Robin's Reviews > Lightbringer

Lightbringer by Claire Legrand
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it was ok

↠ 2 stars

To anyone out there wondering why I need therapy, I would like to present into evidence this entire book. Lightbringer is the culmination of a lot of things, but it is first and foremost where Eliana and Rielles Journey draws to a close. We begin right where Kingsbane left off, with Rielle descending even further into darkness after fleeing with Corien, and Eliana having been captured by the enemy.

In many ways, this book was absolutely nothing like I expected. New character perspectives were introduced that weren’t there previously and the plot development went in an entirely new direction. For a good chunk of the book there is a stalemate, as Corien plans to use Eliana and Simon to travel back to Old Celdaria, and she promptly refuses. In the past, Rielle, allied with Corien, pushes the limits of her power in order to break down the gate and release the angels trapped there. The first half of the book felt really slow going, which given that this was the conclusion to the trilogy, I really didn’t enjoy. However, I do feel that the last half more than made up for the somewhat glacial pace that the book started out on.

Unsurprisingly, time travel played a significant role in the final book, and, while this was the direction I thought the story was going to take, I felt it definitely could have been handled a lot better. Combined with the pacing of the last quarter, there came a moment where everything seemed to be on fast forward and there was so much more to grapple with over a shorter page count. The author just had so many characters to take care of, she ended up pushing half of them abruptly out of the picture at the last second, using time travel as the tool to do so. Out of the multiple perspectives that were added in, only one or two really needed to be there, the others just took so much away from Rielle and Eliana’s points of view. Maybe if those had been scaled back a bit, then the ending could have been handled with a bit more care.

It’s clear that Claire Legrand plans to do more with this world and its characters, but more effort needed to be put into creating a satisfying conclusion for the trilogy. I think more closure was certainly needed with Eliana and Simon, and I could have used a bit less character assassination on her part. I can definitely see how she wanted things to come full circle, it just was not executed accordingly. If you need me, I’ll be sticking to one of the many alternate endings I created upon finishing this book in order to cope.
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December 15, 2019 – Shelved
December 15, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
October 13, 2020 – Started Reading
October 13, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Maddy Estherby Please share with me your alternate endings, because this book made me irate.

MangoReadsBooks Yes please me too.

Robin Maddy wrote: "Please share with me your alternate endings, because this book made me irate."

I honestly always thought that lightbringer would involve Eliana awakening her power fully, and using the empirium to fix things. Alongside Simon. I think my favorite alternate ending is that the two of them travel back in time to the night the empirium fell and fight side by side to destroy corien for good. They show up after young simon leaves with eliana. Then the ending would be that simon still got seperated from her in the future, he eventually finds her, but doesn't attempt to contact her since they had fixed everything in the past. Years later, their memories from the past timeline are restored maybe through the empirium, and they reunite. Simon having always known who she was, is taken aback when she shows up and knows who he is. Again, this is just one of many, but I think they have to reunite and regain the lost memories due to the fact that there are still problems to fix. I just prefer them being in the future, so that is a key point in most of my alternate endings.

Robin StarlitReader wrote: "Yes please me too."

I shared my main one above, but if you would rather hear about one that builds off of how lightbringer ended then let me know. I have two kinds: those that attempt to fix lightbringer, and those that continue the story afterwards.

Vanesa Yes! That would’ve been a much better ending!

message 6: by helena (new) - added it

helena oh no, i’m reading kingsbane atm💔💔

message 7: by Josephine (new) - added it

Josephine Not this....I just started it....

Robin Josephine wrote: "Not this....I just started it...."

Ahhhh I'm sorry if I spoiled anything. Ultimately these are just my opinions so I hope you're not let down after reading.

Robin helena wrote: "oh no, i’m reading kingsbane atm💔💔"

Kingsbane is my absolute favorite. Don't let me turn you off from finishing the series.

Aaron I enjoyed it, but I agree that it could have more focus on Rielle, Eliana, and Audric. I say the three of them because Audric plays an important part and provides the contrast to Eliana’s part we need when Rielle doesn’t have chapters. If some of the characters only had the necessary chapters or less time, it would have been better.

Lauren Yeah!lol, What happened with Eliana and Simon from "the future".

message 12: by Nancy (new)

Nancy Thank you for writing this review! I slogged thru Furyborn and now I can see the rest isn’t worth it. No closure ending piss me off for a long time! All that wasted time I could have been reading something else!!! I have the trilogy in hardcover. Donate!!

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