Matthew's Reviews > Camino Winds

Camino Winds by John Grisham
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bookshelves: 2021, mystery, audio, library

2.5 to 3 Stars

I am in the middle of the road on this one . . . it has the typical feel of a John Grisham novel, and I thought at first it might come in highly for me. But, something odd happened about 2/3 of the way through it . . .

The pros:

- Unique and intriguing plot/mystery: A mysterious death during a hurricane? Yes, please!

- Fun characters: I like all the people we meet on Camino Island. Most of them are quirky writer types with interesting backgrounds.

The (maybe) cons:

- Grisham and food: I have said in previous reviews that one of the biggest things I have always noticed with Grisham from the very first time I read him, he has to give detailed accounts of all the food and drinks consumed by his characters. This was very obvious in Camino Winds. I think the book would be about one fourth shorter if the food a drink mentions were removed. Maybe not really a con, but it just stands out as filler (and makes me hungry and thirsty)

- The rush job: This was the odd part for me that kind of soured the whole experience. Grisham spent a couple hundred pages developing this intricate mystery and setting up all the situations and characters with a precarious heightened intensity. Then, I guess he got a call from his publisher saying the book was due because suddenly it was several weeks later and everything that had been built up was summarized in a few pages and it moved on to the end game of the novel. I felt a bit cheated to have everything I have been getting into resolved with some Clif Notes. This happened to me last year with another book (Gwendy’s Magic Feather) and I was much harsher on that one – mainly because I don’t think the rush job led to a bad ending like it did with that one. But, still . . . let me know if you read this one and felt the same way – it just stood out so much that it was shocking! I was speechless! I checked to see if some part of the copy I had was missing!

A decent book if you like the Grisham formula. But, don’t be surprised if you are looking for the missing pages like I was.
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Reading Progress

January 19, 2021 – Started Reading
January 19, 2021 – Shelved
January 19, 2021 – Shelved as: 2021
January 19, 2021 – Shelved as: mystery
January 19, 2021 – Shelved as: audio
January 19, 2021 – Shelved as: library
January 19, 2021 –
0% "Hurricane"
January 20, 2021 –
0% "Deadly writings?"
January 21, 2021 –
0% "Off shore"
January 23, 2021 –
0% "Bad medicine"
January 23, 2021 –
0% "Whistleblower"
January 23, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 60 (60 new)

message 1: by Kerry (new)

Kerry Great review Matthew. I’m not a fan of a rush job it just feels like it lets the story down.

message 2: by Regina (new)

Regina Loved your review Matthew. I haven’t read a Grisham book in years and I can’t say this really makes me want to. 🤷‍♀️

Matthew Kerry wrote: "Great review Matthew. I’m not a fan of a rush job it just feels like it lets the story down."

Thanks, Kerry! This one was going great until the rush. Made no sense. Sure it would have been several pages longer, but it would have progressed more organically.

Matthew Regina wrote: "Loved your review Matthew. I haven’t read a Grisham book in years and I can’t say this really makes me want to. 🤷‍♀️"

Thanks, Regina! He does have some really good ones . . . but there is a formula and this is not the first one he gave the rush job. So, hit is hit or miss.

message 5: by Chris (new)

Chris Nice review!

Cody | CodysBookshelf I couldn’t totally connect with this one, which was a bummer because I quite loved CAMINO ISLAND.

Matthew Chris wrote: "Nice review!"

Thanks, Chris! :)

Matthew Cody | CodysBookshelf wrote: "I couldn’t totally connect with this one, which was a bummer because I quite loved CAMINO ISLAND."

Yes - I remembered enjoying Camino Island and it had some of the same flair at first. But, it just didn't come together in quite the same way. Sad! :(

Donna I so agree. I would flip back think i missed something wondering where the heck did the guy come from climbing into a tree with a rifle and then falls and breaks his neck. Really????

Matthew Donna wrote: "I so agree. I would flip back think i missed something wondering where the heck did the guy come from climbing into a tree with a rifle and then falls and breaks his neck. Really????"

Yeah - and it didn't get that way until partway through. I really felt like he suddenly just went, "Eh, I am done with this one, guess I will wrap it up quickly!"

message 11: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Vasgar I used to look forward to a Grisham novel, but his quality dropped about 10 years ago and this doesn’t sound like a return to form. What a shame.

Matthew Jonathan wrote: "I used to look forward to a Grisham novel, but his quality dropped about 10 years ago and this doesn’t sound like a return to form. What a shame."

There have been a few strong ones in the past 10 years, but it is unfortunately not something you can count on.

message 13: by Lesle (new)

Lesle That is a shame Matthew to hear. I have always been a huge Grisham fan and actually still am. I have not read any of his Theodore Boone series. Once in a while I feel like there was no real character building mostly with women. Some of his books do not end...more like they just stop. The Guardians from 2019 was a come back for me but I have to agree the last 7 or 8 years are mostly a miss, But I have not read either of the Camino novels.

Matthew Lesle wrote: "That is a shame Matthew to hear. I have always been a huge Grisham fan and actually still am. I have not read any of his Theodore Boone series. Once in a while I feel like there was no real charact..."

The first Camino book is pretty good. Another recent Grisham that I enjoyed was The Reckoning. But, it is tough going into Grisham anymore because of the tainted expectations.

message 15: by Mark (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mark Wyatt Agree about the shift in pace. I actually was liking this one more than the first Camino book because it was more of a throwback to the Pelican Brief shadowy organization feel. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped “showing” the story through dialogue and interactions, and went right to “telling” with whole pages of no dialogue at all. He even threw all of his most interesting characters out of town! Even if the gaps in time were realistic (I live on the Gulf Coat and understand the slow pace of hurricane recovery), I thought it really robbed the story of the ticking-clock intensity it had at first. I still enjoyed it, just thought it lacked something in the pacing department toward the end.

Matthew Mark wrote: "Agree about the shift in pace. I actually was liking this one more than the first Camino book because it was more of a throwback to the Pelican Brief shadowy organization feel. Then, all of a sudde..."

Definitely sounds like we were affected by the same issues here. I really wanted to love it and have it end strong, but *bam* brick wall! I still keep trying his books because, like you say, every so often he has one that harkens back to his early works and that is something I really enjoy.

message 17: by Jon (new)

Jon Gray Sad to say, this is my introduction to Grisham, and I found it extraordinarily ordinary. And I agree with your take entirely...

Matthew Jon wrote: "Sad to say, this is my introduction to Grisham, and I found it extraordinarily ordinary. And I agree with your take entirely..."

Ah, yes - sorry, Jon! Not the best introduction to Grishsm by a long shot! I am not sure what my recommendation would be. Maybe one of his early books perhaps.

Another Book Lady Kara Sandoval That’s exactly how I felt. He built up all these subplots, only to dissolve them relatively quickly. It felt rushed.

Matthew Kara wrote: "That’s exactly how I felt. He built up all these subplots, only to dissolve them relatively quickly. It felt rushed."

Sorry we had the same experience on this one, Kara! :)

I would have been totally fine with this book being a couple of hundred pages longer so he could have fleshed out more the parts he glossed over.

message 21: by Vivien (new)

Vivien Wessels His worst book by far. The last third of the book is confusing and rushed with the introduction of new characters ....?

message 22: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Wilbur I have this on my to be read list because I felt like Camino Island abruptly ended after a big build up ...I was thinking the parts missing may make more sense in the sequel..looks like it isn’t going to be the case ..Maybe I will skip it..

Matthew Vivien wrote: "His worst book by far. The last third of the book is confusing and rushed with the introduction of new characters ....?"

For me - I am not sure it was his worst, but it certainly ended up being not one of my favorites. So, I can easily see it being the worst for you!

message 24: by Tony (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tony Matthew, I totally agree! I LOVED Camino Island and thought the premise for this one was good. But I was really disappointed in how bizarrely quick the mystery was solved. I also thought that Bruce lost a bit of his "quirkyness" in this one compared to Camino Island.

Matthew Barbara wrote: "I have this on my to be read list because I felt like Camino Island abruptly ended after a big build up ...I was thinking the parts missing may make more sense in the sequel..looks like it isn’t go..."

Yes, I think the connections to Camino Island are very slight - mainly some of the same characters and settings. And, since it looks like it is not just me who thinks the mystery was hastily resolved, skipping it may not be a bad idea!

Sarah McClelland Agreed. Well written.

Matthew Sarah wrote: "Agreed. Well written."


Margaret Fast Agreed.

Matthew Margaret wrote: "Agreed."

Great minds! :D

Penny The whole thing was just not like his usual style. It is like he was copying Stuart Wood of all, drinking, people moving all over the map, sex, blah, blah, blah. I’m giving a two.

Matthew Penny wrote: "The whole thing was just not like his usual style. It is like he was copying Stuart Wood of all, drinking, people moving all over the map, sex, blah, blah, blah. I’m giving a two."

Yup - 100% agree! Sorry we had a similar experience and I hope your next one (and his next one) is better!

message 32: by Suzanne (new) - added it

Suzanne So Happy to read your review, Matthew!! Wondered if I was the only one who felt that way—novel started strong and just began to dissolve like you mentioned about 1/2 to 2/3 way point. I like what you said about the publisher must have called!! LOL!!
Really liked Camino Island and so disappointed this one had several mentions of Bruce being “bored” …?!? And chuckled at your mention of food and drink descriptions…enjoyed the food, but enough already with itemizing each round of drinks!!
Thanks for sharing!

Matthew Suzanne wrote: "So Happy to read your review, Matthew!! Wondered if I was the only one who felt that way—novel started strong and just began to dissolve like you mentioned about 1/2 to 2/3 way point. I like what y..."

No problem, Suzanne! 🙂. Glad to hear feedback like this so I know it is not just me!

D'Arcy Marshall Agreed. I thought that I had missed a few chapters and reread a few pages to confirm. 2/3 a good story and well developed. Then “The End.”

Matthew D'Arcy wrote: "Agreed. I thought that I had missed a few chapters and reread a few pages to confirm. 2/3 a good story and well developed. Then “The End.”"

Yup - I thought I hadn't downloaded at least one part of the audiobook!

message 36: by Mike (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mike Klein I felt the same way about the rushed ending. Made me drop my review from 4 to 3 stars. I was hoping for some twists too, and I didn't really feel he had any big ones.

Matthew Mike wrote: "I felt the same way about the rushed ending. Made me drop my review from 4 to 3 stars. I was hoping for some twists too, and I didn't really feel he had any big ones."

It is really too bad because it really felt like it had a lot going for it until the rush.

Jo Ann Bigelow I agree, i felt while I was reading there were many situations that were being set up to be a “twist” but in the end it all fell together in a neat little package without any surprises. A bit disappointing.

Matthew Jo Ann Bigelow wrote: "I agree, i felt while I was reading there were many situations that were being set up to be a “twist” but in the end it all fell together in a neat little package without any surprises. A bit disap..."

Yes - some great setups just to be let down. Still kind of baffling!

Matthew Jane wrote: "I agree so much Matthew, that I went back and reread from about the middle of the book, to see if I missed something when I was reading. When I read the first book in this series, I didn't notice t..."

I did just read his new one based on basketball and it is very good! So, he still has some good stuff coming out! I will keep reading but know I will likely find some bumps in the road like this one.

Kathie Kelly Right on point, Matthew. Especially the paragraph about the wrap-up being a rush job. I just expressed the same sentiment about this book to a friend the other day.

I listened to it in audio form and thought I had accidentally fast- forwarded a couple of chapters, so rewound it only to discover he was neatly packaging the ending for us without letting us in on any of the details of how he had arrived at these points. Considering the first half of the book dragged on ad nauseum while he painstakingly laid out every possible nuance of his multiple characters, I felt that he could have given us the courtesy of laying out the roadmap as to how we arrived so quickly and unexpectedly at the beginning of the end!

In my mind, Grisham has become the new Danielle Steel or Sandra Brown ... Churn out a formulaic book your fans will buy just because your name is on it, but don't worry if it's anywhere near the quality of book you used to write.

Will be a long time before I pick up another Grisham book.

Matthew Kathie wrote: "Right on point, Matthew. Especially the paragraph about the wrap-up being a rush job. I just expressed the same sentiment about this book to a friend the other day.

I listened to it in audio form..."

Sorry your experience was like mine, Kathie!

I did try out his new book, Sooley, and it was much better. But, you would have to like basketball to get into it.

message 43: by Robin (new) - rated it 1 star

Robin Weiss Very disappointing Grisham. Formulaic writing. I knew it from page one. I rate it a harsh 1.5. Don’t bother reading it.

Matthew Robin wrote: "Very disappointing Grisham. Formulaic writing. I knew it from page one. I rate it a harsh 1.5. Don’t bother reading it."

Yup - pretty sad!

message 45: by Cory (new) - rated it 5 stars

Cory St. Esprit I felt the same way - this wrapped up rather quickly for my taste.

Matthew Cory wrote: "I felt the same way - this wrapped up rather quickly for my taste."

Sorry you felt the same on that front, but glad to see it appears you enjoyed it more than I did overall!

Keise Seg The novel wasn't bad enough for me to stop reading part way but I'm regretting picking this one up because it's pretty underwhelming. A whole bunch of characters are included that I don't think are necessary which I'm guessing are from the previous title in the series. The plot summary is admittedly compelling but after it unfolds in the story I don't think it's that great really. I'll try this author again, the Guardians was the reason I gave this book a try and I know there is bound to be something similar and to my liking from the author.

Matthew Keise wrote: "The novel wasn't bad enough for me to stop reading part way but I'm regretting picking this one up because it's pretty underwhelming. A whole bunch of characters are included that I don't think are..."

Sorry your experience was similar to mine, Keise. Yes, keep giving Grisham a try - he has some great ones out there!

message 49: by Tom (new) - rated it 2 stars

Tom Kell Matthew, thank you for your spot-on review. I also felt like the ending was rushed and anticlimactic.

message 50: by Kathy Gall (new) - added it

Kathy Gall hbu

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