Mslvoe's Reviews > Taming the Scotsman

Taming the Scotsman by Kinley MacGregor
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really liked it
bookshelves: highlander, historical-romance, medieval, on-nook, scottish-highland

The saying "opposites attract" is definitely true in some sense.

She talked too much...
He's the quiet man...

Their differences make them seem like they would be a great couple. Yes, I would definitely say that opposites make better couples.

I found the story very entertaining and enjoyable to read. However, the ending make me confused. Did Kieran still alive or dead? Who's Pagan?

The mystery left me unsatisfied
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Reading Progress

July 8, 2012 – Started Reading
July 8, 2012 – Shelved
July 9, 2012 – Shelved as: highlander
July 9, 2012 – Shelved as: historical-romance
July 9, 2012 – Shelved as: medieval
July 9, 2012 – Shelved as: on-nook
July 9, 2012 – Shelved as: scottish-highland
July 10, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Linda How is this series it is one of those I keep putting at the back off to read list?

Mslvoe Hai Linda,

I've checked your list and you haven't try any of books from Kinley MacGregor. You have to try it dear!

Here the series : - MacAllisters/Brotherhood of the Sword
1. Master of Desire
2. Claiming the Highlander
3. Born in Sin
4. Taming the Scotsman
5. A Dark Champion
6. Return of the Warrior
7. The Warrior

I've read Book 1 till Book 3. Master of Desire & Born in Sin are in my Keeper. They're awesome!

Claiming the Highlander was a good story but it's doesn't feel spark for me. Read it and let me know your feedback :-)

Linda Thanks Nisha I am glad to hear awesome I will definately put on my to red list and add to my to purchase thanks for the line up Linda

Mslvoe It's a pleasure dear

ᑭᑌᑎƳᗩ [Punya Reviews...] Nisha, honey, are you going to continue with the series? Remember, The Warrior is Lochlan's book but it's interconnected with the two books in between. And Where's My Hero? has Simon's story, don't miss that one. :)

Mslvoe Yes, I am.

Where's My Hero? by Lisa Kleypas Simon's story - done.

Can I skip the others two to get Lochlan's story? or need to read in order?

message 7: by ᑭᑌᑎƳᗩ [Punya Reviews...] (last edited Jul 10, 2012 01:32AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

ᑭᑌᑎƳᗩ [Punya Reviews...] As you know, I'd say go for the both, especially A Dark Champion but upto you. Return of the Warrior was kind of so so read for me. lol You'll get to know the secrets of the Brotherhood in these books.

Mslvoe Will read in order to get my satisfaction :-)

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