Deacon Tom F's Reviews > The Bean Trees

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
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's review

it was amazing

Barbara Kingsolver’s novel, “The Bean Trees” is fun read. Kingsolver is a superb storyteller. The characters are unique and descriptions make. The story comes alive.

It's the story of Marietta a strong young woman from Kentucky who throws everything aside and begins a life changing journey--she just drives. It's a saga of uncertainty that keeps you wondering what’s next.

Changes begin: 1) a new name of Taylor. 2) a Cherokee woman leaves a baby in Taylor’s car -- she names her Turtle. 3) she meets Lou Ann Ruiz. Now the craziness begins.

Kingslayer embraces many issues I imagine would be encountered in a freewheeling life style. Just to name a few: illegal immigration, rape, child protective services problems and divorce.

I really enjoyed this book. It's a great tale it also reminded me of people I knew and encountered in my early 20's.

I highly recommend!
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March 6, 2021 – Started Reading
March 6, 2021 – Shelved
March 8, 2021 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Jonas (new)

Jonas Great review Tom! I completely agree. I think you’ll like the sequel, Pigs in Heaven, just as much.

Deacon Tom F Jonas...... thanks

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