Mimi's Reviews > Croak
Croak (Croak, #1)
Mimi's review
bookshelves: finished-copy-for-review, adorable-favourites, best-of-2012, boys-i-wish-were-real, pure-awesomeness, reviewed
Mar 19, 2012
bookshelves: finished-copy-for-review, adorable-favourites, best-of-2012, boys-i-wish-were-real, pure-awesomeness, reviewed
Absolutely 5 SHINY (like this cover) STARS! Sometimes I think I read so many books that finding an original and captivating gem in the bunch gets harder by the day, but Croak reminds me why I love to read. It's knee-slappingly fun but still dark at the same time!
As a huge Soul Screamers fan, I already have a weakness for reapers but Gina Damico still brings something new to the table! These reapers carry actual scythes and only have the job of carting souls off to the Afterlife, where quirky ghosts like Elvis and Edgar Allan Poe can wallow in peace.
Lex has to be one of the most spunky, temperamental, and stubborn heroines I've ever met — but she's also one of my favourites! She doesn't take crap from anyone, not even her twin sister Cordy, but her fair heart still makes her wince when she has to reap the soul of a murdered victim. Along with her swoon-worthy partner Driggs and a whole group of misfit apprentice reapers, they will make you want to move to Croak ASAP! ♥
But it's not just all fun and games. The mysterious murders in the novel add a serious undertone, along with how Lex is wholeheartedly against unfair deaths. And that twist at the end... Break my heart, why don't you, Gina?? Intense is only the beginning of this amazing debut!
With a hilarious cast, a mysterious plot, and creativity packed to the max, it's safe to say that I love Croak to death! Like Adam Rex said, there are so many books with worlds that I would love to live in, but dying in this one doesn't sound like such a bad idea. ;)
BUY or BORROW?: If my five stars aren't enough to convince you, maybe me adding this to my favourites shelf will? I usually don't pre-order books this far in advance, but I'm already planning on buying the sequel, Scorch! :)
(Original review at Mimi Valentine's YA Review Blog)
As a huge Soul Screamers fan, I already have a weakness for reapers but Gina Damico still brings something new to the table! These reapers carry actual scythes and only have the job of carting souls off to the Afterlife, where quirky ghosts like Elvis and Edgar Allan Poe can wallow in peace.
Lex has to be one of the most spunky, temperamental, and stubborn heroines I've ever met — but she's also one of my favourites! She doesn't take crap from anyone, not even her twin sister Cordy, but her fair heart still makes her wince when she has to reap the soul of a murdered victim. Along with her swoon-worthy partner Driggs and a whole group of misfit apprentice reapers, they will make you want to move to Croak ASAP! ♥
But it's not just all fun and games. The mysterious murders in the novel add a serious undertone, along with how Lex is wholeheartedly against unfair deaths. And that twist at the end... Break my heart, why don't you, Gina?? Intense is only the beginning of this amazing debut!
With a hilarious cast, a mysterious plot, and creativity packed to the max, it's safe to say that I love Croak to death! Like Adam Rex said, there are so many books with worlds that I would love to live in, but dying in this one doesn't sound like such a bad idea. ;)
BUY or BORROW?: If my five stars aren't enough to convince you, maybe me adding this to my favourites shelf will? I usually don't pre-order books this far in advance, but I'm already planning on buying the sequel, Scorch! :)
(Original review at Mimi Valentine's YA Review Blog)
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March 19, 2012
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message 1:
rated it 4 stars
May 14, 2012 01:40AM
But anyywaaaays haha... I really hope you like both Croak and the Soul Screamers series like I did, A! :) <3
@Jasprit: YAY! You have to read this one, J -- it's so much better than I expected it to be! And I know LOL I've never been so happy to be on a good book streak! 2012 is just filled to the brim with amazing books! :')