Emma's Reviews > The Devil and the Dark Water

The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
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it was amazing
bookshelves: novelnotions

The Devil and the Dark Water is a Sherlockian masterpiece, darkly atmospheric and twisty as hell.

The past was filled with sharp things, he’d said. He couldn’t reach for a memory without drawing blood doing it.

The world’s greatest detective, Samuel Pipps, is being transported back to Amsterdam from Batavia (Indonesia), kept imprisoned in the dank depths of the ship for crimes unknown. His bodyguard, Arent Hayes, is determined to prove him innocent… if he can find out what his friend was guilty of in the first place. But his inquiries are put on hold when the brutal death of a leper turns out to be the first in a series of mysterious and deadly happenings. With Pipps’ prodigious memory and unsurpassable detective skills out of action, the only recourse is for Hayes to step in and do what he can. These are no normal crimes, however, a devil may be loose in the world. Someone, or something, is playing for the highest stakes: the souls of everyone on board. Hayes, uncertain of his abilities and unsure who to trust, is running out time to figure it all out and save everyone from the most terrifying of fates.

For those, like me, who were more impressed with the ballsiness of the author for writing something like The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle as a first novel than than the actuality of the story, this book is well worth a go. Like his first novel, this showcases Turton’s talent for the unusual, the complex, and the downright daring. However, it has a much stronger foundation, a labyrinthine but well-defined plot that leans a bit more towards historical crime fiction than the supernatural (though it has a big dollop of that too). In fact, there were a few moments when I was genuinely perturbed. The suspense is cleverly managed, developed through a number of compelling characters, who themselves are part of an extraordinary cast of misfits. They’re all so incredibly memorable, deftly described and oh so flawed. When added to the roiling seas, the palpable sense of danger on the Saardam, and the intricacies of the relationships between the passengers, it’s literary dynamite. All the things you think you know, you don’t. And yes, to carry on that metaphor, the ending is explosive. It had me chuckling gleefully. I love being thoroughly bamboozled. Not only is it pure fun, it’s so much more satisfying than Turton’s first novel. I got to the end of that one and though ‘hmmm’, I got to the end of this one smiling like crazy and wishing it kept on for another few hundred pages or more.

If you’re looking for a good time, give this a go. Highly recommended.

ARC via Netgalley
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Reading Progress

August 22, 2020 – Started Reading
August 22, 2020 – Shelved
August 22, 2020 – Shelved as: novelnotions
August 24, 2020 –
65.0% "Ok this is actually creeping me out..."
August 25, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Sade (new) - added it

Sade Glad his next book is even better than the first.

message 2: by TS (new) - rated it 5 stars

TS Chan Gaaaah... your review made me even more excited for this book.

Emma TS wrote: "Gaaaah... your review made me even more excited for this book."


Natalia So excited for this one!

Emma Natalia wrote: "So excited for this one!"

It’s really different from the first but, similarly, it’s such great fun trying to work it all out.

Natalia I do not want the sequel to the Evelyn Hardcastle but a brand new story invented by the brain who invented Evelyn Hardcastle 😁

Emma Natalia wrote: "I do not want the sequel to the Evelyn Hardcastle but a brand new story invented by the brain who invented Evelyn Hardcastle 😁"

That’s the perfect attitude!! 👌

message 8: by Kathryn in FL (new)

Kathryn in FL Terrific review, Emma! Great insights.

Emma Kathryn in FL wrote: "Terrific review, Emma! Great insights."

I enjoyed this so much so I was hoping to get that enthusiasm across!

Anita My thoughts exactly! It was a great journey and so exciting throughout. So clever!

message 11: by Emma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Emma Anita wrote: "My thoughts exactly! It was a great journey and so exciting throughout. So clever!"

I loved every second. It properly GOT me!! Glad you felt that too.

Eon Windrunner Fantastic review, Emma! I was smiling like crazy at the end too! 😁

message 13: by Emma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Emma Eon ♒Windrunner♒ wrote: "Fantastic review, Emma! I was smiling like crazy at the end too! 😁"

I’m glad you all loved it as much as I did.

Eon Windrunner Emma wrote: "Eon ♒Windrunner♒ wrote: "Fantastic review, Emma! I was smiling like crazy at the end too! 😁"

I’m glad you all loved it as much as I did."

You clearly have excellent taste.

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