Will Byrnes's Reviews > Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett
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did not like it

Not very amusing attempt at biblical humor. It was a chore. I did not finish it, getting through 130 pages before casting it aside. It read to me like it had been written by two snarky twenty-year-olds.
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Comments Showing 1-32 of 32 (32 new)

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message 1: by Lilo (new) - added it

Lilo Interesting! Most reviewers liked the book but you didn't. Same happened with me and "Frugality". Everybody seemed to like it, but I dumped it after some 20 or 30 pages.

If I should ever find time to peek into "Good Omens", I'll make sure to get the book from the library and not spend money on it.

message 2: by Will (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes I wouldn't bother spending time either.

message 3: by Lilo (new) - added it

Lilo Will wrote: "I wouldn't bother spending time either."

Thanks. I trust your judgement. I'll take the book off my TBR-list.

Cecily I can quite understand why people might not enjoy this book, but I'm surprised at those, like you, who loved Hitchhiker's, but not this. Still, there's no accounting for taste, and life's too short to waste on books you don't enjoy.

Valerie Perez thank God! I was feeling alone (in the bookclub tastes) for a bit!

message 6: by Will (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes I usually enjoy Gaiman's work. Was surprised at this one.

message 7: by Lilo (new) - added it

Lilo Will wrote: "I usually enjoy Gaiman's work. Was surprised at this one."

I have never read Gaiman.

message 8: by Will (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes Here are reviews of the Gaiman books I have read:
The Graveyard Book
The Ocean at the end of the Lane
The View From the Cheap Seats/a>
Trigger warning

I have read other work by him, but not since joining GR

message 9: by Lilo (new) - added it

Lilo Will wrote: "Here are reviews of the Gaiman books I have read:
The Graveyard Book
The Ocean at the end of the Lane
The View From the Cheap Seats/a>
Trigger warning

I have read other work by him, but n..."

Thank you for the links, Will. I'll read these reviews tomorrow. Today, I am about to go to bed. (Still not feeling well.)

message 10: by Will (last edited May 07, 2018 09:05PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes Nightly night

message 11: by Anna (new) - added it

Anna I am glad you gave precedent... I couldn't finish this either. It was funny in some parts, but really tedious in others. Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid.

message 12: by Will (last edited May 18, 2018 09:04PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes I am surprised it even got published.

Eileen Smith Clearly many people enjoyed it. I didn't love it but I did enjoy it. My son recommended it to me. How can you say it should never have been published when so many people love it?

message 14: by Will (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes In my opinion, I believe the book is bad enough that it diminishes Gaiman's overall opus. There will never be unanimity on any book, however much loved, or found wanting.

Petergiaquinta I blame Pratchett for what you’re talking about here...he’s far sillier than Gaiman at his silliest, and this to me is a silly book. Collaboration is an awful idea!

message 16: by Will (last edited Jun 03, 2018 09:05PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes Well, in this case, I agree. But I imagine there are some successful collaborations out there.

Petergiaquinta Well...Addison and Steele come to mind...but that was 300 years ago!

message 18: by Will (last edited Jun 04, 2018 09:02PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes Charles Todd? Niven and Pournelle? King and Straub?

message 19: by Brendan (new)

Brendan Ford James S.A. Corey of The Expanse series is another fine author collab.

Petergiaquinta No one that will be remembered 300 years from now...

Travis Ammons You guys are (mostly) nut-balls crazy!! This book is so funny. It was funny enough that they started a series based on the book,starring the impeccable Michael Sheen no less!! This book is a laugh riot, even the footnotes induce chuckles!! I challenge all Youse jerkos to reread this comic masterpiece as a mature lover of books WITH AN OPEN MIND. Whattaya think. Stories gots gusto. Hate to see you guys shoot your final scene

message 22: by Will (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes I may indeed be crazy, but I stand by my take on the book. The TV series, however, turned that sow's ear into a very fine silk purse.

Petergiaquinta Again, I find myself in total agreement with you, Will!

Carly Really Very Normal I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one Will, although I'm definitely in support of putting aside books one doesn't vibe with. I didn't love love love this book, but I found it enjoyable and a great way to spend a summer afternoon last year. I feel like it reads similarly in style to Douglass Adams, so I though most people who enjoyed his works would probably enjoy this one. I think most people who like Gaiman didn't enjoy the Pratchett influence in this book, but I found it charming. I enjoy reading your reviews though.

message 25: by Will (last edited Apr 20, 2021 12:55AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes Looks like we have quite a range of takes on this one, from Travis's "laugh riot" to your "enjoyable" but "didn't love it" to Peter's and my disaffection for the thing. Not sure how many books can generate such a wide variety of reactions.

Carly Really Very Normal Will wrote: "Looks like we have quite a range of takes on this one, from Travis's "laugh riot" to your "enjoyable" but "didn't love it" to Peter's and my disaffection for the thing. Not sure how many books can ..."

Well, that counts for something, doesn't it? Good literature can cause a wide range of emotion and debate!

message 27: by Will (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes Or even bad literature :-)

message 28: by Jan (new) - added it

Jan Your review and the comments may have convinced me to give it a try!

message 29: by Will (last edited Oct 23, 2023 01:02AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes I really liked the mini series

message 30: by Charles (new) - added it

Charles Raychard i'm with travis on this one

it's funny, you just don't get it

it's impactful, you just don't want to hear it

it's beautiful, you're just more of a traditionalist

nothing wrong with that but it is a good book

message 31: by Will (new) - rated it 1 star

Will Byrnes This is neither math nor science, with hard metrics. My opinion is my opinion, yours is yours. There is no definitive right or wrong here. But purporting that one’s opinion is the final word on the value of a book simply snacks of arrogance. “Because I say so,” is a weak argument sure to persuade no one.

Daniel O'donovan I tried to like it too. But after 130 pages I had no idea what was happening!

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