David Putnam's Reviews > The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
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it was amazing

Loved this book. One of my favorites. I really don't understand why this book doesn't have a higher overall rating. I like Hemingway and I think this is one of his better ones. I guess it's because it doesn't get in the way of itself like some of his other works. This one is straightforward, great descriptions in a man vs nature story.
Highly recommend.
David Putnam author of The Bruno Johnson series.
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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Great review of a great book!

David Putnam Dita wrote: "Great review of a great book!"

Thank you. :-)

message 3: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne David excellent

message 4: by Sophie (new)

Sophie Terrific review. You are right, Dave. It should have an overall higher rating. '+)

message 5: by Eileen (new)

Eileen I'm not sure I'll be a fan of his long and rambling style, but your review makes me think I should give this one a try! Thank you.

David Putnam Eileen wrote: "I'm not sure I'll be a fan of his long and rambling style, but your review makes me think I should give this one a try! Thank you."


David Putnam Sophie wrote: "Terrific review. You are right, Dave. It should have an overall higher rating. '+)"

Welcome :-)

message 8: by Marianne (new)

Marianne I think that being forced to read it in high school might be a factor in the rating...

David Putnam I read it in high school as well. Then I picked it up again as an adult and liked it much more this time.

message 10: by Missy (new)

Missy I agree to the being forced to read them in high school. We HAD to read many classics (or what I call classics) and they bored me to tears, however I listened during discussion and still made high grades even though I didn't read much of the book. Name;y - A Tale of Two Cities and Huckleberry Finn (which I had to read twice, and still haven't read it all). Now if I went back today and read them, I might enjoy them, but it is the dreaded memories of high school that keep me away.

David Putnam This one is different, you might give it a try.


Paula Hagar Never EVER been a Hemingway fan, though I've always been interested in the life he led, especially his time in Cuba. I always thought I was in a huge minority, but maybe I'm not. Maybe others DO feel as I do and that's why the rating is low-ish? No idea, but I've always wondered why I've never been able to enjoy his novels.

message 13: by Quo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Quo I wonder if the low rating for Old Man & the Sea has anything to do with ageism or the seeming lack of "action" that many expect from Mr. Hemingway, with the absence of a war-in-progress, charging bulls, etc.? Once, at the Long Wharf Theater in New Haven, I saw a dramatized version of the Hemingway novella, just a small boat + an old man and a boy. With not even a hint of real saltwater, the words of the Hemingway story were sufficient to make the play enthralling! Bill

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