ruedebusch Did not age well

Jason Bushnell Regrettably.

message 9: by Jez (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jez Release date! 1st October 2020 :-)

Oliwia Potocka I'm almost finished and it's soooo good. Honestly, idk how he does it 🤯

message 11: by Natalya (new) - added it

Natalya YAY!!! I'm enjoying it so far and I hope you do too.

message 12: by Emily (new) - added it

Emily Me too!! My first one 😭

message 13: by Yasmine (new) - added it

Yasmine Jealous!!

Mariosa Comunale I preordered it and I simply cannot wait!!!

message 15: by Micca (new) - added it

Micca Shyen Pre ordered this yesterday! =)

message 16: by Caroline (new) - added it

Caroline  Miller Lucky!!!

message 17: by Leah (new) - added it

Leah True, there is at least a German, English and French pronunciation for Arent.

Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube) Leah wrote: "True, there is at least a German, English and French pronunciation for Arent."

Usually I tend to only look at the first letter of the name (probably why I never remember anyone's name!) but my brain every time would see it as "aren't" which confused me to whole time haha
Not a big deal but still!

message 19: by Leah (new) - added it

Leah Emily wrote: "Leah wrote: "True, there is at least a German, English and French pronunciation for Arent."

Usually I tend to only look at the first letter of the name (probably why I never remember anyone's name..."

lol, I did not even think about that, but you're right, it practically is the same as aren't. just waiting to read about characters named Wouldn't and Can't from now on.

message 20: by kennedy (new)

kennedy parrish My ass over here googling if arent is a naughty word in another language

message 21: by Yasmine (new) - added it

Yasmine About to start this today and im so excited!

message 22: by Rajm (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rajm Aliwalas Don’t worry, even as a native English speaker having having to read Arent not aren’t made me do at least 30 double-takes 🙃

message 23: by Michalis (new) - added it

Michalis Papadopoulos I've got one credit left on my audible account. Is it worth it?

message 24: by Merel (new) - added it

Merel And as a Dutch reader, reading in English, it is really strange to read Dutch names in a book... Because for some reason my can't comprehend that and literally makes me pause and wonder about the name every time xD

message 25: by Alba (new) - rated it 5 stars

Alba Marie Ah! Very excited for this! I think I might have seen one of your videos where you mentioned Evelyn Hardcastle. I had just downloaded the library app so I could try out audiobooks so I picked this one knowing nothing about it. OMG it was AMAZING. Like, possibly one of the reasons I started binging audiobooks. I can't wait for this one!

message 26: by Jos (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jos Hahahaha it wasn’t that bad of you’re Dutch because he tried to use Dutch names 😂. Really strange but also strangely honoured to have Dutch names in a English book 😂. And I want to say more about one name but I won’t because I’m a spoiler queen and I don’t want to spoil

message 27: by Alan (new) - rated it 4 stars

Alan Wilson About halfway through and finding it utterly gripping!

Veronica Thank you Emily! I absolutely fell in love with The 7 Deaths of E. H.

I am setting out to find this book immediately!

message 29: by T (new) - rated it 4 stars

T 15% in and hooked. So glad for your recommendation and also others!

Simalova Yes, I absolutely agree on the ending of Evelyn Hardcastle. It was like the book you’ve been reading for days abruptly ended and another one randomly dropped on your lap! Yeah... no idea what the author was thinking... But the premise is of this book is so good, and now I’m a little afraid to pick it up. Is the ending going to be as random and out of place as it was for E. H.?

message 31: by Ombretta (new)

Ombretta I loved “The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle”, one of the best books I read last year. I hope to have the same feeling after reading “The Devil and the Dark Water”.

Jessica Arent is not great in audio either -- Errant?

Silke actually Arent is a common Dutch name in the period the story is situated. Just a question, as you read the first book as well, is it similar to his one?

Briana Is there a story about sammy?

Octarine I just started this book. I’m not at English native speaker so I don’t understand the thing with Arent’s name. Because of the verb « are not » ?

Jessica @Octarine, that's exactly right. The contraction of "are not" is "aren't" just like "can not" becomes "can't"

Octarine Thank you @Jessica ! Indeed, in the last chapter I read they talk about his name

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