Optimist ♰King's Wench♰'s Reviews > Acsquidentally in Love

Acsquidentally in Love by K.L. Hiers
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Tentacles! Tentacles! Tentacles!

Who's with me?

I know the tentacle lovers out there understand when the tentacles come a-callin' the lure is too great to resist. This was one of those times.

I'm glad I didn't too because this was cute and fluffy escapism with a healthy side of eroticism. There is a bit of mystery that drives the plot forward and makes for some hijinks and the occasional ghoul. Along the way Sloane and Loch become smitten with each other and Sloane discovers the joys of the tentacock.

Bottom line: it's a fun read. Sure, there's an abundance of exclaiming. Sure, there's some cheese especially from Loch. But it all adds to the charm of a tentacle romance based in some mythology that I'm *fairly certain* is a product of the author's mind, though admittedly I'm too lazy to actually look it up to be certain.

Who cares, though?

It was sexy, fun, lighthearted and a nice diversion so if any of the above appeals give it a try. You could discover you have a tentacle kink heretofore unknown to you.

Do it in the name of self-discovery!


A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.
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September 5, 2020 – Shelved
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September 6, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Meags (new)

Meags “Discovers the joys of the tentacock”... well, if that doesn’t sell it, I don’t know what will! 😝🙌

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Right? Why bury the lead, y'know? lol

message 3: by Laura (new)

Laura Count me in! :) How did I miss your "squiggly-things" shelf??!! Haha...Off to explore....

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Laura wrote: "Count me in! :) How did I miss your "squiggly-things" shelf??!! Haha...Off to explore...."

HAHA! Have fun, Laura! xx

message 5: by Annery (new)

Annery This sounds sweet. Glad you liked it. I'm a big fan of this author's Cold Hard Cash

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Annery wrote: "This sounds sweet. Glad you liked it. I'm a big fan of this author's Cold Hard Cash"

It was sweet. This was my first rodeo with the author so I'll peek at the Cash.

message 7: by Annery (new)

Annery Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ wrote: "Annery wrote: "This sounds sweet. Glad you liked it. I'm a big fan of this author's Cold Hard Cash"

It was sweet. This was my first rodeo with the author so I'll peek at the Cash."

Whole different world ...

♣ Irish Smurfétté ♣ There's a reason I have a tentacle lerve shelf. :D
I so enjoy the lighter side of the tentacle romp genre, and this sounds right up that sweet alley.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ It is fluffy & sweet. Enjoy the tentacles, IS!

message 10: by Meep (new)

Meep sounds fun lol

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ Meep wrote: "sounds fun lol"

if you're a fan of tentaporn, this'll do.

⚣Michaelle⚣ Of course, you had me at "tentacles."

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ ⚣Michaelle⚣ wrote: "Of course, you had me at "tentacles.""

this is why we're friends. xx

message 14: by Ziezie (new) - added it

Ziezie Cupcake I just finished reading both Cold Cash books they’re sooo good. If you haven’t read it already, I strongly recommend and there’s spanking and rimming too!!
I don’t think I’ve ever read a tentacle book coz I didn’t think it would be something I enjoy but I’m gonna try this coz of your awesome review!

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰ I haven't yet but I will try to get to them soon! Good luck on the tentacles!

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