Kristin (KC)'s Reviews > The Summer Garden

The Summer Garden by Paullina Simons
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bookshelves: historical-romance, epic-profound, powerful

My Tatiana and Alexander whirlwind has officially (and reluctantly), come to an end. I must admit to feeling slightly lost right now, and confess my emotional fatigue brought on by the tremendous heartache of this beautifully touching trilogy. 

The final installation to The Bronze Horseman was all that I had hoped it would be and more. At first- I was unsure where this book was headed; Alexander's character had changed dramatically due to the trials of war, and I was afraid the old "Shura" would never return. But my worries proved to be in vain as I watched Alexander and Tania slowly rebuild their lives together. 

Never before have I felt the kind of love and admiration as I have for these two characters, and in their ability to overcome the seemingly impossible. "The Summer Garden", although filled with its share of angst, provided much needed healing and offered the perfect, most lovely ending to a passionate journey that I am not likely to ever forget...

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
July 23, 2012 – Shelved
July 25, 2012 –
page 150
19.87% "Alexander is turning into quite the alpha-male in this one...he seems a bit harsh and war has taken its toll on him. Hopefully something like the old Shura resurfaces!"
July 28, 2012 –
page 580
76.82% "Less than 100 pages left now to this trilogy, and seems far from over. It's been quite an amazing journey..."
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: historical-romance
March 1, 2013 – Shelved as: epic-profound
October 6, 2013 – Shelved as: powerful

Comments Showing 1-28 of 28 (28 new)

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Natalie Wow, already?? I kinda figuered you needed a break from all the angst...)

Kristin (KC) Natalie wrote: "Wow, already?? I kinda figuered you needed a break from all the angst...)"

I really do, actually!! But I hate putting a series on hold bc I won't remember everything when I go back. I may read another book along with this to cheer me up!

Natalie you´re right. I wish I would have read all the books all at once too. But i had to wait lika a year for TSG. As for something light, maybe you should try something from sophie kinsella?

message 4: by Zuz (new) - rated it 4 stars

Zuz I almost hated alexander in this one :(

Kristin (KC) Zuz wrote: "I almost hated alexander in this one :("

I know, it's very upsetting! There are some moments of the old Alexander, but he's almost like a different character now...

Natalie just wait and see what he ALMOST will do, i bet you will hate him then!

Kristin (KC) Natalie wrote: "just wait and see what he ALMOST will do, i bet you will hate him then!"

Just when i think it cant get worse, Natalie tells me it will lol!!!...And you're right everytime! I don't think I could ever hate him after the first two books tho, but now I'm nervous as to where this is headed.

message 8: by Natalie (last edited Jul 28, 2012 03:33AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Natalie You don't really hate him hate him, but do hate him a little, and even tania a bit too, not much but a little. Where are you? this happens in the scond half of the book, if i remember right. Maybe 70%.....

Kristin (KC) Natalie wrote: "You don't really hate him hate him, but do hate him a little, and even tania a bit too, not much but a little. Where are you? this happens in the scond half of the book, if i remember r..."

Oh, it happened!! Seriously?? UGH!!

message 10: by Tom (new)

Tom You did it!!! Glad you enjoyed it.

Kristin (KC) Haha thanks! I feel like I've accomplished something and all I did was READ. Lol.

Karen Thank you for cheering me on!!! I'm on to Book 2!!! What an incredible love story!!!!

Kristin (KC) Karen wrote: "Thank you for cheering me on!!! I'm on to Book 2!!! What an incredible love story!!!!"

It really is, Karen! Hang in there when it gets tough bc it ends beautifully! :)

message 14: by Arlene (new)

Arlene I loved book one and two so much that I couldn't make myself read this last installment. I was told of some choices Shura made and I didn't want to shatter my image of him so I set this last book aside. Your review has me second guessing my decision. So glad you loved it!

Kristin (KC) Arlene wrote: "I loved book one and two so much that I couldn't make myself read this last installment. I was told of some choices Shura made and I didn't want to shatter my image of him so I set this last book a..."

Arlene-- I was definitely in denial while reading some of the things Alexander was doing. He came back a different person, but who wouldn't, after what he'd gone through? In a way, he was never the same again, nor was Tatiana. But the one thing that remained constant was their love for one another. It was a little hard to get through, but I'm glad I read the third... Especially bc of the beautiful ending! :)

message 16: by Arlene (new)

Arlene Okay, well that beautiful ending has me intrigued. This is one of my favorite fictional couples, so I guess I should complete their journey. :) Thank you for letting me know. :)

Kristin (KC) You're welcome. They are one of my favorite fic characters, as well! Hope you're not disappointed. Enjoy!

message 18: by Erin (new) - rated it 5 stars

Erin Coleman I am currently reading this book and I must say, my heart aches every time I start to read it. I long to read it, yet am affraid becauase of the pain I feel, as if I was in the story. One of the benefits to this story is in my own life I look at my husband again with renewed love and desire. He knows why, but isn't complaining :).

message 19: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Amazing review, hon.

Kristin (KC) Kristen (Peddler of Smut) wrote: "Amazing review, hon."

Thank you, Kristen! :) x

Kristin (KC) ♠ Sharon is an emotional book junkie ♠ wrote: "great review Kris!"

Thanks, Sharon! :)) <3

message 23: by Asia (new) - rated it 5 stars

Asia Jensen Just finished book 3. OMG, I don't know what to do with myself. I spent many long nights because I just couldn't put it down and now I feel so empty. I loved the whole series. One of the best books I have ever read. Apparently, plans for a movie are in the near future and I so can't wait.

message 24: by Misty (new) - added it

Misty Kinczkowski I was actually wishing Tatiana would just leave him already! It was so out of character! However, the ending was beautiful...I almost wish the entire Thanksgiving scene to the end was an epilogue at the end of Book 2.

Suzanna Maria I love all of your comments i am nearing the end and panicking. WHAT do you read after this ?

Natalie You read Outlander

Kristin (KC) Natalie--I haven't. You?

Natalie Yes, all eight books. They're the only ones who can compare to TBH

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