Katerina's Reviews > Love the One You Hate

Love the One You Hate by R.S. Grey
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bookshelves: 2020-reads, arc, contemporary-romance

Angst, longing and HEART (and a couple of tears)

Maren Mitchell – less than.
The world was never kind to Maren Mitchell. For years she’s been struggling to curve her place in a society that rejects her, and she’s come to anticipate one setback after the next. What she never anticipated was to be offered the chance to work at Rosethorn, a lush, Gilded Age mansion, owned by the powerful and disgustingly rich Cromwell family. Her employment, the time she spends with Cornelia Cromwell and the stuff, they are a dream coming true, an oasis in a life full of hardships. But there is someone threatening to shatter her glass castle, and turn her carriage to a pumpkin.

Nicholas Hunt.
Cornelia’s grandson is always suspicious when it comes to new people entering Rosethorn. But after a scandal that rattled their peace, his hackles are raised and he will not allow anyone to upset his grandmother again. Maren Mitchell reeks of danger. Of schemes. He has investigated her past, and he is sure she cannot be trusted. He will do anything to remove her from his family's estate. He will not be fooled by her luscious curves, her innocent smile, the way she’s hurt when he’s cruel. Or will he?

R.S. Grey is the source of constant surprise. She has always been my solace when I’m in need of romance to sweep me off my feet, and Love the One You Hate was no exception. It was an exception, though, to her funny – sexy – sweet golden rule, and in all honesty, that was a good thing. Because Love the One You Hate was an emotional roller-coaster. It was different from her previous books, more focused on wrecking hearts rather than showering with chuckles. Maren’s life, the way she was treated, constantly faced with extreme prejudice because she was a foster kid, it was a punch to the gut. Always condemned at first sight, losing opportunities for trusting the wrong people, for having the misfortune of being orphaned; she was a resilient character, practical, not eager to believe in fairytales. However, she found her fairy godmother in the face of an elderly woman who was tired of feeling lonely. She was dressed with fine clothes and glass slippers, she was the protégé of the queen of the realm, and even though she knew the dream was bound to end, she was for once content. Only Prince Charming was not so charming at first. He hated her, hated what he thought she represented. And overcome by fear, he hurt her. But something changed. His heart of ice melted and showed the kindness and the fire that burned brightly.
And this passion, it consumed them.

Decadent, luscious and spicy, Love the One You Hate is a modern fairytale, a whirlwind of anger, tenderness and passion. A story of many types of love, of family ties, of acceptance, set in a luxurious society, with lavish descriptions of fancy dresses, balls and charity events, of a life that seems far away yet so close thanks to the amount of soul R.S. Grey pours into her words, to the chemistry between Maren and Nicholas, to the slow-burning romance, to the scorching encounters and the small and big heartbreaks. You will read and read until your eyes sting. You will burn and bask in the glorious tension. You will finish it with tear stained cheeks.

And your heart will be full in an exhilarating way.

*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*

Review also posted on Booknest!
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Reading Progress

May 1, 2020 – Started Reading
May 2, 2020 – Finished Reading
May 7, 2020 – Shelved
May 7, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020-reads
May 7, 2020 – Shelved as: arc
May 7, 2020 – Shelved as: contemporary-romance

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message 1: by Pearl (last edited May 07, 2020 05:19PM) (new) - added it

Pearl Angeli I have to add this to my tbr!! 😍 great review, Katerina!

Katerina Pearl wrote: "I have to add this to my tbr!! 😍 great review, Katerina!"

Thank you, Pearly! <3 Hope you'll enjoy it! :D

dahlia great review!

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