Jan's Reviews > I, Eliza Hamilton

I, Eliza Hamilton by Susan Holloway Scott
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really liked it
bookshelves: american, american-revolution, from-library, 18th-century, real-people, lawyer, politics, military, clean

A fictionalised account of the lives of Eliza and Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, one of America's Founding Fathers, is a fascinating figure. Sadly he met his ignominious end when only in his forties. Eliza on the other hand lived into her nineties, dying not long before the start of the Civil War. What she saw in her lifetime is quite extraordinary.

This author is respected for the research she does when writing her historical fictions. Knowing almost nothing about the Hamiltons before reading this book (I'm Australian) I am left with the impression of an honourable, brilliant and complicated man - a workaholic who was passionately dedicated to the country he helped to found. A war hero, and also a loving family man. Through Eliza's eyes, we see a man who believes in the truth at (almost) all costs, and a man with a low tolerance for BS or lies. As a consequence, clearly he made many enemies during those tumultuous political times.

This is quite a long book with a high level of detail about the Hamiltons' lives with its ups and downs. It was a fairly slow read for me as a consequence. At first I found it a little hard to connect with the character of Eliza. She did not seem to be a good match for the brilliant and charismatic young Hamilton. But it seems they genuinely loved each other, and as the book proceeded, Eliza's faithfulness and constant support of Alexander made her more likeable. The times were eventful and fascinating, and the characters so interesting that the book maintained my interest to the end.

This is the second book I have enjoyed by this writer, and I will probably read more.
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Reading Progress

March 16, 2021 – Shelved
March 16, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
April 10, 2021 – Started Reading
April 10, 2021 –
page 10
1.32% "I'm starling this today. Got a large print hard copy from the library. Nice and easy on the eyes. I know almost nothing about Alexander or Elizabeth Hamilton so I'm intrigued as to where this will go. I haven't seen the musical, BTW."
April 11, 2021 –
page 111
April 16, 2021 –
page 232
April 19, 2021 –
page 311
April 23, 2021 –
page 399
April 27, 2021 –
page 511
67.5% "70% through. It's a long book and a little slow-moving, but I'm still enjoying it. We've just had the first ever Inaugural Ball after the first president Washington's inauguration."
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: american
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: american-revolution
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: from-library
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: 18th-century
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: real-people
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: lawyer
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: politics
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: military
May 1, 2021 – Shelved as: clean
May 1, 2021 – Finished Reading

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