Sofia's Reviews > Red Queen

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
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To whoever thought writing formulaic YA dystopian novels was a good idea....

I hate you.

YA dystopia is basically a game of Mad Libs. Shall we play?

__Insert name__ lives in a corrupt society where people are divided by __insert something along the lines of factions/districts/blood color__. She is a __insert oppressed race__, which means she slaves away for the "good" of __insert corrupt government__. But __insert name__ is not like other girls. She can __insert special ability__, which makes her a target. She longs for home and the boy she left behind, __insert boy she left behind__, who is probably in love with her, even though she is blissfully oblivious. But there is another boy within the corrupt government who is not like other boys...

Et cetera, et cetera. Fill in the blanks.

Mare Barrow lives in a corrupt society where people are divided by the color of their blood. She is a Red, which means she slaves away for the "good" of the Silvers. But Mare is not like other girls. She can control electricity, which makes her a target. She longs for home and the boy she left behind, Kilorn, who is probably in love with her, even though she is blissfully oblivious. But there is another boy within the corrupt government who is not like other boys....

Katniss Everdeen lives in a corrupt society where people are divided by districts. She is a citizen of District 12, which means she slaves away for the "good" of the Capitol. But Katniss is not like other girls. She can use a bow, which makes her a target. She longs for home and the boy she left behind, Gale, who is probably in love with her, even though she is blissfully oblivious. But there is another boy within the corrupt government who is not like other boys....

Do you see? *awkward silence* *someone in the audience coughs* WE HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED.

The rest of this review is riddled with spoilers, so stop here if you haven't read the book or if you just don't care.

This book makes no sense at all. Mare is sent off to become Silver royalty because she's special, but she doesn't have Silver blood. Which means a simple paper cut could expose her. First of all, Evangeline clearly wants to kill her, but prevents herself from cutting Mare multiple times because ~drama~ and ~suspense.~ But why do Elara and Tiberius want to keep her alive, anyway? Killing her would solve all their problems. It's not that hard to cover up her electric abilities afterwards. And then they betroth her to Maven, but why would they want a Red in a position of power? Of course, it's all a set-up at the end, but really? Mare fell for this? It's so blatantly obvious that Maven was lying. What would he have to gain, anyway? There are so many holes in this plot, and Mare either ignores them because of ✨love✨ or is too empty-headed to see them. This so-called Scarlet Guard trusts him blindly, giving him all their precious little secrets. It's so dumb. And then Elara is apparently a whisper, so she can look through people's thoughts. They somehow thought they would never be found (they being Mare Barrow). Don't be an idiot. Oops, it's too late.

I haven't seen any characters this bland since Kai, either. Cal and Maven are the same person, except one is less powerful and moody. Why is this a hard choice for Mare? Just kill them both, escape, pull a Kaz Brekker or whatever. Forget the stupid angsty princes and their stupid angsty declarations of fake love. Life's too short to waste it with men.

My favorite character was Evangeline. Yes, the shallow mean girl who was only there to antagonize Mare. Because girl-on-girl hate is just SO COOL. I hope you detect my sarcasm. At least she knew what she was doing, unlike Bone Marrow (courtesy to whoever told me that joke, it was A+).

And Horse Wheelbarrow must feel personally responsible for EVERY LITTLE THING, even if she didn't even cause it.

I feel like a traitor. What are my parents eating for dinner tonight?

Eat the stupid food. That's what it's there for.

If it all goes to plan, he'll never hug his sister again. Evangeline will have lost a brother.

Oh, be quiet. People have siblings, okay? They don't matter.

He's a father. He's a father and we're going to kill him.

Just kill him already. I thought you hated these Silvers.

"Children." The words rip out of me. "He's a father.

Yeah, well, they're all fathers. They're all daughters/sons. They're all sisters/brothers. ??? What are you trying to say here? Everyone has family. Everyone is related to someone. just kill the guy already

Maybe he knew the colonel; maybe he was her brother, her cousin.

Again with the personal responsibility! Obviously they're related to someone.

And then there is Mare Barrow the Hypocrite, who hates all Silvers for being violent, heartless monsters and yet somehow expects them to treat Reds like more than glorified slaves. It works both ways, you know. Or, at least, it should.

Cal's blood might be silver, but his heart is as black as burned skin.

"I can fault him for whatever I want," I snort, remembering the war books and death guides all over his room. "He's just like all the others."

As if this weren't enough, Mare's not-like-other-girls-ness is so overpoweringly annoying that it seeps into all the prose.

"You don't seem like the girl to weep at the drop of a hat."

My stomach churns, but not with the excitement or nerves or any of the things silly girls talk about.

Excuse me? Can I not be excited or nervous without being branded as a "silly girl?"

Finally (I'm almost done), can we stop with this purple-prose-that's-just-weird trend that's going on in YA?

The only things that serve to distinguish us, outwardly at least, is that Silvers stand tall. Our backs are bent by work and unanswered hope and the inevitable disappointment with our lot in life.

Hermione clapping GIF on GIFER - by Gawyn

Congratulations. You are officially On-Brand YA.

My heart plummets in my chest until it bounces around my toes.

What is this? Shatter Me?

There's only one thing I did like--Queen Elara. She was a very compelling villain with layers, which surprised me in a book that was purely black-and-white. I sympathized with her (sometimes, at least more than I did with Horse).

But, for the most part, this was the same old thing that's been churning out of the YA Machines since the year 2000.

1.5 stars

Buddy read with my bestest buddy. We both hated it.
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Reading Progress

May 2, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
May 2, 2020 – Shelved
November 13, 2020 – Started Reading
November 13, 2020 –
November 13, 2020 –
6.0% "Checklist:
1. Makes stupid, rash decisions ✅
2. Has special powers
3. Is involved in a love triangle
Want to bet I'll be checking off two more things soon?"
November 14, 2020 –
10.0% "This book is full of people without brain cells"
November 14, 2020 –
11.0% "Cal is not like other Silvers"
November 14, 2020 –
November 15, 2020 –
17.0% "Well, great. Now she has special snowflake powers.🤦"
November 15, 2020 –
18.0% ""My ignorance is becoming a theme."
Yes, the theme of this book."
November 15, 2020 –
20.0% "I would pay a large amount of money if it would make Mare be quiet"
November 16, 2020 –
24.0% "This is why I have a shelf called "enough with the darn rebellion" 🙄"
November 16, 2020 – Shelved as: enough-with-the-rebellion
November 17, 2020 –
28.0% "1. Evangeline hurts Mare
2. Mare spills Red blood
3. Mare is executed
November 18, 2020 –
44.0% ""I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding in."

Please tell me that didn't just happen"
November 19, 2020 –
53.0% "And not a single one of these so-called revolutionaries suspects that Maven might betray them, seeing as he has everything to gain from such a move?"
November 21, 2020 –
63.0% "STOP
November 22, 2020 –
67.0% "Of course the guy you killed has a mother and a father and siblings and children. EVERYONE HAS FAMILY, OKAY? YOU CAN CALM DOWN NOW, MARE."
November 22, 2020 –
75.0% ""I am a fool."
November 22, 2020 –
81.0% ""He's only seventeen and already a monster."

*cough* Kaz Brekker *cough*"
November 22, 2020 – Shelved as: love-geometry
November 22, 2020 – Shelved as: lol-what-female-characters
November 22, 2020 – Shelved as: black-and-white
November 22, 2020 – Shelved as: a-man-saves-the-day
November 22, 2020 – Shelved as: one-questionable-character
November 22, 2020 – Shelved as: stock-side-characters
November 22, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 116 (116 new)

message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

w h a t . . .

Trisha (semi-hiatus) I'm really sorry Sofia but it happened. If I'm not wrong, it happens a few more times too. XD

kaitlyn i’m debating reading this one because i feel like i’m the only person that hasn’t, so i’m excited to see your thoughts on it!


Sofia Aarushi wrote: "HORSE WHEELBARROW IM DEAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣"

😂😂Should've chosen a better name

message 6: by Lia (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lia Carstairs LOL "BONE MARROW"🤣🤣🤣 I'm getting flashbacks from bio *shudder* I love this review so much😍, I definitely need to do a reread bc idk how 12 year old self loved this.😆

Sofia Lia wrote: "LOL "BONE MARROW"🤣🤣🤣 I'm getting flashbacks from bio *shudder* I love this review so much😍, I definitely need to do a reread bc idk how 12 year old self loved this.😆"

Ahahaha EW. Thanks, Lia!

message 8: by andrea (new) - added it

andrea hartmann Omg THIS REVIEW IS GOLD

krista ☽✧ hahahaha aah i love your hate revieuws lmao they make my laugh somuch

Sofia verity wrote: "HORSE WHEELBARROW




krista ☽ wrote: "hahahaha aah i love your hate revieuws lmao they make my laugh somuch"

Thanks, Krista! I'm glad you like them :)

andrea wrote: "Omg THIS REVIEW IS GOLD"

Thanks 😂

dorian ♕ ♕ IM WHEEZING PLS

Henny This review is amazing!👏🏼😂

Sofia Henny wrote: "This review is amazing!👏🏼😂"

Thank you, Henny!

Dorian wrote: "IM WHEEZING PLS"


dorian ♕ ♕ Sofia wrote: "Henny wrote: "This review is amazing!👏🏼😂"

Thank you, Henny!

Dorian wrote: "IM WHEEZING PLS"


The worse part is that I love Evangeline (her development gets so good, i promise) But, I have to admit, Mare is truly peak YA. Her irritation😍😍

Sofia @Dorian
I'm glad she gets some development later on... she's pretty one-dimensional right now. But Mare is basically a stock YA protagonist.

message 16: by Zain ✨ (new)

Zain ✨ Omg lol 😂😂

dorian ♕ ♕ Sofia wrote: "@Dorian
I'm glad she gets some development later on... she's pretty one-dimensional right now. But Mare is basically a stock YA protagonist."

Mare said actual development and admitting your flaws? Don't know ha

Sofia Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "@Dorian
I'm glad she gets some development later on... she's pretty one-dimensional right now. But Mare is basically a stock YA protagonist."

Mare said actual development and admitt..."

Everything Mare says contradicts with something she had said previously. Like she said that putting all Silvers in the same box was the same as what they did to Reds, and yet five pages later she says that Cal is "just like all other Silvers." ??? Girl, make up your mind.

dorian ♕ ♕ Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "@Dorian
I'm glad she gets some development later on... she's pretty one-dimensional right now. But Mare is basically a stock YA protagonist."

Mare said actual develop..."

I only like her bc she's brutal. She understands that people will have to die in order for others to live, and shows that over and over again. But, her and Maven.......

Sofia Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "@Dorian
I'm glad she gets some development later on... she's pretty one-dimensional right now. But Mare is basically a stock YA protagonist."

Mare said ..."

Are you talking about Evangeline? Actually, Evangeline and Maven would be a great pairing...

dorian ♕ ♕ Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "@Dorian
I'm glad she gets some development later on... she's pretty one-dimensional right now. But Mare is basically a stock YA protagonis..."

Nah, Mare become brutal as hell in the later books. But Evangeline and Maven is ✨toxic✨ Imma just spoil it for you, bc its obvious you aren't reading thee later books (don't do it. They suck, and I loved this series) Evangeline is a lesbian

Sofia Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "@Dorian
I'm glad she gets some development later on... she's pretty one-dimensional right now. But Mare is basically a stock..."

I had a sneaking suspicion that she was. Just vibes, you know?

YES, Mare gets brutal?? That's what I need ahahaha. But no, I'm not continuing on, I don't want to torture myself. This is the LAST YA dystopian novel I'm reading (she says as she agrees to BR another one).

dorian ♕ ♕ Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "Dorian wrote: "Sofia wrote: "@Dorian
I'm glad she gets some development later on... she's pretty one-dimensional right now. But Mare is ba..."

Basically: Mare gets tortured, gets Maven's name literally branded on her shoulder, forces someone to join the rebellion, there's a war, we get Cal, Maven, Cameron (the girl forced to join the rebllion), and Evangeline's POV, Evangelin just wants to be happy and lesbian, Eve almost kills her homophobic parents, and literally leaves in the middle of the war to go be gay, Mare gets captured, there's a war, there's "you have your crown" scene, which was a Cal and Mare breakup, amazingly enough, Mare ends up with no one, Kilorn dates Cameron, Maven is bisexual,, Maven dies, but doesn't die, no one knows, Mare forces more ppl to join the war, Shade is alive for one book, bf he actually dies, Elara dies, Elara manipulated Maven, Farley has a kid

Sofia *shook* That actually sounds... good. MARE ENDS UP WITH NO ONE??? Thank goodness. That's kind of shifty how Mare declines. Might be interesting.... WHAT ARE YOU DOING, SOFIA, DON'T READ MORE TRASh

human That's actually not true. Maven is dead and Mare ends up with Cal, after all their drama, smh. It's in Broken Throne, but that book is more boring than watching cake bake. -_-

Sofia Darn it.

dorian ♕ ♕ human wrote: "That's actually not true. Maven is dead and Mare ends up with Cal, after all their drama, smh. It's in Broken Throne, but that book is more boring than watching cake bake. -_-"

we don't talk about broken throne

dorian ♕ ♕ human wrote: "That's actually not true. Maven is dead and Mare ends up with Cal, after all their drama, smh. It's in Broken Throne, but that book is more boring than watching cake bake. -_-"


dorian ♕ ♕ human wrote: "That's actually not true. Maven is dead and Mare ends up with Cal, after all their drama, smh. It's in Broken Throne, but that book is more boring than watching cake bake. -_-"

also, "watching cake bake" HELP😭😭


human Dorian wrote: "human wrote: "That's actually not true. Maven is dead and Mare ends up with Cal, after all their drama, smh. It's in Broken Throne, but that book is more boring than watching cake bake. -_-"

we do..."

fr tho, it's terrible and pointless.

Mango Wow...we have been brainwashed- XD

Sofia @Mango Correct

☆Pelumi☆ 😶😳😳suddenly the world seems different *wipes eye n reads review agn*

m ♡ i'm cryingg at the fill in the blank paragraph, too true too true😭

Sofia mish ♡ wrote: "i'm cryingg at the fill in the blank paragraph, too true too true😭"

😭Unfortunately, this is what the world has come to

Ingerlisa This is all too true, it is like being stuck in a time warp.

Sofia Ingerlisa wrote: "This is all too true, it is like being stuck in a time warp."

It's the same book being recycled over and over again with different names.

message 39: by Lyn (new)

Lyn wow im actually coding a mad libs thing.. maybe I should write a YA instead of programming

Alex (The Scribe Owl) Oh my gosh that mad libs thing is so true! 😂

Vikirna You have put all my thoughts into words! I'm glad someone saw this as the trash it is!

message 42: by abi (new) - rated it 1 star

abi The Mad Libs paragraph is so accurate im laughing so hard oml 😭😂

Sofia @Lyn I would read it!
@Alex Ikr?!?
@Vikirna It simply wasn't unique or even interesting.
@Abi 😂 I'm just done with YA dystopia

message 44: by Ciea✨ (new)


Sofia Thanks, Ciea! :)

message 46: by solanne (new) - added it

solanne this was an utter mess but at least reading your review somewhat made up for having forced myself to read this entire series so there’s that 😭

Sofia 😭You read the ENTIRE SERIES??

message 48: by solanne (new) - added it

solanne Sofia wrote: "😭You read the ENTIRE SERIES??"

I don't know what kind of suffering younger me thought she had to endure but I even read the totality of the fourth book's 700 pages 🤡😭

Sofia So, I feel like when I was younger I felt obligated to finish every series and every book. Which led to some hard feelings towards certain series...

Charlie ~ Happy Pride Month! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Great job

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