jesslyn's Reviews > Lightbringer

Lightbringer by Claire Legrand
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Okay. Here’s the thing: I’m so glad I decided not to give up on Furyborn.

I gave Furyborn a grand total of 2 out of 5 stars. I remember thinking it was one giant mess and I couldn’t for the life of me fully grasp the feel between whatever happened to Rielle and Eliana. Too much was happening and it felt like two books squeezed into one. I didn’t like Eliana and I sure as hell didn’t like Rielle. When I decided to read Kingsbane, I grew to like Eliana and hating Rielle.

This book managed to turn the tide around, somehow.

I even, somewhat, like Rielle now .

The Empirium Trilogy revolves around both the Blood Queen and the Sun Queen; Rielle and Eliana. Both of them are equally important and both of their arcs are what caused and became of this story. How the entire thing ends, depends on what choices these two made. Combined with time travel, the series is both complicated and epic: it’s rich in world building and I love the magic system but the stakes are higher; because of the time travel, everyone walks on a tightrope and the series can take you to unexpected places.

If you’ve read the first and second book, you’ll know about Rielle and how she is, basically. You can’t really blame someone for hating her and I do feel in some degree that she was written to be at least irritating to the readers. I spent the first two books wishing she was dead. I still stand by my opinion that the entire Rielle-Audric-Corien love triangle is ridiculous and I still don’t understand how they could even work. But in this book, she became more tolerable and I even started to feel for the girl. I think it’s because she had decided to go full evil and didn’t spend her time annoying me with “what’s right and what’s not”. I like how this book shows it clearly that despite finally accepting that she’s the Blood Queen, Rielle still has that spark of humanity that is actually more profound than the other two books. It makes me feel more for her as a person instead of seeing her as an all-bad character. But most of all, I pity her so much. She’s just a mere girl, being played around by fate’s hand. To be given that kind of power, that is somewhat turning you into a power-hungry person, and at the same time, there’s some ages old prophecy telling you that you WILL go evil. (view spoiler)

I think I don’t have much to say about Eliana. I love her strength and I love her resilience. I love how she always tried to do what’s right and save everyone even though there’s literally no catch for her. (view spoiler)

One thing that I noticed from this book and the other two is that despite hating Rielle immensely, I actually enjoy what happened in the Second Age more than the Third Age. There’s some magical quality to it as shown by the time when magic still lives instead of the post-apocalyptic world Eliana lived in. And while I do get annoyed by Rielle a lot, I actually find her dark descent to villainy a creepy and fascinating one.

One of the cons of this book, which I think is a downgrade from Kingsbane, is the fact that there are so many POVs all at once. While we bounce back and forth between Rielle and Eliana in book one, we get a whole new addition to the cast like Corien, Audric, Ludivine, Jessamyn, Simon, and even Tal. It’s confusing as hell. I spent like three chapters at once, reading Rielle’s, Ludivine’s, and Audric’s POVs that when the chapter returned to Eliana, I got a little disoriented at first. I even totally forgot what happened to Eliana that time, which is annoying, because the last time we saw her (before the POVs shift to the characters in the Second Age), she was about to get slaughtered. Another thing about this is because there are too many characters, some of them got totally swept to the background when the book reached its’ peak.

There’s also the thing where the POVs of the characters in the Third Age (Eliana’s time; the future) are boring as hell. I spent like half of the book reading about them and nothing really happened. It was very slow for a finale and since this is the last book, the ‘epic conclusion’, I just feel like this is really annoying because the action and the whatnots piled up in the last half, so it was a little confusing to read.

Lastly, the ending! I didn’t know what I was expecting but it sure as hell wasn’t that. Despite not getting a surprising ‘smarter way’ to fix things, I enjoyed the climax so much. This might be an unpopular opinion because I’ve seen the majority of people disappointed with the ending. But even though the ending wasn’t what I expected, I think it fits more than what I had in mind. I find the ending to be a realistic solution to the problem they have and I think I would hate it if some more convenient solution came up suddenly.

Though I think the first half was a disappointing one, the last half; the climax and that ending , is a very powerful move and I think it would stick with me for a long time. It makes up for the flatness of the first half and saved the entire trilogy for me.
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June 4, 2020 – Shelved
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February 3, 2021 – Started Reading
February 5, 2021 –
44.0% "i’ve become Audric’s #1 fan it’s scary"
February 6, 2021 – Finished Reading

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clare 🧚🏻 ahh really!!! but it was so cruel 😭 and it kinda made the first two books pointless

jesslyn clare wrote: "ahh really!!! but it was so cruel 😭 and it kinda made the first two books pointless"

hmm... well it kinda did. but if it had ended any other way (like somehow the original eliana goes back to the future), it would be to convenient and i think i would hate it more 😭

celia okay now watch dark on netflix

Hannah I love and the time travel and the ending just was really hurtful. Like I loved it but also UGH EVERYONE IS GONE LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERYONE ELSE. I liked how Rielle died though. I’m glad she didn’t have to sit around with these mere mortals 😂I knew Rielle had to die in the end. She was way to powerful to just go back to her old life so I’m glad she became what she always needed and wanted to be BUT UGH OMG I WAS CRYING SO HARD. Thinking about makes he want to cry. Time travel plot lines always kill me. And the whole WE ALL HAVE TO ERASED FROM EXISTENCE AND GIVE UP EVERYTHING WE ARE TO SAVE THE WORLD thing. And poor Eliana like jeez why’d she have that on her shoulders only to get poofed from her existence. I mean technically no one really died except Rielle but like they basically did die because some of them may never exist or they won’t be who we know them as. But like in a way that’s good because they all had shit lives and we’re always in pain and suffering but like that suffering gives them the right to end up living in peace and they do that but not as who they were. Anyway ya I love but hate time travel because it always breaks my heart. Kudos to Claire Legrand though because during this last book I was wondering if she really was gonna go for the whole time travel at the sake of us not ever existing thing and she actually did it. It took me by surprise even though I saw it coming.

jesslyn Hannah wrote: "I love and the time travel and the ending just was really hurtful. Like I loved it but also UGH EVERYONE IS GONE LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERYONE ELSE. I liked how Rielle died though. I’m glad she di..."

OMG! I forgot to mention that one of the things I was really bummed about was that I don’t even know if Remy ever existed (he’s one of my favorite characters in the series)! And if I think about it more and more, I do understand why people would not like this because this is like throwing the entire Eliana POV for 3 books away; they were literally poofed from existence! But omg yes! Time travels are always sad 😭 but if Claire Legrand had settled for a more convenient ending where everyone miraculously lives, I don’t think I’m going to like it :/

LOL I AGREE ABOUT RIELLE!!! Whatever happened in the books made her too powerful (because she pushed past her limits) and even though I used to hate her and wanted her gone, I understand why she had to die and I was actually saddened by her death.

But the way Claire Legrand left things, I really think she’s going to make up another story centering around Eliana and who knows? Maybe we’ll see the previously-poofed characters again!

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