jessica's Reviews > Lightbringer

Lightbringer by Claire Legrand
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's review

it was amazing

happy release day! meaning, you have no excuse to not binge read this series right now. enjoy!

oh, my heart. i was so not prepared for this series to end like this, or end in general. but i cant think of a more perfect way for this final installment to conclude.

from start to finish, i cant get over how consistent, how balanced, how engaging this entire series has been. this conclusion takes all of the best parts of the previous two books and builds upon it, resulting in a very satisfying, appropriate, and rewarding ending. all of the characters feel like they have reached their full potential, the intricacies of the world feel fully explored, and the story feels like it has played out in the most natural way possible.

i really dont know what else to say other than this series is near perfection. <3

4.5 stars
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Reading Progress

July 29, 2020 – Shelved
July 29, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
Started Reading
August 9, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by bucky (new) - added it

bucky GOD i cant wait to get this i read the first two in a matter of hours

message 2: by Amy2me (new) - added it

Amy2me nice!

jessica bucky - happy reading!!

amy - :)

ShannaBanana✨ Omg, please tell me my Simon is redeemable? 😩 My copy isn’t here til Friday and I’m dyyyyying!

Lorrie (Clockworkbookworm) Great review, Jessica! I need to move this series up my TBR.

jessica yesss! thats what i like to hear! :P

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