Becky 's Reviews > Gods & Monsters

Gods & Monsters by Saffron A. Kent
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really liked it

** spoiler alert ** Friends to lovers.
They met when she is 12 and he is 14, there is absolutely no one for them other than each other. It’s my favorite trope so I overlooked many things and was able to enjoy it and even give it four stars

I read the reviews talking about their relationship being toxic and they are not untrue, but what can I say? I’m a hypocrite and I liked this book.

This is gonna be a strange review because I’m writing it mostly to remind myself of this book.

She thinks too much and it pissed me off at the beginning because I wanted to read about their story, I want the dialogues between them and I feel like it could show more of them together when they were teenagers hiding and I was bothered by the fact he watched porn when they were teenagers, he told her about it and she wasn’t bothered, I was because he is doing it but she isn’t. She doesn’t get aroused watching girls, he watch couples and his favorite video is one with a blond girl like the heroine and the man holding her hair to masturbate. This pissed me off because mostly because she isn’t watching it too.

“There’s this video I like. The girl is a blonde like you and she’s got long hair like yours.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “The guy pulls her hair and wraps it around his dick. Fuck. I come every time I see that. Every fucking time.”

“Porn. Yeah. I’m so gone over you that I look for girls who have your hair. I watch and I jerk off but I don’t get relief. Because no one is like you. No one.” He swallows. “Do you hate me? Do you think I’m a goddamn jackass for watching porn and thinking about you?”

“I spent a lot of my time glued to my computer back in that town, back when I couldn’t be where I wanted to be: with Pixie. I imagined a lot as well, watching couples on screen. I’m not proud of it and neither am I ashamed. It was something I did, like a million other people.”

When they move to NY he started working filming porn and he lied to her for weeks (25 days) about his job, he hide it and it pissed me the fuck off. He gets aroused filming the porn shots and when he comes home he is crazy to fuck her. He lied to her about his job and I didn’t think his apology was enough, I wanted my grovel!!! She wasn’t bothered about his arouse because when she went to his job she too was aroused seeing people fucking. I didn’t like it even though they watch it and it’s said clearly they think about themselves doing it, I believe then because they are literally crazy about each other but this shit still bugged me. Before they recorded their first scene she did some researches for one week which means she watched all kinds of porn, she even had one favorite couple and she got so hot watching them when Abel arrived home she was ready to be fucked.

She knew something was off when he was lying to her but didn’t know what it was and when he told her the truth it was implied she asked if he was cheating
“And then one night you asked me if there was…” He sighs, tugs on his messy hair. “There’s no one else for me, Pixie. There can never be. Every day I fucking drown in you and I don’t wanna come up for air. How can there be someone else? I don’t want someone else.”

“What about you? I’m not like these girls here. My body isn’t all toned and muscular, you know.”
“Are we doing this again, Pixie?” He lowers his face until his nose is grazing mine.
“You wanna know what I think about when I look at them?” I nod.
“You. I think about you. I know this place is fucking seedy. I know it’s fake and ugly and you don’t talk about it in polite company. Hell, people don’t admit to watching porn, let alone making it. There’s lust and sin at every corner.” He kisses my forehead.
“But even then, you manage to break through. I hear a fake moan and I think about your real ones. I see a girl biting her lip to look coy, I think about my girl and how she bites her lip because it’s so good for her. Don’t you get it? You make everything good and pure. You make everything an adventure. When I’m with you, I’m not afraid of anything. I’m not afraid to be a sinner. I’m not afraid to go to hell. Because my heaven is with me.”

“My eyes go to Abel. He’s standing up straight, his camera lowered. He’s watching the couple not through the thick lens that he uses to make everything immortal, but with his own eyes. His lips are parted and even from the sidelines, I can see the dark flush on his cheeks. I can read the tightness in his frame. He’s aroused; I am, too. And I know he’s thinking about me, just as I’m thinking about him. I’m not surprised when his eyes find me and latch on. I know my husband inside out; I can read those dark orbs.”

I like how she left him for two months and during that time he really did things to be better. He looked for another job, he moved to their own house, he watched their tapes, he truly recognized his mistakes. He also called her everyday, first to ask her to come back and then to tell her he was changing so she would come home. After he watched their sex taped he was so disgusted with himself he stoped calling and was literally physically sick with his behavior, two days later she called him to met and talk about told him about the surprise pregnant that wasn’t a surprise because they fucked without condom, there was one time he finished inside her (she got her period after that) but then she also forgot some pills and already felt the baby the night she left him. He didn’t try to get back together with her when they meet again because he doesn’t think he deserves her, but he still apologizes, he truly changed and he cared a lot about her.

After their talk, they decided to take things slow and I liked that a lot, they dated for two months living in separated houses. Her pregnancy become a risky one and she needed rest so she moved in with him and they spent two months healing and they dealt with their past and they got back together. He stoped being a slob, he cooked for her, he read pregnancy books, he improved and so did she by recognizing him as a human being not a greater creature. They weren’t a couple during these four months but they are still married and it’s obviously they don’t even think about anyone else. It’s like they are together but they aren’t having sex or kissing and are sleeping at separated beds, they were taking baby steps.

I know people disliked this book but I like how crazy bosses they are for each other, of course I only like it because it’s fiction. I think the author did a nice job having them realizing their mistakes and truly changing, they did grow up a lot. He was a very devoted man and so was she, even with the getting aroused watching other people fucking bullshit I liked this book. I wanted more. The epilogue was not enough.

Also, her father is a piece of shit and so is her mother. Fuck that shit town!

A strange love story but I believe in their love, they are both all about each other and I love it. I really liked this book. I love a book without any ow/om drama, they are each other first and only everything.

“Jesus Christ, she’s beautiful. Nah, not beautiful. She’s stunning. Ethereal. An angel. A goddess.”

“Then, I can’t stop myself and I don’t want to. I slide down to my knees, cement hitting my bones, my palm still connected to where my daughter lies, inside my wife. Is there anything godlier than this? Is there anything more peaceful, more terrifying, more humbling than kneeling in front of the mother of your child?”
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Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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❤️Court - Villains Do It Better❤️ Okay ive been scared to read this but if you like it then hopefully i wont get too mad either haha

Becky Court, it was a strange book, I really don’t know why but I did liked them. It is not a health relationship, there are reviews saying this is a toxic and abusive relationship and I can’t pretend I don’t see it but I also don’t see it the same way these people do. Like I said, it’s fiction and I could get over it the toxicity. I don’t know if you will liked cause I don’t know if I really recommend it you know. But it is an interesting book IMO so if you ended up reading I’m curious about your thoughts

message 3: by Arena♡ (last edited Sep 29, 2020 09:13PM) (new)

Arena♡ Like @CourtRocks' I've been too scared to try it too. But hopefully, I'll end up enjoying it cause I have high hopes for it!

❤️Court - Villains Do It Better❤️ I normally like Saffron, and I'm totally fine with toxic relationships. The biggest problem i have is the whole porn thing, but I like how theyre only with each other. I'll have to read it soon

Becky My biggest issue. People had issues with them making porn, it was the reason for their biggest fight, but I only mentioned my pet peeves and it was mostly him watching other people fucking and being aroused with it while the heroine wasn’t sound the same because she didn’t even had access to a good cell or internet.

❤️Court - Villains Do It Better❤️ Ya I might be mad abt that too🤔 imma have to see to see how seriously I take it

Becky If you need more spoilers feel free to ask.

message 8: by Ceara (new)

Ceara This book is definitely Saffron’s safest book and really the only book of hers that has the least amount of triggers. But it’s also my least favourite. I just couldn’t get into it and I did hate the porn aspect. I used to have no problems with porn and guys getting turned on by watching naked women fuck but my views on porn have changed in the last couple years so now I hate it.

Becky Ceara the fact she also got turned on and later she also watched it alone made things more okay to me, but I didn’t like it. When it comes to the whole book I have to admit I like it, I like their family shit, their obsession... I also have a big problem with the porn industry but I choose to ignore it reading this book because I love a one and only lovers story

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Brilliant review. You saying that it wasn’t a healthy relationship but they worked through it together and that’s why the book worked for you? Hence the 4*?

Becky Lorraine not exactly, it worked for me because I consider it safe. I do believe they worked their issues, but toxic relationships without rape and cheating are not triggers for me although I really liked how the author make them both realize their mistakes and worked to be better. I super understand people who find their relation abusive, I can’t really deny it, but I don’t see it that way, it’s like that kind of relationships I find amusing to read about because they are obsessed about each other. I think the book worked because it’s safe, they are each other’s first and only everything, there is never ow/om drama, they never even consider other people and I love that. I also liked it because Abel worked hard to be better for her when he though he didn’t deserve her, he didn’t become a loser and gave up doing what’s best for her, he thinks of himself as undeserving at one point and he didn’t ask her to come back to him because of that, but at the same time he was there for her, he was providing for her when she couldn’t work, cooking... I really liked this book and i usually problematize every little thing reading a story but this one I just let myself go

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Rebeka wrote: "Lorraine not exactly, it worked for me because I consider it safe. I do believe they worked their issues, but toxic relationships without rape and cheating are not triggers for me although I really..."

I can understand that. Sometimes we just go with the flow because at the end of the day, it’s fictional (not real) but for that storyline, it works.

message 13: by Ceara (new)

Ceara I'm very curious to see what you think about Saffron's other books:
Dreams of 18, The Unrequited, Medicine Man & Bad Boy Blues. I really liked them, but they do all have virgin heroines except for The Unrequited. The h in that had sex only one time.

Becky I pretend to read her other books, but I have an issue because apparently she likes the heroine to be obsessed with the hero, I like it more when it’s the other way around or it was like this one where both are crazy about each other. I will never touch her new book the sister dipping second option one. But I will read the one you mention. Bad boys blue I will not read because she is a virgin and he is not and they know each other forever so I can’t take that. Medicine man is gonna be my next one from or or dreams of 18.
Do you like her books?

message 15: by Ceara (last edited Sep 30, 2020 05:36PM) (new)

Ceara Rebeka wrote: "I pretend to read her other books, but I have an issue because apparently she likes the heroine to be obsessed with the hero, I like it more when it’s the other way around or it was like this one w..."

I do love her books, but I should say I did read The Unrequited, Medicine Man and Bad Boy Blues over a year ago when I didn't mind virgin heroines. I try to avoid reading books with virgin heroines now unless the hero is a virgin too. She does make her heroines obsessed with the hero, and it usually bothers me but for some reason I don't mind too much in her books. I like jealous, possessive, faithful, obsessed heroes. I don't like it when the heroine does the chasing. I really loved the heroes in Medicine Man and Dreams of 18, and I didn't even care that the hero in Dreams of 18 wasn't celibate during the separation, and that is normally a huge trigger for me!

message 16: by fay (new) - added it

fay Did they publish the sex tape or it was only for them and of its was published, could he deleted it .
Great review rebeka

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