Laurie (barksbooks)'s Reviews > The Last House Guest

The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda
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bookshelves: audiobook, dnf, thriller

I'm calling this quits at 30%. DNF and no rating.

Hmmm, I had a struggle focusing on this one. I've read a lot of these mystery/thriller/juicy-secret books and I typically love them but I wasn't digging the writing style here. I felt like I was the only stranger at a party and no one could be bothered to introduced me to anyone. The characters weren't drawn very well and weren’t interesting to me whatsoever. There was a lot of "telling" instead of showing. I listened to 30% and it continued in this vein, jumping all over the place with two timelines and confusing the hell out of me on audio. Perhaps it is better read in paper but I will never know because I am a quitter and life is too short to struggle with books that aren't working.

This isn't my idea of a fun time. Nope. Ba-byee. I hope the rest of you enjoy it more than I did.
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Reading Progress

August 26, 2019 – Started Reading
August 26, 2019 – Shelved
August 26, 2019 –
0% "Hmmm, I'm having a struggle focusing on this one. I'm not digging the writing style. I feel like I'm the only stranger at a party and no one can be bothered to introduced me to anyone. There is a lot of "telling" instead of showing. I'll read a bit more but if it continues in this vein I'll have to call it quits."
August 26, 2019 –
0% "I’m calling it quits. I don’t like the writing style, it keeps jumping all over the place and it is confusing the hell out of me on audio. And the people aren’t interesting to me whatsoever. And I still feel like I crashed a party where I know no one and they’re all having conversations that I don’t understand. This is no fun. Not for me. Nope. Ba-byee"
August 26, 2019 – Finished Reading
August 27, 2019 – Shelved as: audiobook
August 27, 2019 – Shelved as: dnf
August 27, 2019 – Shelved as: thriller

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Aristotle "life is too short to struggle with books that aren't working."

Laurie  (barksbooks) Aristotle wrote: ""life is too short to struggle with books that aren't working."

And it gets shorter every day!

message 3: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly I have several books I've DNF'd the past two weeks--I haven't even bothered listing them....

Laurie  (barksbooks) Kimberly wrote: "I have several books I've DNF'd the past two weeks--I haven't even bothered listing them...."

If I don't list them I might try to read them again at some point in the future. My memory is not so good, haha. I'm sorry you're having a struggle too.

Kelli After just finishing listening to this for ten hours, im frustrated with myself I didn’t quit! You made the right call!

Laurie  (barksbooks) Kelli wrote: "After just finishing listening to this for ten hours, im frustrated with myself I didn’t quit! You made the right call!"

I hate it when that happens!

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