Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕'s Reviews > Skeleton King

Skeleton King by Charity B.
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bookshelves: wtf, makes-me-wanna-drink, cray-cray, dark

WHAT IN THE FRESH FUCKERY DID I JUST READ?????!! Never and I mean NEVER in all my days, have I've read such a messed up, demented, cringe worthy, goosebumps chilling, fucked the hell up book!!! I don't know if I should be in therapy right now because this book scarred me, or applaud this author because she went there!

Let me be very clear on something: these characters are not your normal story book characters Ok? They're fucked up. I'm not talking about them being a little damaged. They have some serious freakin issues and quite frankly.....


I knew going into this book that it was going to be a very different read and I tried my best to prepare myself for it in a sense but I learned very quickly that you can't!! Nothing will ever prepare you for this and if you're brave enough to start this, I highly recommend you splurge on a good therapist because FML!! That was some CRAY CRAY shit right there!!
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June 26, 2020 – Started Reading
June 26, 2020 – Shelved
June 27, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Elle's Book Blog wrote: "Enjoy!"

Thanks hun!❤

message 3: by Malene (new)

Malene Awesome review, hon. I’m a scaredy-cat when it comes to this book

Rachel (LoverofTBR) Great review, Sonya!! I love dark romances and damaged characters, but this is waaayy too outside of my comfort zone so it is definitely not for me. I'm glad you experienced this 'fresh fuckery' though 😂

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Rachel (LoverofTBR) wrote: "Great review, Sonya!! I love dark romances and damaged characters, but this is waaayy too outside of my comfort zone so it is definitely not for me. I'm glad you experienced this 'fresh fuckery' th..."

Lmfaoo thank you hun!! It really was crazy!! Lol 💕💕

Malene wrote: "Awesome review, hon. I’m a scaredy-cat when it comes to this book"

Aww dang it! I would have love to see your thoughts on this one but i understand. Thanks love💕💕xoxo

message 6: by Ris (new) - added it

Ris I have not read this one in the series yet but I’ve read 3 of them and I felt the same on them. Each one has a different author and each one is a very interesting very dark take on classic stories

message 7: by Jen (new) - added it

Jen Lol! Awesome review Sonya! I will line up a therapist because I did buy this book!! Frankly I’m scared... but curiosity gets me everytime 😂😂

❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books LOL!! KIckass review Witchy!!

Siobhan (Bookish Vibes) I love your review. That first paragraph just made me want to buy this book immediately 😂😂

❤️Melanie G.📖💛 LOL, awesome review. I have to say your review has intrigued me yet also has me a bit scared. I am debating on to read or not to read. Every now and then a truly fucked up book is just the read you need. Again great review 😊

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ ❤️Melanie G. wrote: "LOL, awesome review. I have to say your review has intrigued me yet also has me a bit scared. I am debating on to read or not to read. Every now and then a truly fucked up book is just the read you..."

Thank you melanie! Lol it really was a messed up read

Siobhan (Bookish Vibes) wrote: "I love your review. That first paragraph just made me want to buy this book immediately 😂😂"

Lmao thank u love!! ❤

❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books wrote: "LOL!! KIckass review Witchy!!"

Thank you beotch!! ❤❤xoxo

Jen wrote: "Lol! Awesome review Sonya! I will line up a therapist because I did buy this book!! Frankly I’m scared... but curiosity gets me everytime 😂😂"

Yes!! Spare bo expense on that therapist girl!! Lmao. Thank u love❤❤

Ris wrote: "I have not read this one in the series yet but I’ve read 3 of them and I felt the same on them. Each one has a different author and each one is a very interesting very dark take on classic stories"

I haven't read any of the other books so i had no clue they were this raw and cray cray!! Lol. Thank you love❤❤

message 12: by Wendy'sThoughts (new)

Wendy'sThoughts Great review...but I don't know if my Big Girl Panties are Big Enough and waterprooof! hahahahahahahahahahahahha

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Wendy'sThoughts wrote: "Great review...but I don't know if my Big Girl Panties are Big Enough and waterprooof! hahahahahahahahahahahahha"

LMAO!! don't be scared.... who am I kidding. You should be! 😂😂. Thank u love💕💕xoxo

message 14: by Ziezie (new) - added it

Ziezie I think I do need a therapist because after reading your great review, I want to dive into this book stat!! 😂
You had me at demented & fuck the hell up 😂

message 15: by Krysta (new)

Krysta (spicy.spine.breaker) I mean I wasn’t intrigued at all but your review is kinda selling me 😂 like I needa know what type of fucked up we talking about

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Krysta wrote: "I mean I wasn’t intrigued at all but your review is kinda selling me 😂 like I needa know what type of fucked up we talking about"
Girl.... it's been over a year since I read this book and I can still remember how messed up it was!!🤣🤣

Zizie wrote: "I think I do need a therapist because after reading your great review, I want to dive into this book stat!! 😂
You had me at demented & fuck the hell up 😂"

Lmfao I couldn't believe what i was reading!!🤣🤣

Dezere Benedict I agree, fresh fuckery indeed. I love how once I got passed the necrophilia, I could only fall in love with the damaged characters. Nightmare Before Christmas was always my favorite, so I think once I realized that this book was a dark version, I just settled in for the ride 🥰🥰 not sure if I should be worried that I enjoyed the book, or if I should just go straight to therapy. This was def not a book I would have ever thought to read, but I asked for all the triggers and the damage to see if I could handle it 🤣 turns out, I might just be crazy 🤣🤣 know of anything that might be crazier? Cuz I'm digging into this author to see how the other books pan out.

Dezere Benedict Sorry....slight spoiler in my comment! Hold on to your hats everyone if you decide to read cuz its def out of this world and no amount of warnings can prepare you lol!

message 19: by ⚡Eli⚡ (new) - added it

⚡Eli⚡ Bahaha we can clearly read your emotions here
This is the wild ride I need to experience for myself lol

message 20: by Tori (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tori Stoll Girl I was in the same boat. There's part of this book that literally made me feel like I was there and watching it go down. It made me feel physically sick

Jasmine Girl!!! I couldn’t have said this better myself. This book had me gasping from page 2 like “WTAF!??!”

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Jasmine wrote: "Girl!!! I couldn’t have said this better myself. This book had me gasping from page 2 like “WTAF!??!”"

Omg yes!!!!! I couldn’t believe what I was reading honestly 🤣🤣

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Dezere wrote: "I agree, fresh fuckery indeed. I love how once I got passed the necrophilia, I could only fall in love with the damaged characters. Nightmare Before Christmas was always my favorite, so I think onc..."

Dezere wrote: "Sorry....slight spoiler in my comment! Hold on to your hats everyone if you decide to read cuz its def out of this world and no amount of warnings can prepare you lol!"

LMFAO I agree!! I liked that it was so different but at that the same time, damn it was messed up. Still enjoyed it!! 🤣🤣

♦ Diana ♦ wrote: "Bahaha we can clearly read your emotions here
This is the wild ride I need to experience for myself lol"

YES you do!!! Hope you enjoy if u decide to dive in🤣❤️

Tori wrote: "Girl I was in the same boat. There's part of this book that literally made me feel like I was there and watching it go down. It made me feel physically sick"

Lmao it was so messed up. I didnt know whether to drink or book an appointment to see a therapist 🤣😭 so messed up

Brandi Spencer Could you read this as a stand alone or would you need to read in order?

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Brandi Spencer wrote: "Could you read this as a stand alone or would you need to read in order?"

I actually read it as a standalone and it was good to me. Happy reading!❤️ xoxo

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